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30 May 2006

Real life ag (shop) teacher sayings: My shop teacher was a fat old cowboy, and his two favorite sayings were: "hey boys! stop grabassin' around and get to work!" or "hey boys! stop playin' pocket pool and go clean out the tool room!" Good times. Good times.
Our shop teacher had one eye from the war, and once threw a hammer at a student.
posted by StickyCarpet 30 May | 23:09
Don't ALL shop teachers have some disfiguring injury?
posted by wendell 31 May | 01:28
I still remember my homeroom teacher in the 5th grade used to stomp into the hall when we were too loud, screaming, "It sounds like a Chinese circus out here!" ("It saands laak a Chaaneeze circus out heeah!" in a deep Southern accent. I lived in MS). Not a shop teacher, but your post reminded me.
posted by misozaki 31 May | 02:18
Ours put one guy's head into a drill press and pretended to lower it down. He was a huge Scottish SOB built like the fucking mouthbreathing sadistic blacksmith that he was.
posted by rumple 31 May | 02:52
"Ya'int half sanded 't nuff yet"
posted by Wolfdog 31 May | 06:59
I had a drama teacher who liked to say, "You're all just standing around like sausages waiting for a plate!" In a british accent.
posted by JanetLand 31 May | 07:03
Ooops, that's not shop either. I'll be awake soon.
posted by JanetLand 31 May | 07:04
I only had shop once, in seventh grade. Our instructor was a fairly mousy fellow, short of stature and calm of temperament. Consequently, I have no vivid shop class memories, nor do I remember anything I learned in that class at all. It's jest not lernin if you aint afeard.
posted by Eideteker 31 May | 07:50
Our shop teacher had one eye from the war, and once threw a hammer at a student.

And, oh yeah, the reason he threw the hammer was because the little hoodlum let him hear our nickname for the shop teacher: cyclops.
posted by StickyCarpet 31 May | 08:27
If something is hard, like a kind of wood, or a hardened *um* screw. . .one can say:

This is harder than my dickie on a payday night.

For some reason, that has always stuck in my mind. An old irish coworker who dispensed tools said it
posted by danf 31 May | 10:00
I've never had a shop teacher.

I did, however, during an interlude on the other side of the Atlantic, have a games mistress, Miss Thorburn. As we scampered around the frost-covered field shivering in our thin Aertex shirts and short skirts, lizard-like Miss Thorburn watched us from the shelter of her huge bundle of duffel coat and wool flannel scarf, blinking slowly. At intervals she'd rouse herself to boom:

posted by tangerine 31 May | 11:36
games mistress.

I like how that sounds.
posted by rumple 31 May | 14:27
I encourage you to get funky and learn about ribosomes || SAT Verbal Analogies