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Comment Feed:


02 June 2006

My personal hell. [More:]I've been interviewing for this job. My first interview was 4.21. I just finished my sixth interview and had truly believed I would know something by the end of today. Sitting here. Dying. No. Wanting to die. They couldn't possibly make me wait another day. Please. No.

Pick up the phone. Call.

Chit. Chat. Chit. Chat.


"So, I should know sometime early next week.I'll give you a call then."

Someone kill me now.
*kills lola*

what a senseless waste of human life. and a bullet.
posted by jonmc 02 June | 14:47
Come drink with us, Lola! Drown your rainy-day sorrows!
posted by Pips 02 June | 14:48
I don't know. I've used all my energy on anxiety.

Want to crawl to bed and bury myself under the covers until "early next week".
posted by Lola_G 02 June | 14:50
Let's hope they're being straight with you and not yanking your chain. Presumably they wouldn't have continued interviewing you if yo weren't a strong candidate and after six interviews they must have whittled it down to you and one or maybe two other people.
posted by essexjan 02 June | 14:51
I understand; it sucks waiting for job news. The State has had my application for final teacher certification since LAST JULY and hasn't reviewed it yet, if that makes ya feel any better...

Margarita on me?
posted by Pips 02 June | 14:53
I'm pretty confident I am the only person.

It's just a LLP so there are lots of partners who have to make a decision. So, then I have to meet one and then another and another and another.

I can tell the HR Director is just as frustrated as I am but then today she sounded positively mirthful.

Good sign? Nigh. I can't get a hope up only to be let down.

This burning in my stomach is my 12 ulcers. The first 9 from the job that is killing me, 2 from the anticipation I may be free from the place that has me on a the verge of a nervous breakdown and 1 that awaits an answer.

Eggs aren't all in one basket but this would be so nice.

Last night my shrink told me I have to quit my current job before it kills me. I can't afford to quit without an alternative.
posted by Lola_G 02 June | 14:55
Oh, Pips. I love you. I wish Antartica wasn't so far from home.
posted by Lola_G 02 June | 14:56
*thinking good thoughts*
posted by Pips 02 June | 15:00
(Oooops... I forgot the whuffles.)

*whuffles* : )
posted by Pips 02 June | 15:05
This must be a pretty serious position if they've had you on 6 interviews, congratulations on getting this far!
posted by nomad 02 June | 15:13
Thanks, nomad.

I think I have another ulcer.
posted by Lola_G 02 June | 15:20
We do this in my group. We have 5 partners and figuring out a way to get them to all meet a candidate, interview them and then get together with the other partners to discuss is almost impossible. We lost one candidate because we stretched it out over 3 months and had him come in at least 5 times (and one time he came in and no one had time to meet with him).

Such a ridiculous process. In my old division (which hired 100 or so undergrads a year plus MBAs and ) had the process locked down--three rounds of interviews and you heard back within a day or two tops and sometimes later that afternoon.
posted by mullacc 02 June | 15:29
"There's a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. It would be a pity to damage yours."
posted by Eideteker 02 June | 16:39
Six interviews?! Oy vey, I'd've slit my wrists long ago.
posted by deborah 02 June | 17:12
At one of the big forestry companies back home your final interview is three days. On the other hand their turn over rate is probably less than 1%, I've never heard of anyone leaving once hired except for family reasons.
posted by Mitheral 02 June | 23:06
I Received Clearance || Now Vito has even more to worry about....