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23 July 2006
Dear Kevin Smith: I just saw Clerks II.
And I can now forgive you for Jersey Girl.
I don't know... I hear that it's getting good reviews, but I'm afraid. Clerks was a pretty perfect film. I don't see any reason to make a sequel, especially after (looks at IMDB) 12 years.
So it's good? Like, honest to god good? Is it faithful to the original? Does it employ the same techniques, or is it more along the lines of Dogma?
Well, it's two hours of dick and fuck jokes, with pop culture refrences thrown in for flavor. I don't think that would ever get a good review. But, it's what makes Kevin Smith great.
It wasn't as good as the first Clerks, but my roommate and I were both laughing nonstop.
I like Kevin Smith despite Kevin Smith. I like the fact that a reasonably intelligent guy with a taste for potty humor and a devotion to comic books can make it in Hollywood despite casting all his loser friends in mediocre flick after mediocre flick.
I loved Clerks. Hell, I loved Dogma. I never saw Chasing Amy, and everythying else he's made I've seen and shrugged.
I'll go see this, because it's really hot, and that is the single greatest determining factor is my summertime cinema schedule, and I'll probably like it.
OK. I think Kevin Smith is punk as fuck. I totally respect the fact that he took 30 grand in credit card debt (Clerks) and turned it into a freaking empire. I don't think dick jokes are as funny as he does, but I love the fact that he keeps bringin' it time after time after time. I like the way he stays in touch with his fans. I like that he stuck with the crass and talent-free Jason Mewes through his battle with opiates, even if he did give the boy a free fuckin' ride for life, and he spends a bazillion words on his blog explaining how much he loves Toady #1. I like that Kevin Smith is warts and all exactly what he is, which is punk as fuck.
It has to be better than M Night Shamalamadingdong's new movie. I haven't seen it but it's getting shit reviews on rotten tomatoes. Also, I read the movie spoiler and it really sounds like an awful, awful movie.
The commercials for Clerks II do nothing for me. Getting too old to be part of the target audience maybe, I dunno.
Don't go see Superman. That's all I can say. That movie is FUBAR. Maybe if you are new to Superman and have not seen the old movies it would be better, but none of the three principals work. Luthor especially. Plus the movie couldn't decide if it was about Clark Kent or Jesus Christ. Seriously. Bad.
I am currently watching some old Hells Angels movie with Jack Nicholson on the Speed channel. I am about to turn it off. Not worth staying awake.
As For M. Night Shamawhatever, he's a one-trick pony. Once you have seen that trick it is over. Unbreakable was good though.
I saw Monster House in digital 3D for the second time on Friday. It's awesome. If there's a place showing in 3D near you, you owe it to yourself to see it.
I'll see Clerks II at some point, but I fear it'll be out of the theatres before I can find time to make it.
Mewes looks amazing now. He looks so healthy and, well, normal. I read Smith's blog about Mewes getting clean, and I have no doubts of it after seeing him.
And, at the risk of spoilers, one scene leaves very few places on his body where he could have hid needle marks. From the camera with makeup, sure. From Kevin, no way.
There was an article about Jay getting clean in last week's Entertainment Weekly. Apparently--this from articles and a few people I know who met him several years ago--he's utterly charming (in so vulgar a way you can't help but love him), and it's obvious from behind the scenes stuff on DVD's that Smith loves him a lot. I TOTALLY CRUSH ON HIM, and can't wait to see him in Clerks II.
If you guys haven't seen it, you should rent An Evening with Kevin Smith. It's from a few talks/Q&As he gave to auditoriums full of university students. He tells some great stories--the story about his first date with his future wife is classic (and graphic).
I give Kevin Smith a free pass pretty much. If for the sole reason that the World Needs Him. Dogma and Jersey Girl notwithstanding. I know I'll get around to seeing this one. And I second the rec on An Evening with Kevin Smith. He's got quite the life, and hasn't turned into a Hollywood Fawning Troglodyte in the process.
Saw it this afternoon. I figured that I would be entertained, as I tend to laugh at any scene involving the Heterosexual Lifemates, but I was really impressed.
Clerks II is just a flat-out great movie. Maybe the best one Smith's ever done.
I just got back from seeing it. the Burt Reynolds facial hair was particularly amusing (both counts). I could have done without the cheesy/maudlin score for most of the movie. but Rosario Dawson is almost as gorgeous as Jason Mewes, so I just drooled at them the entire time.