I've been involved in a local media stink the last few days. A meeting that I helped organise about civil liberties caused a furore that was lead story in the local papers the last few days, and I was on Northern Scottish news about it. What I've learned:
1) I look good in 3/4 profile.
2) If you are planning a high-profile event, budget time in the days following the event to deal with the repercussions.
3) The night after the event, get some sleep (don't go out partying) because the next day you will need your brain.
4) Some people talk out of both sides of their mouths. Others rise to the occasion and bring the awesome!
5) Proper politics require a great deal of concentrated effort and thought.
6) When you are speaking to the press, have a friend there who can tell you what idiotic things you have just said.
7) Exhaustion aggravates anxiety and depression symptoms, hence yesterday's post. Thanks for your kindness, bunnies!
8) After all the resounding success of the event and the rapid developments of the past few days, the nicest thing to come out of it all was a few kind words from one of my favourite bloggers, and congratulatory texts from friends.