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Comment Feed:


06 September 2006

So: how'd YOUR day start? [More:] I leave the house early and get almost to campus by quarter to seven. As I pedal up to the intersection, I notice traffic's stopping and swerving around... two CHICKENS. One had unfortunately been run over, but the other was still standing in the road. Light turns green, I approach the survivor, hoping to drive it to the field across the street. It runs under a bus (fortunately stopped at the time). Dismount bike, wade into traffic, try to corral bird. Every time I get it near the curb on the safe side, it runs back across the road. Ten more minutes of this (with assorted stops under cars, trucks, and buses) it finally decides that the wide open field isn't so bad.

Don't know which was better - the number of angry yelling drivers (yeah, me with the bike helmet and backpack and blinking light on the bike, that's MY chicken) or the half-dozen or so slack-jawed droolers watching my bit of theatre (I shoulda passed the hat).

Greetings from Edmonton.
I woke up early to the sound of pips' printer, padded down the hallway in the altogether, had a smoke on the throne while the shower water got hot, took a shower, did my hair, shaved, brushed my teeth, got dressed and got on the subway.

It was quite stirring.

Greetings backatcha from New York.
posted by jonmc 06 September | 08:42
jonmc wins.
posted by hangashore 06 September | 08:44
it started too early.

posted by gaspode 06 September | 08:45

So, tell us, hangashore, why did the chicken cross the road?
posted by taz 06 September | 08:57
mine has been lousy. almost no one's coming to the toronto meetup and i'm afraid it's because i asked for a couch to sleep on.

...took a shower, did my hair, shaved, brushed my teeth, got dressed...

whoa, i envy you. i usually roll out of bed, put on a clean shirt, feed the birds (outside) and head to work late.
posted by shane 06 September | 09:08
shane, my man, did you think I was this good-looking by accident. the jonmc look takes work.
posted by jonmc 06 September | 09:09
...took a shower...

whoa, i envy you...

...and that's why nobody wants you sleeping on thier couch.
posted by quonsar 06 September | 09:20
I think the question would be better phrased as "Why did the chicken zigzag all over the road, almost getting itself and some bike dork killed in the process?" I guess the answer is, "Because it's so goddamn STUPID." (Chicken or bike dork, take yer pick.)

Lest you think this took place out on the bald prairie somewhere, we're pretty much just south of the centre of town. Not a place where you'd often find free-range chickens. Poor thing kept wanting to go to the east side of the road by the office/apartment towers, and I was trying to get it over to the field to the west.

On the upside, I did see three of our campus bunnies as I got closer to my building. Poor little buggers - 35,000 students back in class today. Hope they've got their hiding spots well staked out.
posted by hangashore 06 September | 09:20
I should know better than to shit where I eat.
posted by getoffmylawn 06 September | 09:45
Oh, and the definitive list of why the chicken crossed the road.
posted by getoffmylawn 06 September | 09:47
I woke up with a raging hangover and a twitching eye.

Now I'm still stumbling around all i need more sleep ugh and I can just tell it's gonna be one of those days. Fuckin' beer, man. Fuckin' beer.
posted by cmonkey 06 September | 10:29
Woke up, got b-fast from my smiling providers at the deli, read some Grant, dropped off laundry, applied for and received a Queens library card, sat down, and here I am.
posted by Hugh Janus 06 September | 10:41
It's a work-from-home day for me, so I had a leisurely wake-up, coffee and porridge at the computer and then knuckled down to some work. Took a break mid-afternoon to go to the supermarket, back to work, then stopped for 'Countdown' at 3.30.

I wish I'd seen a chicken trying to cross the road though.
posted by essexjan 06 September | 10:48
I woke up still mad and hurt at my friends who screwed up picking me up at the airport late last night.
posted by Specklet 06 September | 10:59
Well, if it helps, I love you, Specklet. And if that doesn't help, might I recommend a dreamsicle (1 part milk, 1 part OJ, 1 part Licor 43, ice; blend, serve)? They taste just like Orange Juliuses. Maybe there's something else in there, or the proportions are wrong, so you might wanna look it up. But damn, they're tasty.

Hugs and kisses and don't be mad, your friends are probably really cool.
posted by Hugh Janus 06 September | 11:07
Mildly, idly, slowly, sleepily. I'm now getting started -- this excellent vacation experience allows lovely, oceanic tranquillity.
posted by Miko 06 September | 11:36
Thanks Hugh. *sniff*
posted by Specklet 06 September | 11:45
I slept in, slightly, then woke up, more refreshed than usual, to the sound of The Diane Rehm Show (did you know that, rather than being a hundred years old as one might think, she's got some kind of medical problem?). I took a long invigorating shower, using the aloe Dial antibacterial soap mixed with the eucalyptus Dr. Bronner's (also used a caffeinated facial scrub, a bit of jojoba oil and some Herban Cowboy deodorant, which is probably the flamingest mens deodorant ever made). Made a cup of tea (green, w/mint) and queued up some Tommy McCook (Jamaican jazz/reggae, kinda) while I found some business-casual clothing (navy button-down shirt, light brown cargo pants), then made a sandwich (spinach, smoked turkey and havarti in a jalapeno wrap, with spicy mustard). Ate the sandwich, drank the tea, listened to some music, watered some plants, looked at my Bloglines page for a few minutes. Then, later, I hopped in the ride, and, later yet, arrived at work.

But enough about me--Specklet, what happened?
posted by box 06 September | 11:59
Got home late last night after hanging art at the mountain state fair. Got up early, got son fed & dressed & out door to school bus, uploaded pictures to flickr from night at fair, then went BACK to the fair to judge the art I hung last night. It's like karmically perfect: I'm doing all this volunteer work which is good karma yet meanwhile I get to say mean snarky and funny things about the truly horrendously terrible art that people enter in the fair, which is bad karma, but that's cancelled out by the fact that I'm there at all, so it's no karma, which is perfect!

And actually I really enjoy it and there's something very sweet and hopeful about these people and their art and the fact that they are proud enough of it to get it framed and take it down to enter in the fair amongst the pickles and the chickens and the llamas and the kids' diorama contest and the man with the live bees. So when I go back to judge it I always try to give ribbons to the ones I feel demonstrate honest ineptitude and not to the ones who are copying off a painting show on PBS and who can afford the big fancy frames and triple mats. Although if it's a royal pain to hang I don't care how sweet it is, you get points off.

Now I'm at work eating bread and cheese.
posted by mygothlaundry 06 September | 12:53
mgl: this is fantastic.
posted by gaspode 06 September | 13:24
I woke up at 6:45 like every morning. Showered like every morning. Surfed around on The Tubes like every morning. Got dressed. Drove to work. But NO COFFEE because our assistant is out for the week, and I'm too inept to make it on my own! (I feel really lame about it, too).
posted by muddgirl 06 September | 17:04
Woke at 5, showered, dressed, walked the dog, fed the hummingbirds, parceled out the lunches to the kids (first day back at school!!!Yay!!!)
Drove to work, and ran like a maniac until it was time to go home. Get home, gripe at the kids for not taking out the garbage or replacing the paper towels, make dinner, walk the dog, fill out forms for all four kids, and look forward to conneting with all of you!
posted by redvixen 06 September | 19:12
Bump the Toronto Meetup this Saturday. || HAPPY BIRTHDAY GASPODE!!!