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Comment Feed:


03 June 2006

MeFi Writers Group is born - Post from MeTa, but I wanted to make sure no one who was interested missed it.
I registered (thanks for the reminder; I meant to go back and check that thread, but forgot about it). If it's going to be short stuff, like grumblebee's 200-word idea, I'll give it a shot.
posted by taz 03 June | 13:51
As a side note, since I have neither the desire or ability to generate another post at the moment, either now or the next time you DJ Radio MeCha, some of you may want to add links on the Wiki to your setlist histories so that people can get an idea of who plays what around here.
posted by Eideteker 03 June | 14:00
I write but my grammar and puctuation tend to be so horrific that I would need a team of editors to clean that shit up. So maybe not.
SassHat has volunteered to edit everything.
posted by Eideteker 03 June | 14:17
I wasn't even joking...
posted by SassHat 03 June | 14:54
I like the idea, if it were a MeCha thing...but mefites are just too dickish to pull this off and have it be productive and useful.

If we can't even decide what makes an appropriate FPP, how the hell can MeFites manage someone's 60-page neo-noir story about a robot detective from texas? Hooow?
posted by SassHat 03 June | 15:02
How now brown cow?
posted by eekacat 03 June | 16:20
I truly mean this as a neutral question, I'm seriously just curious --- any status update on the MeCha book? Dead from lack of interest?
posted by rainbaby 03 June | 17:54
any status update on the MeCha book?
Sorry but I just didn't have the time to devote to it in the end. Maybe someone else would like to restart the project from scratch?
posted by dodgygeezer 03 June | 18:11
That's cool, dg. I wish I had the mad skillz to do it, but I don't. Again, it was simple curiosity that prompted me to ask. Thank ya for the time you put into it.
posted by rainbaby 03 June | 18:24

I like the idea, if it were a MeCha thing...but mefites are just too dickish to pull this off and have it be productive and useful.


To belong to such a group requires a commitment to the advancement of everyone's writing. I just can't see that happening over on that blue/green thing.

Dickish. Yes. Very.

A group made of MeCha folks would have a much better chance.
posted by saf 04 June | 12:18
kitty cat. || Okay, I'm Leaving Now, and There Better Be Some Goodies Here for Me When I Get Back!