I left my heart (and housekeys, grr) in San Francisco To all those who came to Zeitgeist on Sunday, thankyou.
As you would probably have realised I wasn't on best form at the beginning, but the Poppy Whatsit sorted that out. It was great to meet all of you. 'Pupps, the cilantro, I believe, is probably still sitting in Tangerine's (phenomenal Zen motorist) car. It was a lovely gift. Small_ruminant, Tangerine, Occhiblu, Triode + Jenny(?) and, eventually :), ikkuu2, it was great to meet all of you.
Fris gets my special shoutout for being a spectactular host and friend on many days and nights around the city.
I will be coming back soon.
← Swamp Thing costume ||
Yesterday I stood →