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05 June 2006

Italian Proverbs I'm learnin', man. I'm learnin'![More:]

Dio non paga il sabato
(God doesn't pay on Saturday.)

Chi va ai al mulino s'infarina.
(One who goes to the mill gets flour on himself.)

Non domandare all'oste se ha buon vino.
(Don't ask the host if he has good wine.)

Nulla è nuovo sotto il sole.
(Nothing is new under the sun.)
Quello è era meraviglioso, Guiseppe Famoso.
posted by jonmc 05 June | 10:48
Grazie Infinite, John
posted by Joe Famous 05 June | 10:57
What is it like to learn things? It's too dark down here in the mines.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 05 June | 10:59
Like a dungeon, I'm told.
posted by jonmc 05 June | 10:59
It's pretty damn swell.

Especially when the teacher is volcano hot!
posted by Joe Famous 05 June | 11:03
Got it made, got it made....

*plays solo on library table*
posted by jonmc 05 June | 11:04
I always thought that line was "got it BAD, got it BAD"
posted by Lipstick Thespian 05 June | 11:07
Special Sicilian edition for jonmc:

Donna, focu e mari fannu l'omu piriculari.
(Women, fire, and the sea are perilous for men.)

Li peni cu' lu pani nun su' peni, li veru peni sunnu senza pani.
(While you still have bread, troubles aren't troubles; true troubles are without bread.)

Megghiu porcu magru ca gaddina grassa.
(A skinny pig is better than a fat chicken.)

Cui cància lardu pri lardu, l'unu o l'àutru è ràncitu.
(Whoever exchanges some lard for some other lard, one or the other must be rancid.)

Sosizza di Mazzarinu, càlia di Cartagiruni e pasta di Vizzini.
(Sausage from Mazzarino, càlia from Caltagirone, and pasta from Vizzini.)

Carni di castratu, unni pigghi pigghi si' gabbatu.
(The meat from the castrated, from wherever you take it you trick yourself.)

A quattru cosi crèditu nun dati: amuri di donna e carità di frati, suli di 'nvernu e nuvuli di stati.
(There are four things to which you should not lend credence: love of women, the charity of friars, sun in the winter, and clouds in the summer.)

Cui zappa crita, arricogghi sita.
(Whoever cultivates clay harvests silk.)

Cui perdi l'onuri, perdi assai, ma cui perdi la fidi, perdi tuttu.
(Who loses his honor loses a lot, who loses his faith, loses everything.)

Cui pati p'amuri, nun senti duluri.
(Who suffers because of love, feels no pain).
posted by Hugh Janus 05 June | 11:21
That's beautiful, but I'm Lombardi, not Sicilian, although I got plenty of relatives who are Siciliano.
posted by jonmc 05 June | 11:22
BWAAAA! I love calling you Sicilian, jonmc. I have no idea why it punches my funnybone. I just laugh every time. Sorry to use you for my jollies like that.
posted by Hugh Janus 05 June | 11:25
Cui zappa crita, arricogghi sita.
(Whoever cultivates clay harvests silk.)

Carni di castratu, unni pigghi pigghi si' gabbatu.
(The meat from the castrated, from wherever you take it you trick yourself.)

what do these mean?
posted by small_ruminant 05 June | 11:47
They mean Sicilians are superstitious and poor.

I think they're both literal, but yeah, the first one has me scratching my head a little. I think the "harvests silk" part presents a ludicrous impossibility, so it may mean "If you don't sow anything, you'll reap daydreams" or something like that. And maybe there's a folk prohibition against eating geldings for the second one, maybe the idea is that eating nutless animals will make a man impotent or something? I dunno, though, but for obscure superstitions the Sicilians are outclassed only by the Bretons.
posted by Hugh Janus 05 June | 12:11
That'sa spicy meat-a-ball!
(This is a spicy meatball.)
posted by mike9322 05 June | 12:20
Whassamatta You?
(You seem perturbed. Is something troubling you?)

(This young lady is obviously a citizen of good breeding and poise. I would enjoy sharing a cappucino with her, perhaps)

posted by jonmc 05 June | 12:35
The trains, they no runna on-a time?
(Huzzah! Mussolini is dead!)
posted by Hugh Janus 05 June | 12:46
(It is of no consequence)

(I find that difficult to believe)

It's hawt az bawls in heah!
(The atmospheric conditions are less than optimal. Perhaps the AC is malfunctioning)
posted by jonmc 05 June | 12:50
I dunno know nuttin'
(I'm sure I don't know a thing about this matter. Besides, Officer, I'm a legitamite businessman.)
posted by jonmc 05 June | 13:04

Don't Men at Work sing about that stuff?
posted by Hugh Janus 05 June | 13:43
Yeah, Hugh.

Legitamite Sandwiches, right?

Too funny, dawg!
posted by Joe Famous 05 June | 13:49
Eh, bella!

You come here all the time for espresso. I know I'm a stallion, and flirting is part of the transaction. And let's face it, I'm way better looking than my brother over there. Your turn.
posted by elizard 05 June | 17:37
I'd post this to MeFi, but, uh, I'm still banned. || Daft Punk live @ Coachella