Comment Feed:
Those tattooists/piercers are so wholesome and Canadian looking! Here in Seattle they have a much "scarier" fashion sense.
Richat, I'm headed to your Flickr stream to comment on the shot of Ev at the sink that I saw in my Bloglines feed. Awesome!
When its done at three months, that seems a little loopy to me (as my teenaged niece did with her daughter).
At five I am totally down with girls getting their ears pierced because its their choice.
That's what they say about female circumcision.
you might as well get them pierced, because the clip-ons aren't as available or fashionable and are more likely to fall off.
Speaking only for myself, I just liked earrings. I thought they were cool, and I guess there's sort of a natural urge to adorn yourself somehow.
But how does (without getting to graphic/disgusting) circumsizing a girl increase the man's pleasure?
That sounds like nurture/environmental pressures rather than "natural.