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Comment Feed:


25 May 2006

Idiotic corporate-speak of the day: Apparently, the term "brainstorming" should no longer be used, as it's offensive to people with certain neurological disorders. The replacement?[More:]"Thought showers" Aaaaaaggggghhh! As my boss pointed out, it kinda makes you want to put up your mental umbrella. He aptly described the term as 'instant shit.'

Now "shit storming"...that would be a good replacement.
Cranium Flurries.

No, that sounds like dandruff.
posted by jonmc 25 May | 14:05
more like golden showers am i rite?
posted by keswick 25 May | 14:06
Wouldn't Thought Showers be offensive to people who only have bathtubs?
posted by iconomy 25 May | 14:06
more like golden showers am i rite?

Well, I wouldn't want to google it.
posted by elizard 25 May | 14:07
How about 'Grey Matter Drizzles'?

Or 'Skull Sprinkles'?
posted by iconomy 25 May | 14:07
iconomy, you just made me snort really loud in my quiet office.
posted by Specklet 25 May | 14:12
Skull Sprinkles! The exciting new breakfast cereal! Won't go soggy in milk! Contains five times the recommended daily dose of calcium! Buy Skull Sprinkles today!!!!

Now with extra cartilage.
posted by elizard 25 May | 14:15
How about "Now we're going to devote the next couple of hours to a bunch of people coming up with a bunch of fairly random and occasionally extremely stupid ideas that will be written in marker on large pieces of paper that will then be hung around the room. At least one marker will run out. At least one sheet of paper will fall down several times. And some poor schlub will have to type the entire goddamn waste of time up and send it off to clutter everyone's email."
posted by mygothlaundry 25 May | 14:52
A thought shower of bastards?
posted by PinkStainlessTail 25 May | 15:17
Well. color me...

Hey, help me out here, what's another word for "offended"?
posted by tommasz 25 May | 16:46
I vote for "Going to the pub and talking about the stuff we need to do in the next month or so."
posted by seanyboy 25 May | 17:21
fuckwit orgasms?
posted by eekacat 25 May | 18:33
A blogger (not me) who was collecting some "hot buzzwords for 2006", included this one:

BLAMESTORMING: Sitting around in a group, discussing why a deadline was missed or a project failed, and who was responsible.

...which, is what you're most often really doing when you're "brainstorming", right?
posted by wendell 25 May | 21:49
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