MeCha Food Advisor: Help! What should I eat now? So, I'm dieting, and I've been eating mostly vegetables for the past couple of weeks (and I've lost 6 lbs. - yay!), but today I have, um, a little intestinal problem, you know what I mean, right?
I didn't really think I was overdoing it, because I've been stirfrying in olive oil, I've had nuts, tofu, last night I stir fried an egg into veggies, last week I had some (low-fat) turkey and tuna. But maybe it is too strict?
The problem is that for the first time when trying to diet (I haven't tried very many times), I'm not tempted by my usual downfall foods - cheese, pasta, potatoes - and I have absolutely no appetite for red meat. This is really good, because I'm not great at avoiding temptation. So I'm happy that I don't really feel like eating that stuff, and I don't want to do anything to make my body (brain?) start craving these foods again - but of course, the most important thing is that I eat healthily.
I'm thinking maybe I should eat like, black beans or lentils? With brown rice? ... Though I really don't feel like eating that either, and the idea of it seems "heavy". Some of you really know quite a lot about diet and nutrition... So, help me out?