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07 July 2006

I am trying so hard [More:]for this not to be a bad day.

Most people in London will remember 7 July for the bombings. But last 7 July I was in Ohio, with George, for what neither of us knew would be our last day together.

I am still so sad, so lonely and I'm really, really trying to move on, as I know I must, but it's hard for me.

On Saturday I met a man whose wife died around the same time as George (November), and he and his new girlfriend are buying a house together after knowing each other for just a few months. But his wife had had a long illnes, so there was time for him to adjust, he knew she was going to die and had made some emotional preparation for it. George was just gone.

I will always, always, always be so glad and grateful that the last words I ever spoke to him, face to face, were "I love you".

I have things to do today that'll take me out of the house, practical stuff like get my car to the mechanic and then a long journey home on the bus, so I'll be around people and busy. That's the key, keep busy, busy, busy, busy, try not to go anywhere near the edges of this huge void in my soul in case I fall in.

I still can't get back with God over this, can't pray, can't see this as 'God's will'. Maybe someday I'll get to that point, but not now, not yet.
*hugs essexjan*

*hugs essexjan again*
posted by seanyboy 07 July | 03:46
posted by sciurus 07 July | 06:04
I am so sorry, essexjan. *hug*

You're right to move on, but also don't be afraid to mourn. You have to do that as well- not today, when it might be too painful, but sometime.

*hug again*
posted by BoringPostcards 07 July | 06:46
posted by mike9322 07 July | 06:58
I will always, always, always be so glad and grateful that the last words I ever spoke to him, face to face, were "I love you".

Wow, I like the sound of that. I think that's a great lesson for the rest of us.

Some days are just destined to suck, and I think you're doing all the right things to cope. *hughug*
posted by JanetLand 07 July | 07:10
I'm so sorry to hear this.
posted by iconomy 07 July | 07:19
posted by LunaticFringe 07 July | 07:26
hugs, jan...
posted by shane 07 July | 07:38
Big hugs, jan.

I lost a brother figure on 7/7. It must have been almost 15 years ago. It gets better, I almost don't remember, but my dreams around the Fourth of July always remind me.
posted by rainbaby 07 July | 07:50
posted by brujita 07 July | 07:51
Awww Jan, that's a sad story. I am sorry. I am sure it will get better.
posted by richat 07 July | 07:52
(((More hugs for essexjan)))
posted by getoffmylawn 07 July | 08:31
::big hugs::
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 07 July | 09:02
hugs to you, my dear.
posted by matildaben 07 July | 09:12
Oh, essexjan. *big bearhugs*
posted by gaspode 07 July | 09:33

There are some things in this world that can't be fixed. Not even by tacos.


I will always, always, always be so glad and grateful that the last words I ever spoke to him, face to face, were "I love you".

posted by I Love Tacos 07 July | 10:14
Sweet jan, I'm so happy you had his love and had that time. I'm glad he found you before his time on earth was over. I'm so sad you couldn't be together longer. I'm so sure you will endure and get along beautifully without ever stopping loving him, no matter what else happens. I'm so glad when you feel heavy feelings you can come here and share 'em. Let God sort himself out. You have us in the meantime.

More hugs from me.
posted by Miko 07 July | 10:46
Thinking of you, jan.

The one-year anniversary of my mom's death was in March, so I understand some of what you're going through. The anniversary.... sucked. And I knew it was going to suck, but the realization of how much it sucked, and how much her death still affects me, made it suck worse than I had really anticipated. And that suprise meant that I was thrown off for quite a few months, really. Not nearly as badly as a year ago, of course, but this spring was rougher than I expected.

All this to say, we're here for you, and I'm so sorry you have to go through this, and just do what you need to do to get through and don't think everyone's thinking that it's a problem you're still upset and coming to terms, because it's not. It's normal.
posted by occhiblu 07 July | 10:47

posted by kellydamnit 07 July | 10:50
Blessings, Jan.
posted by Specklet 07 July | 10:51
Be easy good lady.
posted by Divine_Wino 07 July | 11:04
Jan, you have one of the biggest hearts I know of. I know we're a poor substitute, but I'm glad you've at least got us crazy MetaChatters to remind you how awesome you are. Keep the faith, whatever that faith may be.
posted by Eideteker 07 July | 12:19
(((((essexjan)))) I am so very sorry for your loss! I wish I had better words to say.
posted by redvixen 07 July | 16:57
I'm hugging you, too, Jan. I wish I could find some way to make you feel better, but I guess it's not really possible. I'm thinking of you, though, sweetheart.
posted by taz 07 July | 17:15
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