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24 May 2006

Wetlands in the Bronx? An interesting collection of debris... [More:]

I just got back from taking some kiddies at my school on a field trip. I was helping the science teacher out, filling in on one of a series of visits the seniors are making to the East River in the Bronx. Of course, the East River is not what immediately comes to my mind when I think of wetlands. There was, however, this narrow strip of remaining wetland grasses amongst the debris of broken bricks and kitchen tile; a hunk of chimney; rusted engine; various belts and hoses; the requisite beer and liquor bottles; a used panty liner (yuk); and one, I kid you not, goat skull poised on a rock, alla Georgia O'keeffe.

What lives in these wetlands, you ask? Mostly snails (we held races; my snail placed third).

I must say, though, I did learn a lot, about mud flats and indicator species and all, and both the students and I enjoyed being out of the classroom on such a fine spring day.

Addendum: Yesterday, someone shit in the elevator at the Fordham MetroNorth station. Usually, it just reeks of piss. Looked like two large shit meatballs, with shit sauce.

Good times Pips, good times.
posted by nomis 24 May | 17:46
You New Yorkers have all the fun!
posted by jelly 24 May | 17:57
I am pretty sure elevator shitters are an indicator species.
posted by arse_hat 24 May | 17:59
howcome not the bronx zoo or botanical gardens?

they're trying to clean up the river and much of the area but it's been industrially polluted for ages and there's no money--the Bronx River (by the parkway) has some clean areas tho.
posted by amberglow 24 May | 18:48
if it wasnt for the Bronx, this snail shit probably never would be goin' on
posted by drjimmy11 24 May | 19:37
howcome not the bronx zoo or botanical gardens?

Well, actually, it's a special program for kids, learning about the environment and collecting data for Lehman College, held at this park by the river. The guy giving the talk and leading the program was excellent, too. Our AP science teacher knows more about it, I'm afraid.

And that part of the Bronx, I must say, has some lovely areas as well. Nice row houses, tree-lined streets... and the river's still beautiful (despite the debris); I like the urban/bucolic mix myself, with the bridges in the distance and the planes from LaGuardia overhead. Plus, I got a phat roast beef sandwich with cheese and LT on a hard roll for $3 (including free soda). I wear my Belmont t-shirt proudly.
posted by Pips 24 May | 19:44
For jonmc. || My first complain post: why I hate my job.