Cherished posessions I'm not talking about people we all know that we have special folks in our lives. Let me tell you a story...
Years ago, as a child, I used to visit my mother's parents in the beautiful state of Maine every year. Every visit, I would spend time with a family geneology book, compiled in 1895 by one of my grandmother's relatives. It visited the family tree back to the 1600's (although the line has a few question marks as to names at this point, especially wives names). I even hand copied the "pedigree" on a poster board so I could have it at home. Upon my grandmother's death, while the family descended to "help" my grandfather clear out some of her things, the book could not be found.
Bad feelings ensued, with one of my aunts as the likely culprit, but the matter was dropped. Of course, she didn't seem any more innocent years later after my grandfather passed on, when she stole one of her sister's inheritances (all the family photos and paintings, from the 1800's through modern times). Imagine my shock, when a year later, another aunt (my mom was one of five girls and one boy) casually asked me if I'd like the family history book!!!!! A couple of my aunts and my uncle had traveled to Canada to scatter my grandparents ashes, and had visited her sister, who had the book in question!! It seems that some time before her demise, my grandmother had it sent to her sister, who then thoughtfully asked if I might like it. It is the most precious possession I have, along with my grandfather's thesis for his PHD, typed up by my grandmother and bound like a book. I couldn't believe it was given to me!!!!!
So I'm asking you all to share anything that means a lot to you, no matter how small an item. Please share your stories.