artphoto by splunge
artphoto by TheophileEscargot
artphoto by Kronos_to_Earth
artphoto by ethylene





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13 July 2006

Wow that bunny is one cool customer.
posted by iconomy 13 July | 14:36
Go foxy!!
posted by Wolfdog 13 July | 14:37
Can't I have just a little bit of peril?
posted by mike9322 13 July | 14:38
crafty foxy fox!
posted by psho 13 July | 14:42
That's bad. Bunnies are so high-strung that they can easily die of fright when threatened by a predator, even if they're safe.

That's why you don't keep a bunny outside in a mesh hutch at night even if the 'coons and foxes can't get through the mesh. Also why orphaned baby bunnies can be so hard to rehab and raise.
posted by shane 13 July | 14:46
Heh, I was visiting my friend this past weekend in MD, and he has a big hutch out back with a five-foot iguana in it (just for the summer). I can't imagine a fox wanting to get in at that.
posted by Hugh Janus 13 July | 15:03
Me, I'm Knowing Old Mr. Fox - he up to no good!

Look at that face - that's the face of pure, opportunistic, fox-evil.

*shudder* Fox-evil!
posted by Lipstick Thespian 13 July | 15:09
I like the fox.
posted by Specklet 13 July | 15:22
Sly as a fox...
posted by getoffmylawn 13 July | 15:55
Foxies are cool. Bunnies are cool. Foxies + bunnies = OH NOES!!

Hmm, cool pic of tracks...
posted by shane 13 July | 16:15
I think the fox is fake. Looks like a lawn statue to me.
posted by mudpuppie 13 July | 16:50
See that electrified, voracious expression? He's totally for real.

Foxes can live surprisingly close to human habitat. Once a friend and I were walking behind our college dorm and came upon an entire little burrow containing 5 baby foxes. They were adorable!

But isn't this exactly why bunny hutches are usually built off the ground?

posted by Miko 13 July | 17:43
*reminds self to check for hidden cameras next time*
posted by redvixen 13 July | 17:49
The pose and the ruff of fur under his neck have convinced me he is not a lawn ornament.
posted by Specklet 13 July | 18:50
I smell a photo enhanced by Adobe® Photoshop®.

No, scratch that, Photoshop couldn't possibly do such a good job. It must have been Corel® Photopaint®.

Take that, Adobe.
posted by deadcowdan 13 July | 20:00
My boss thought it was PS as well, but I dunno...
posted by psho 13 July | 20:11
Don't underestimate that bunny. It's poised to strike
posted by muddgirl 13 July | 20:59
One side effect of facial hair that I'd forgotten: || Don't eat fish.