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29 May 2006

Somebody call me a waaambulance. ...I feel like hell on a toothpick.[More:]

Got a sudden case of stomach flu on Saturday afternoon. I still feel like crap-and I had to finish my last (take home) exam for school. Never mind all my plans for Memorial day.

All that and I still haven't told my redneck folks just who my daughter is marrying.

And our house hasn't closed YET.


(But I'm okay. Really. And as soon as my tylenol PM kicks in....)

Everything tastes better on a toothpick.
posted by mudpuppie 29 May | 20:30
who is your daughter marrying?
posted by Wedge 29 May | 20:37
::waits expectantly::
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 29 May | 20:39
A very nice young man who happens to be African-American.

To my husband and I, no problem. The grandparents?

I don't wanna go there.
posted by bunnyfire 29 May | 20:40
Oh, and we're white, with a dash of Cherokee on the hub's side.
posted by bunnyfire 29 May | 20:41
True story... when I was a youngster, many of my older relatives thought I was so "unusual" that I was "bound" to end up with a black girl. (This was the south in the 70s.) I wish any of my grandparents had lived to see me happily end up with a white guy. Heh heh...

Actually, my paternal grand-dad would probably have been cool with it, at heart... the grandmothers on both sides would have been in a swivet, though.
posted by BoringPostcards 29 May | 20:48
Congrats on the upcoming nuptials, bunnyfire!

Maybe your folks will surprise you. If not, I pity them. They'll miss out on so much love and laughter for such a silly reason.
posted by jrossi4r 29 May | 22:48
Mazel tov to your daughter and her SO!
posted by brujita 29 May | 23:21
*nibbles hell from toothpick*

Needs more hot sauce!

Congratulations, bunnyfire! I hope the relatives will surprise you, but if not, just dig in your heels and swear to us that you will enjoy yourself. Weddings can be very stressful (even without difficult familly issues), so it's important to be as Zenlike as possible... be like the willow in the storm, little bunny
posted by taz 29 May | 23:56
Strangely, taz did not blame me, although I do blame myself.

I'm surprised that Tron's escrow closed before yours.

And think of this wedding as an opportunity to demonstrate that you are a better mother than your mother, because hubris is a sin, but smugness is just being American. :)

And hell should not be served on toothpicks; it requires a metal skewer.

posted by wendell 30 May | 00:41
congratulations, but why do you care about what some racists think? I mean, even if they're your parents. racism is teh suck, period. parents or not parents. enjoy the wedding and congratulations
posted by penguinbukkake 30 May | 02:38
Why do I care? Well, because I am gonna catch all kinds of hell* about it, and being bipolar I don't need the stress.

As to the wedding, it will be small, as there is a bun in the oven. Yeah, there's THAT.

* on metal skewers.
posted by bunnyfire 30 May | 06:31
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