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Comment Feed:


15 June 2006

I am hungover I went out with a friend last night to commiserate some bad news. I commiserated a little too hard. Ouch.
The key to surviving a hangover is to just keep drinking.
posted by jonmc 15 June | 13:13
Water is your friend. Lots of it.
posted by danf 15 June | 13:17
Smile! Hangovers can be cured by smiling! Sometimes it takes hours, but why frown for hours when you could be smiling?

Or bludgeon a do-gooder! Hangovers can be cured by bludgeoning do-gooders! Especially do-gooders who tell you to smile and use too many exclamation points!
posted by Hugh Janus 15 June | 13:17
...and who split infinitives as well!
posted by Hugh Janus 15 June | 13:18
...and who split infinitives as well!
posted by Hugh Janus 15 June | 13:18
Aw, 'pode. Sorry about the hangover and whatever it was that necessitated commiseration.
posted by jrossi4r 15 June | 13:22
I'm about to get on hold with the State again to check on the status of my teacher certification... pass the bottle, please.

(Jack and aspirin...)

((hope ya feel better...))
posted by Pips 15 June | 13:23
Actually pips, what I have left is about half a bottle of sambuca and a little bit of grey goose.
posted by gaspode 15 June | 13:25
I commiserate with your commiserating-induced state. I had one too many glasses of wine in the bathtub last night.
posted by Specklet 15 June | 13:26
Mix them and call the result a Dirty Fowl.
posted by jonmc 15 June | 13:26
Coca cola, potato chips and other fried things, aspirin, sleep.
posted by mygothlaundry 15 June | 14:14
I can't even get through to wait on hold... the automated message politely tells me "all representatives are busy" and disconnects me... I've waited on hold with them before for up to an hour, but this...

(This is probably confusing if you didn't see my previous thread on the subject... sorry to dump this here... don't mean to make your hangover worse... I think I need to lie down...)
posted by Pips 15 June | 14:23
I'm hungover right there with you (though my girlfriend and I stayed in and had a not bad time).
posted by Captaintripps 15 June | 15:02
awww pips. Your whole situation sucks. I'll try and send good teaching-related vibes, but don't be surprised if I miscue and you just end up with a pounding frontal lobe.
posted by gaspode 15 June | 15:20
Pounded, breaded and fried. Mmmmmm, scallopini!
posted by Hugh Janus 15 June | 15:29
jonmc, that took me a minute to get, but HA!
posted by occhiblu 15 June | 15:39
Make up interesting stories for your scars... || Coochie coochie cooter!