Stanley Cup. →[More:]In a way, I want Edmonton to win, b/c I'm surrounded by people in suv's who are cheering just because they think that Raleigh is hollywood. And, in a way I want the 'canes to win b/c Edmonton has had its turn with the cup, how bout the newbie?
Then I also think it would be cool if the 'canes won to put Raleigh on the radar or someone somewhere who may be considering relocation or something. And it may or may not have anything to do with our
creative conference we're doing here in September - especially since Richard Florida's data show that the creative class doesn't give a crap about pro sports teams.
Then I think, it'll be like the superbowl and next year we'll struggle to remember who won last year much less who played.
Ok so maybe I should go clean out the litter boxes.
That is all.