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Comment Feed:


31 July 2006

does anyone still follow it seems interest has dropped off rapidly.
Is this something I need a fish in my pants to have heard of?
posted by mullacc 31 July | 22:24
I imagined that people had a lot of stuff they'd pull out of drawers and such the first few days/weeks, and then after that it might not be as busy.

Mainly the flash player is annoying because I literally can't do anything but sit on the thread screen listening. I cna't even scroll. So while it's convenient in one sense it isn't convenient in another. Basically, I have to say "I'm gonna spend 30 minutes on MuMe".
posted by stilicho 31 July | 22:52
I haven't actually listened to any music from there. Not sure why, I just haven't been that motivated to listen to music for about a year.
posted by puke & cry 31 July | 23:11
I burned out on it pretty quick. the first few days I was commenting, constructing play lists, etc. but I only make music that sounds like cats fucking, so I choose not to contribute. I check back once in a while, and I keep up on my favorite music submitters via their profiles. I also don't have a handle on this whizbang rss technology--what's its functionality re Music? anyway, as much faith as I have in MeFites' creative abilities, my instinct whenever I see a pile of music is to assume that 98% of it is crap.
posted by comments on the world as will 31 July | 23:18
(crap to me that is, YMMV, to each their own, whatever floats your boat, and so on, etc.)
posted by comments on the world as will 31 July | 23:19
I just got a huge DVD of mp3s I've been listening to, so HiFi has fallen by the wayside. I think about it once a day, but never at the right time to tune in.
posted by Eideteker 01 August | 00:13
I still listen to everything that gets posted there, but the quality seems spottier than it did in the first wek or so.
posted by jessamyn 01 August | 06:07
It's come down to an interface problem, for me. If I could playlist all the tracks from a day, then maybe I'd listen to them when I came home from work, but as it is it's too annoying to scroll about and pick the wheat from the chaff... (something similar could be said about the Blue, now that I think about it...)
posted by muddgirl 01 August | 07:20
What jessamyn said about the quality. I went to MetaMusic a few nights ago looking for tunes to download/add to my playlists and couldn't really find anything that grabbed my fancy. Personally I wish there were more goofy/fun tracks... more Colonel Saunders samples! More Scooby Doo beatboxing! More drunken ramblings! C'mon, MetaMusic, bring The Absurdity!
posted by Fuzzy Monster 01 August | 07:45
I've listened to every song.
posted by sciurus 01 August | 08:01
I think there's some truly excellent stuff on there, and as my taste gets more indie I'm actually starting to prefer and look for this sort of outlet. But the interface is terribly awkward, and it always makes my browser hang interminably. I think it's like Projects -- it'll settle into a groove and get its own followers, and everyone else will stop using it. Also, it really should be called HiFi.
posted by Miko 01 August | 08:53
I have very un-indie tastes so I've never listened to any of it.
posted by JanetLand 01 August | 09:50
i got kinda pissed when no one cared about my post. All the attention seems to go to stuff I've heard a million times before. Bor-ing. Yeah, write another jangly rock song. The interesting stuff seems to be getting so few and far between. Of course I'm exaggerating, because there was some stuff that I thought was pretty cool that first week or so.

Also, I'm a whiny bitch.
posted by Hellbient 01 August | 11:27
the streaming has never worked for me. and firefox gags to a molasses-like speed on the front page. but if i click the download link on the thread page the tune will open in the mplayer plugin for me. (i'm on linux)

i really only posted this (the link goes to my mp3, not to mufi) because my last mufi upload was roundly ignored by all but madamjujujive, and i think it's quite good. but i'm biased. i also have zero interest in the samples, mic-in, noise loops etc which seem so popular these days. i wish those kids would get off my lawn.
posted by quonsar 01 August | 16:34
quonz - that's some pretty twerped out specialized shit (that's a good thing). I guess, for that reason, I can see why no one commented on it. I wouldn't even want praise, just feedback would be helpful. The title makes perfect sense, btw.

I guess we just keep on keeping on, and hope that someone with equal dorky taste hears it at some point. Music promotion is the worst part of making music. The internet seems a perfect answer, but it's just saturated. Surely you have a MySpace page? Also, what are you using for your beats/percussion?
posted by Hellbient 02 August | 12:42
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