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Comment Feed:


13 November 2006

I would appreciate some advice on how to redeem myself.
So, after getting a MeatFilter timeout from Matt related to textbombing, I went and got another timeout, only a few days after getting reinstated.

I guess my problem is, I didn't really understand until after the fact what was the naughty thing I had done for the second timeout.

It turns out I had "googlebombed" the name of a law firm, and then by doing it again in the Metatalk thread about it, I guess Matt got pushed over the edge.

Thing is, I was just aping the style of the original poster, which seemed really silly. Only after the actual timeout, when I saw matt's comment, did I realise "Oh, shit, yeah I guess that could be problematic."

So, I went and signed up a new account, but really want to be just normal Meatbomb again. And given that I had already just recently apologized to Matt and promised I wouldn't poop in his site, I can't think of anything to say that wouldn't sound insincere and unconvincing to him.

Can anyone give me some helpful advice? Thanks in advance.
posted by Meatbomb 13 November | 00:13
Bottle of red wine and a foot massage?
posted by arse_hat 13 November | 00:23
Er, well, apologizing to Matt couldn't hurt.
posted by me3dia 13 November | 00:31
You should have no trouble redeeming yourself if it isn't past your expiration date.
posted by mischief 13 November | 00:38
me3dia, see my 2nd to last paragraph re. my problem about another apology. If it seemed as easy as that i would just do it.
posted by Meatbomb 13 November | 00:39
It is as easy as that. You fucked up, you see the error of your ways. Tell Matt so in a conciliatory fashion and he will hopefully be reasonable.
posted by me3dia 13 November | 00:44
He'll let you back... but you might want to give him some more time. And when you go back, just try to keep this in mind: every time someone decides to act up to impress the other kids he or Jess has to go through this process:

become aware of the problem either via flags, metatalk, IM, or email - and sometimes all at once.

Then they have to go to the thread, digest the content and evaluate the situation to decide whether to delete/edit/leave it be.

Usually they have to respond to complaints in some manner, often in-thread, plus metatalk and/or IM, email.

Now multiply that times all the people who want to grab a little attention for themselves, and you've got a buttload of irritation. And lot of time spent in an unpleasant, and essentially non-productive way. Like cleaning the toilet, it has to be done but when people keep shitting all over the seat, you're going to want to take their bathroom key away.

So yeah... when you make him go through that process more than once in a relatively short period of time, you're likely to get more than the usual mild handslap. So let the memory of meatbomb fade just a little longer, then contact him again, explain, apologize and promise. And then do better.
posted by taz 13 November | 00:55
The only time i've seen people get their handles restored is when there has been a public drive for support for it in MeTa, and i think that was only quonsar and i think keswick(?) but then i haven't really been paying attention.

People get ignored or "fall through the cracks."
People told me not to send more than one email.
i was told to pay and get a new name, i got booted for asking a question in MeTa. That was never explained, although i waited and made a modest direct inquiry that was never addressed, even though it was suggested i could get my money back.

and that was that.

Being a member made it easier to use but i rarely do more than cruise it on brief occasion anymore anyway.

i had mailed jess before and didn't want to or see the help in bothering her again.
You already have a new account, so that's about it.
posted by ethylene 13 November | 00:56
Can I ask a potentially stupid question? Well, another one?

Why are you so married to the nick, Meatbomb? Why not go with Meatbomb II? Or some permutation that's close, like Meatboom, Metabomb, Meatbam, Meatgrenade, Meat.Bomb, MeatoBomb?
posted by fenriq 13 November | 01:12
fenriq: I would like to maintain the continuity of my presence / membership. I have a long list of contacts, etc. Being "Brave New Meatbomb" just reminds me that I used to be something else. OK, in the greater scheme of things it's not a big deal, but I'd just like to continue being me, know what I mean?
posted by Meatbomb 13 November | 01:37
I feel like I've lost a brother.
posted by mullacc 13 November | 02:18
Although Matt has never kicked me out (that I know about, anyway), I emailed him long ago that he could delete at will anything I wrote, and that he didn't even have to waste his time reading it.

Something for you to consider. ;-P
posted by mischief 13 November | 04:24
I can't think of anything to say that wouldn't sound insincere and unconvincing to him.

dude. he's reinstated me repeatedly.
posted by quonsar 13 November | 07:31
Dude, meatbomb, I think maybe you should back away from the computer a little bit. Take a break from posting on MetaFilter and MetaTalk, and maybe even AskMetafilter. The trick is to give Matt a little time, make him think, "Meatbomb's antics were charming and counter-culture" rather than remember that, "Meatbomb's antics were annoying and pissed a lot of people off." If you're username is "Brave New Meatbomb," and he sees you around all the time, he's gonna be less likely to give you your old name back, since you already, you know, have a name.

Matt doesn't want to be "the bad cop," so he generally follows a) majority opinion, and b) his gut.
posted by muddgirl 13 November | 08:45
Ego death is no picnic. It's all fun and games until someone loses an I.

Sorry about your identity, dude. Hey, here's an idea: e-mail him the link to this thread at the bottom of a well-thought out apology. Explain how you didn't know what you were doing was a problem but now see it, and how it's just a coincidence it came so close on the heels of the text-bombing and was in no way meant to be a pattern of abuse.
posted by Eideteker 13 November | 09:28
I strongly suggest standing outside of his house with a gigantic boombox held over your head playing "your song" on it.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 13 November | 09:50
Lipstick Thespian nailed it, Matt's a softy at heart and if you play "Come on Feel the Noiz" by Quiet Riot, he's sure to melt.

And I do understand your desire to stay as Meatbomb. I think the best thing to do would be to let sleeping dogs lie for a little bit. Lurk but don't comment as your new persona because he would be alot less likely to reinstate you if you were active with the new nick, as noted above.

quonsar, you are a special case with an awful lot of deeply misguided champions on the blue. I keed because I like you.
posted by fenriq 13 November | 10:29
Ego death is no picnic. It's all fun and games until someone loses an I.
I think this is the funniest thing I've read in a while.
posted by scrump 13 November | 12:55
Write him an email, apologizing for what you did and explaining what exactly went wrong. Yes, it will hurt, but if it's any consolation, then it will only hurt you. Then voluntarily propose to spend some more time in the time-out corner before he reinstates you, so that he would see that you understand that what you did was wrong and are willing to pay the price. Or something.
posted by Daniel Charms 13 November | 13:34
Why do you think I wound up being Konolia over there?

In my case the fresh name worked to my benefit-once people figured out who I really was they had already gotten used to me and I left the bunnyfire baggage behind.

That being said- I would love, love, love it if Matt would give me back Bunnyfire at Mefi. So let me know if you are successful.
posted by bunnyfire 13 November | 14:39
Look at it as one of the many injustices you are sure to face in your life. There is no rhyme or reason, it is simply absurd circumstance. You have nothing to redeem, except your time spent in concentration and the energy expended by keeping abreast with such motivations. Up, up and away, my child.
posted by appidydafoo 13 November | 17:12
So, I went and signed up a new account, but really want to be just normal Meatbomb again. And given that I had already just recently apologized to Matt and promised I wouldn't poop in his site, I can't think of anything to say that wouldn't sound insincere and unconvincing to him.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you the person who posted Ask Metafilter questions about marrying a Hindu woman and starting a cult? Oh, and then there was the one with the racist jokes, and the one with the swastika knuckle tattoo. You've been the subject of at least a few callouts, and maybe some previous timeouts--some kind of posting-while-intoxicated thing? And more recently, apparently, you've gotten banned twice in a matter of days.

When you say you want to go back to being normal Meatbomb, are these the kinds of things you're talking about? Because frankly, from where I'm standing, it looks like pooping in Metafilter is what normal Meatbomb does. And with this in mind, it's not hard to see how your apology might seem insincere or unconvincing.
posted by box 13 November | 19:22
Am I the only person who hadn't heard of the Simpsons movie until today? || I really love this band.