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Comment Feed:


01 June 2006

Good. Fucking put it in a trash can, cancer boy. It should be legal to taser anyone who litters.
posted by Eideteker 01 June | 10:50
Oo, a rousing start.

C'mon, it's only seven Olympic pools we're talking about, spread over a large geographic area. We're cig and tired of the fines, man.
posted by danostuporstar 01 June | 10:55
posted by Hugh Janus 01 June | 11:08
I'm an utter failure as a troll, aren't I?
posted by danostuporstar 01 June | 11:12
Yeah, they started doing this here about a year ago. Didn't work. They arrested an old lady and welded ashtrays to the tops of all the bins, but other than that I've not noticed a difference.

If this were just about littering it'd be fine, but it seems to be motivated more by anti-smoking sentiment more than anything else. I'm sure the 30 Butt-Force rangers (and the cost of them) could be put to better use.

I'm expecting a rash of Bin Fires in the Sydney area. Given the current drought status of Sydney, I don't believe this is a good thing.

Why don't they just insist that filters be biodegradable.

"Cancer Boy." Charming. I'm guessing that it's not the littering that's stoking your fire.

"Cancer Boy." Yep - You're right. Cancer.... Born under the sign of. Birthdays in about 25 days if you'd like to make a note of that.
posted by seanyboy 01 June | 11:30
There's just too much bait there, man. It's like I'm walking over a bridge, and I see a toy car, a lollipop, some hard candy, a new drum, and a spinning top, all wedged in precarious positions at the bridge's edge. There are so many goodies, in fact, that I don't know what to do with them, so I go around and look closely at them all, and notice the string tied to each one, trailing down into the shadows beneath the bridge.
posted by Hugh Janus 01 June | 11:30
Why don't they just insist that filters be biodegradable.

*smacks head*
Why have I never thought of that? American Spirit could add that feature and charge another dollar a pack. I'd buy 'em, at least (but I'm actually pretty meticulous about my butts so maybe it wouldn't make any difference).
posted by danostuporstar 01 June | 11:36
Of course, Sydney is a bit of a fire hazard, so I sort of understand that.

And the bit where I said they started doing it here about a year ago... Try Three Years AGO. Where does the fucking time go!
posted by seanyboy 01 June | 11:44
I spend more time picking up cigarette butts out of my flower beds near the road than I do all other kinds of trash combined. Somehow people think small = not litter or something. I swear someday I am going to start saving them up, tape them into a ball with a heavy rock in the middle, and the next time someone throws a butt out the window while I am up there (they do it all the time in plain sight of me, the fuckers), butt-ball is coming at them at warp speed. Well, not really. But it makes me feel good to think about doing it. I DID throw a beer bottle back at someone once and it went in their window too. Ha ha. They did not stop.
It should be legal to taser anyone who litters.

Smokers seem to think they have a pass, though. I see more butts than any other type of litter. I love a smoker who throws out their butts. Just don't ask me to kiss 'em.
posted by Eideteker 01 June | 13:12
Butt flickers bug the shit out of me. I will sometimes honk my horn at the person in front of me if they flick their cig butt out the window. They look puzzled and annoyed.

Once, a few years ago, a butt flicker thought that the honk meant that the light had changed. They almost got into the intersection before they figured it out.

I am told that I will get shot one of these days.
posted by sarah connor 01 June | 13:17
LOL weretable chucking beer bottle back in the window!

Ditto on the butt flickers. I pick up a bunch out of our common yard every week. I don't even fucking smoke. lazy shits. I dont care if they want to play with their lungs and such but don't fucking leave your trash for everyone else to deal with.

posted by chewatadistance 01 June | 16:27
I was/am a smoker and I HATE butt-flickers. I will never understand what makes people think that they can just toss those things anywhere. It's trash! Throw it away! Blech. Just know that not every smoker is an inconsiderate shit. There are plenty of us who get just as irritated with the litterers and aggressive smokers as you do.
posted by LeeJay 01 June | 17:57
This is tommorow's thread. All comments can be considered tentative. || Weird spam today.