At this very moment, Me & Pips are watching
The Big Lebowski for the 975th time. We've decided that we have the neccessary personell to cast an all-Mecha version of this cinematic masterpiece.
our cast is as follows:
The Dude: jonmc
Walter: Divine Wino
Donnie: jason's_planet
Smokey: Zach Replica
The Big Lebowski: BoringPostcards
Jesus Quintana: quonsar
Maude Lebowski: occhiblu
Jackie Treehorn: joe famous
Bunny Lebowski: orange swan
Karl Hungus: item
Brandt: moonbird
Nihilists: dobbs, OmieWise, dg
The Stranger: hugh janus
Knox Harrington: Lipstick Thespian
Larry Sellers: sasshat
Delfino: mischief
Gary the bartender: Tennesee Sam
Bowling Alley Dream Sequence Dancing Girls: Miko, essexjan, gaspode, trishalynn
doctor: ikkyu2
cops: taz, seanyboy
toeless nihilist girl: pips
feel free to amend and change.
*sips caucasian*