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Comment Feed:


24 May 2006

So I have been watching One Life to Live [More:]

Off and on for quite a while. But if they kill Todd off, I will stop. So I kinda hope they do, because I don't like that I am watching a soap opera semi-regularly.
Todd/Blair is the original WTFOTP, with the possible exception of Luke/Laura.
posted by TrishaLynn 24 May | 14:24
Oh God... Luke and Laura. My best friend Beth and I used to switch back and forth after school between her soap at 3:00, General Hospital, and mine, Guiding Light, all the while eating chunky peanut butter (which I don't like now, oddly) spread mouth-gummingly thick on graham crackers. I was forced into the whole Luke and Laura thing, I tell ya, forced (that, and Beth had every Bee Gee's 45 known to mankind -- though I have come to appreciate them).

I have, however, been watching Guiding Light for, gasp, thirty years. I've seen characters come back to life, twice; the grandchildren of the old characters are major players now; and my sister-in-law's nephew's kids played Blake's twins (or one of Blake's twins, anyways -- WTF?), back in the day. So don't be ashamed; and buy some chunky peanut butter, if you like that sort of thing.

(I'll say a prayer for Todd.)
posted by Pips 24 May | 18:59
What's WTFOTP?
posted by iconomy 24 May | 19:05
"What the Fuck?" One True Pairing = A couple who are so improbable at first but somehow they make it work and keep making it work, despite canon throwing other people in their way. With Todd/Blair, it was the whole Tea/island thing, with dashes of Marty and maybe a little bit of Max.
posted by TrishaLynn 24 May | 19:22
No way I would have ever figured that out! There was only one other WTFOTP when I googled it, and a small handful of WTF OTP (with a space) so I had no idea -none of the google results defined what it meant. Where did it come from? Is it a chat room thing? Thanks for the quick reply, because it's been driving me crazy.
posted by iconomy 24 May | 19:33
Whoa... people are actually using this term? I just made it up out of the blue, I swear.
posted by TrishaLynn 24 May | 19:58
I found/read spoilers for OLTL. Meh.
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