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Comment Feed:


25 May 2006

I just stumbled across a website in which people post as their cats. Like, in first person about shedding.
Oh, you tease.
posted by iconomy 25 May | 19:16
As long as they don't write about lickin their ass.
posted by flopsy 25 May | 19:27
I figured no one else would want to experience the horror.

My favorite is actually the last one on the page, but I'm rather unable to articulate why.
posted by occhiblu 25 May | 19:28
Though "I shed like crazy too which is part of the reason mom puts me in clothes" is running a close second...
posted by occhiblu 25 May | 19:30
How do you know it's not actually cats posting? ≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by keswick 25 May | 20:05
Really. I mean, if monkeys can type up the works of Shakespeare, don't you think a cat could type up one measly post? And the posts are full of grammatical errors and typos!!

*points at cats and laughs*
posted by iconomy 25 May | 20:09
I have no doubt a cat would be able to type up a post. Reading the previous posts so as to offer a relevant point, however, that's what I question.
posted by occhiblu 25 May | 20:14
that's pretty fucking scary.
posted by puke & cry 25 May | 20:14
Like this? Is horrifying.
posted by occhiblu 25 May | 20:21
Who would DO such a thing???

(Pardon me; I need to use the litter box.)
I would have no choice but to post things like this and worse:

"My human keeps playing with my butt. It is really annoying. He is always "look at da widdle kitty rosebud" and poking at it with one of my toys or something. I hiss and slap at him, but he just keeps messing with my arse. What can I do to make him stop?"
Yea, that's really SICK. Boo on people who have websites for their pets!

/hides all evidence that her dog has a Dogster page
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 25 May | 23:03
I dunno, I guess it's ok. These cats seem to be awfully obsessed with their humans, I mean, it's all they talk about, it's like they don't have lives of their own.
posted by Capn 25 May | 23:22
I know, but I still like this.
posted by tangerine 26 May | 00:03
p.s. scroll down to the "Bright Lights, Big Kitty" section.
posted by tangerine 26 May | 00:39
Meowmie? Meowmie?

Oh my.
posted by wimpdork 26 May | 00:46
OK, I'm in love with Abbie the cat.

I think the catster threads bother me less because of the first-person thing and more because the cats are having a conversation in first person. It's one thing to post as your pet once, it's another to maintain that persona as you answer other people who are also posting as their pets... it's way too pomo for me, I think.
posted by occhiblu 26 May | 10:32
Oh man, I'm loving Abbie so much.

stairs are good
to knock things down
Goodbye sock

But the other people talking in first person as their cats? No. Just... no.
posted by Specklet 26 May | 11:13
Abbie is posting again, yay!!
posted by deborah 26 May | 12:55
My cat has a MySpace page. I kind of want to update it one of these days when she's sitting on the keyboard.

(Let us never speak of this again.)

What really freaks me out is people who refer to themselves from their pet's point of view as "Mom." Did you give birth to that cat? I SURE HOPE NOT.

I don't think my cat views me as "mom." I think she views me as "The long-haired pink thing." My husband would be "The short haired pink-thing." Of course, in my cat's mind, the inside of the toilet bowl is a great place to sit, so who knows.
posted by grapefruitmoon 27 May | 11:23
What kind of a || OMG! Bunny!