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26 June 2006

Time to vitch* I hope I don't offend anyone inside, really I don't, but argh... *Vitch is a combination of vent and bitch say my co-workers.[More:]
Driving in from lunch, I watched some asshole treat my city streets like his ashtray. I don't understand why people think it's okay to throw their flipping cigarettes out of the window of their vehicles. Granted, I did this when I was a 20 year old smoker, but I did a lot of stupid things back then. This guy wasn't a 20 year old moron as far as I can tell. Why the fuck do people still litter? Why do smokers think the world is their ashtray? Argh...
I say kvitch, which is a combination of kvetch and bitch.

That's a pet peeve of mine too. Last year I drove behind a woman who threw a paper bag full of fast food wrappings out her window. I pulled up beside her and freaked out on her. I hate parking in a lot and stepping out of my car, and having my feet land in a pile of smelly, wet cigarette butts that someone's dumped from their ashtray. It's amazing to me that people still do this.

Remember the MF linked video of the bike rider who threw a drink back into a car after the driver of the car threw it out the window?
posted by iconomy 26 June | 12:16
It's the dirty diapers that really get to me.
posted by jrossi4r 26 June | 12:17
It's spelt "kvetch". And yeah, sometimes I see a pile of ash and buts in a parkinglot, where someone has just dumped their car's ash tray and I think "there are some real ashholes around".
posted by Capn 26 June | 12:18
Me? Body parts. I mean, is there no civility left at all?
posted by Lipstick Thespian 26 June | 12:18
It drives me nuts partially because you really need to be living under a rock to NOT have heard to some extent about the shitty state of the environment. I am not a member of greenpeace, I don't go door-to-door raising money for little baby homeless cute animals, but I think I CAN put some garbage in my backseat until I get home and then toss it in a bag that will AT LEAST end up in a horrible landfill, instead of the creek. It's NOT ASKING THAT MUCH FOR FUCK'S SAKE.

/channelling Costanza
posted by richat 26 June | 12:25
When I see people litter, I pick it up and chase them down and say politely: Excuse me, I think you dropped this.
posted by Specklet 26 June | 12:45
Usually when I see someone litter, I follow them back to their house so I know where they live. Then, in the middle of the night, I nail all their doors and windows shut and burn their house down while they're asleep. Then I stand in the front yard and see if anyone escapes by breaking a window or something, then I pick them off with a high-powered assault rifle.
posted by puke & cry 26 June | 12:56
I like that idea p&c. I like the real committment you show.

I always want to confront these litterers, but I find that at 6'3" I tend to come off a little scary when I am annoyed. It's not the best scene.
posted by richat 26 June | 13:01
I'm usually anti death penalty but I think people who litter should be taken out and shot.
posted by birdherder 26 June | 13:02
And then placed in the proper receptacle, right?
posted by PinkStainlessTail 26 June | 13:46
Nah, humans biodegrade. Unlike cigarette filters.
posted by puke & cry 26 June | 14:17
Ephemeron. || Bunnies! OMG!