So: how'd YOUR day start? →[More:] I leave the house early and get almost to campus by quarter to seven. As I pedal up to the intersection, I notice traffic's stopping and swerving around... two CHICKENS. One had unfortunately been run over, but the other was still standing in the road. Light turns green, I approach the survivor, hoping to drive it to the field across the street. It runs under a bus (fortunately stopped at the time). Dismount bike, wade into traffic, try to corral bird. Every time I get it near the curb on the safe side, it runs back across the road. Ten more minutes of this (with assorted stops under cars, trucks, and buses) it finally decides that the wide open field isn't so bad.
Don't know which was better - the number of angry yelling drivers (yeah, me with the bike helmet and backpack and blinking light on the bike, that's MY chicken) or the half-dozen or so slack-jawed droolers watching my bit of theatre (I shoulda passed the hat).
Greetings from Edmonton.