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26 May 2006

Back from slef-imposed exile Lamest excuse ever for not being online.[More:]I've been following this season's American Idol, but in the UK it's shown on Friday, with the performance show followed by the results show, and with all the vote-vote-vote crap edited out.

So on Thursday morning I put myself into web exile and haven't looked at a single website that might have the result on it.

The show's just finished and I am ecstatic that Taylor won - although I initially rooted for Bucky (because he was cute - I knew he had no chance of winning) and then transferred my allegiance to Elliott. I was gutted that Elliott was voted off last week, what a great voice that kid has got. He was also brave enough to sing (wonderfully) the most technically challenging song anyone's ever attempted on that show ("Moody's Mood For Love").

Best moment of the results show? When that geeky kid who wanted to be Clay Aitken was singing and Clay Aitken came out behind him. The kid almost had a heart attack, but then sang his little heart out alongside his hero.

Anyway, I know it's not cool to like Idol, but I make no apologies.
And here is a baby bunny that looks like Taylor Hicks.
≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by essexjan 26 May | 17:22
But can he play a harmonica?
posted by bunnyfire 26 May | 17:24
And here is a Lego Taylor Hicks.
posted by wendell 26 May | 17:40
Hello jan. It's not but so goofy. I watched my first AI this season because Elliot was my hometown boy - it was really great to get the parade and all that. So I rooted for him. . .I know he looks funny, but if you hear him on the radio, WOW. . .seems like a nice fellow too, good ambassador. So I watched (and voted) for civic pride, but I admit the show won me over with it's cheeze appeal. Welcome back, and um, Yay-Not-Katarine.
posted by rainbaby 26 May | 18:24
When Elliott changed his hair he looked a whole lot better. And yeah, thank God Kat didn't win. Although her singing is adroit, she has absolutely no emotional connection with what she's singing. It was especially noticeable when she sang "Against All Odds" the other week. It's one of the most angst-laden songs ever written, and she spent the whole song doing that simpering, smiling 'aren't I clever and pretty?' look to the camera.

I would buy Elliott's CD, probably Taylor's too. And I would also buy the AI edition of 'Playgirl' for the pictures of Bucky, Chris and Ace.
posted by essexjan 26 May | 18:35
posted by Lipstick Thespian 26 May | 18:53
rainbaby: My roommate and her parents are nuts for Idol so I got to watch a lot of this season with her and get excited with her about it (she had McPheever; my beat was the Soul Patrol). But she told me an invaluable tip which made watching Elliot sing more enjoyable as he hadn't learned good microphone technique: watch him with your eyes closed.
posted by TrishaLynn 27 May | 08:20
Who is this slef? I'm going to kill him for trying to impose exile on you!
posted by grouse 27 May | 08:42
I don't know what the "soul patrol" thing refers to, but it made my morning.
posted by cmonkey 27 May | 11:58
We accept your apology and offer you this gift. || Now i can die happy!!!