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30 May 2006

AskMeCha. I'm confused. Again. Please help me with my dating dilemmas once more, bunny friends![More:]

OK, so once upon a time there was a boy named punch, although he didn't know his name was punch then. And he went out with this girl who we will call Angela who had some close friends which we will call Bob, Charles, Diana, and Erica. Punch enjoyed hanging out with these folks but sadly that was all to come to an end when Angela uncaringly broke the heart of our hero, and the messy breakup that ensued left the situation a bit awkward and scary for poor punch who went to seek friends elsewhere.

Due to reasons of geography and organization, punch still runs into all of these people frequently, sometimes even multiple times a day. Over the months, punch started becoming friends with all of these people once more, even Angela. I suppose time heals all wounds. But along the way punch noticed what an attractive young woman Diana was and he started to wonder if there might be something potential between the two of them. But the whole friends-of-the-ex thing made it a bit awkward. And god only knows what Angela had said about him too scare off potential interlopers and prove that she was in the moral right. punch realized it would probably be best off just to consider her off limits. Also Diana never seemed to have that much to say.

But once punch got ahold of Diana's online identity and began chatting with her online, she had a lot more to say. Eventually the subject of relationships came up. Diana said she was surprised to hear the the breakup described as messy because she had no idea (which is not too surprising because Angela can be known to really keep her own counsel), and said that Angela never ever had anything bad to say. Yet another reason why not to consider this off the table. Then the subject of flirting came up.

punch: i'm always too nervous to flirt with people i really like before we start going out
Diana: well i dont do it v often
Diana: i know what you mean though
Diana: there's this guy who's like ridiculously good looking that my friend insisted i should go out with (he was her friend). but im so nervous i cant ever think of things to say when im around him!

ZOMG! Could this be OUR punch Diana is talking about? Is that why she doesn't say much in person? And is prone to suddenly run off perhaps nervously at any hint of an awkward silence? And if not, why so suddenly circumspect about not naming names? Very unusual. Certainly something that should be followed up on. So punch e-mails Diana and asks her if she wants to have coffee sometime. She replies positively with her phone number. When he calls she acts like a total spaz, talking so quickly that she can't even be understood half the time. Kind of cute I guess, especially for punch who in the past has always been the one to spaz out. Nice to be on the other side for once. Brings up the coffee thing herself, asks when and where we are meeting. Punch suggests that he should pick her up at 8 two days later. She says "sounds good ok bye" and hangs up. Weird.

Then on the day punch runs into her and she asks if it's okay if he just meets her at the Starbucks (ugh, how unromantic) instead, she wants to do some studying for exams there first. Um, okay. I know a coffee date is ambiguous, but if someone is interested they surely wouldn't go out of their way to make it seem less special? On the plus side punch and Diana have a lot of nice conversations. But he's left thinking that there's really nothing more to this, or she doesn't want anything else. Also at one point she's talking about how silly some men can be (her male friends seem to be emotional troglodytes or gay, of which I am neither), relating that one of her friends asked out some girl who was going away for the summer, and was surprised when she didn't want to go out. (And indeed Diana is going away for the summer.) A hidden message?

Well I was ready to give up after all of that but we seem to be spending more and more time together alone and the tension is only increasing. There's more flirting and Charles (her ex of two years ago, so she wouldn't talk with him about this directly I know) is starting to give me knowing looks. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, I don't understand what's going on!

OK add to all this the complications that she will be going away for the summer in about a month. And I think she only has really serious relationships and I'm not really sure whether I want that yet. I don't want her to get hurt.

What do I do? All advice and anecdotes appreciated. You're the best, MetaChat.
So... just to be clear: when you two chat online, she knows it's you, right? I mean, this is not a "You've Got Mail" situation, is it?
posted by taz 30 May | 06:42
Yeah, she definitely knows it's me.
posted by punch 30 May | 07:59
Ease up and hang in there, let it be what it be, heh.

I know that SUCKS, but what else can you do?

That's exactly what you DIDN'T want to hear, right? But that's all you can do in any relationship, even after you're formally "dating." There are no binding contracts or guarantees. Not that you can't feel sure of someone once you've been involved a while. But you discover what it's about as you go.

You want some wisdom or some positive, black-and-white answer that will ease your stress. I guess we all do. But just try to ease up.
posted by shane 30 May | 08:47
Ease up and hang in there, let it be what it be, heh.

I know that SUCKS, but what else can you do?

Well it doesn't suck that much if you really think that's what I should be doing. That would just be reassuring. Really I'm just unclear on what I should do, and am scared of doing the wrong thing or omitting to do the right thing.
posted by punch 30 May | 08:59
Hm. Well, I don't know why she would be spending time with you online and off, and also be trying to send you the message that she's not interested. It's pretty easy to show someone you aren't interested - you just don't engage. And she definitely is. Or, if she's trying to tell you "I like you, but not in that way," it seems like she would talk to you about whoever she is interested in... Which maaaaybe is what she was doing, or yeah - maybe she was talking about you.

Damn. If I could see the body language, I could tell you in about five minutes. My best advice, if you want to find out which direction she's leaning toward, is just to go ahead and ask her out on an unmistakeable date-date. Something fairly romantic. That should settle it, and it's not like you would be any kind of idiot for asking, even if it turns out she doesn't have that kind of relationship in mind. As far as I can tell, most signs are in favor of it.
posted by taz 30 May | 10:06
I think I'll suggest a romantic getaway to Greece. Not only would it be unambiguously date-like, but then taz could inspect the body language in person! ;)
posted by punch 30 May | 10:09
I'm guessing from reading this, that you're a bit younger than I am (I'm 38).
I find directness wins the day every time.
If you really like this woman and think you have a chance, then ask her out, straight up. If you get shot down, the world won't end and if she's fairly sensitive and discreet, your biz won't be all over your social network.

And RELAX...women aren't that much different than guys. Every encounter shouldn't send you running off to consult tea leaves!

Good luck!
posted by black8 30 May | 10:59
If you're definitely interested in her, ask her out on a non-ambiguous date. Which I seem to remember being my advice to you last time too -- dude, stop being so ambiguous! You're leaving a wake of confused girls! :-)

If you're not really sure, though, I might just let it go. She's leaving, she's acting squirrely, it might take more time and energy to get things going right than you have if you're only so-so on things right now.

And stop worrying about her getting hurt or doing the wrong thing. It sounds like it's paralyzing you, and she's a big girl, she can manage her own emotional life. I've seen guys go reeeeeally wrong when "I don't want to hurt her" is the main motivation for a course of action.
posted by occhiblu 30 May | 11:04
women aren't that much different than guys. Every encounter shouldn't send you running off to consult tea leaves!

Exactly. Don't women do this too???

OK. Thanks for all the advice guys.
posted by punch 30 May | 11:22
Stop reading into everything she says like it's some secret I Don't Like You message. Take everything she says at face value- if it's about you, then it's about you; if it's not, it's not. If you like spending time with her, continue to do so; if you don't, don't. If you ask her out and she acts ultra weird about it, let her fly free like a butterfly and see if she comes back. She is a grownup and can take care of herself; you just have to be honest with yourself and her- worrying about "hurting her" is really just inflating your own self-importance. You're not dying- tomorrow will come, and the next day, and the next.... see what happens. And don't forget to breathe :-D

I totally wrote this to myself.... hope it's valuable to you, too!

And on preview, yes, women get crazy, too. I try to be calm, and fail miserably every time.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 30 May | 11:24
Yeah, man, just ASK HER fer chrissakes. Don't get all up in your haid. (I'm 38, also, and after a divorce, I'm all about being as up-front and honest as possible.)

Cheers - you'll do fine.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 30 May | 11:43
Stop reading into everything she says like it's some secret I Don't Like You message.

Good advice. I need to remember this for the future.
posted by punch 30 May | 11:57
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