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Comment Feed:


24 May 2006

Signs of a perfect significant other?
Someone whose B.O. you can tolerate or even enjoy.
posted by eekacat 24 May | 12:06
Perfect? Doesn't exist.
posted by matildaben 24 May | 12:07
Ha! How about that. Funny. I was going to say YMMV, but they smell and taste right. I don't care how im/perfect they are in other ways, that's what it comes down to.
posted by rainbaby 24 May | 12:09
Someone who can tolerate or even enjoy your B.O.
Someone who knows everything about you, but still likes you anyway.
posted by jonmc 24 May | 12:10
It's the histocompatibility, baby! Gotta make immune kids!
posted by matildaben 24 May | 12:11
To continue today's theme, liking October Project would be a good start. =P
True, perfect doesn't exist. The sooner we all give that idea up, the happier we will be.

But how to tell a good one? I second the scent test.

The other day I realized I could conjure a memory of my main squeeze's scent -- it's imprinted enough for me to actually call up in memory. That was startling, and nice. Remembering how something smells is not usually all that easy. How strange!
posted by Miko 24 May | 12:12
But how to tell a good one? I second the scent test.

Maybe we should skip the whole 'dating,' thing and just run around the park sniffing eachothers butts like drunken schnauzers.
posted by jonmc 24 May | 12:14
Well, it's not the butt smell I'm referring to. But I could go for sniffing the napes of people's necks. It would indeed make it much easier to weed out the non-contenders.
posted by Miko 24 May | 12:17
/off to make sure my nape smells purty.
posted by richat 24 May | 12:21
Sweat compatibility isn't really going to tell you how you two are going to get along outside of bed. But what's going on in bed is going to be amazing enough that you'll have incentive to work a bit harder on the other stuff if you have to.
posted by matildaben 24 May | 12:24
Well, it's not the butt smell I'm referring to.

me neither.

*cancels 5 o'clock Chanel No. 5 colonic*
posted by jonmc 24 May | 12:24
Anyone who will put up with me.

Seriously though, there may not be "perfect" but what I have is pretty close.
posted by Lola_G 24 May | 12:24
Lola_G has it- I'd consider him "perfect" if he could stand me for longer than 6 months (and vice versa).
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 24 May | 12:30
Wow. Then me & the pipsta must be perfect X 20.
posted by jonmc 24 May | 12:31
They have to be as fucked up in the head as I am, if not more, and they need to have grown up in a similar way as I did. Other than that, the rest can be worked on.
posted by cmonkey 24 May | 12:33
Yes, perfect exists. Only perfect isn't about fitting her into my own notions of hunky-dory; without the bad parts, she wouldn't be perfect. I only really love her if I can love what I hate about her. All these contradictions (and much more) add up to perfection.
posted by Hugh Janus 24 May | 12:37
for me?

compatible sex drives.
posted by gaspode 24 May | 12:37
Okay, I'm back! Anyone wanna smell my nape?

No? Oh okay.

Seriously, what me and mrs richat have is pretty cool. She has taught me optimism while I have taught her to take the world with a slightly more cynical view (sounds like I got the best of that one didn't I?). Also, we seem to compliment each other in life...when I need a hand up because I'm feeling low, she's always there to help out. And vice versa. It's pretty amazing once you do find it.
posted by richat 24 May | 12:42
Anyone wanna smell my nape?

Remember to ask permission. Otherwise, it's nape rape.
posted by jonmc 24 May | 12:49
sex and humor go along way
posted by betty 24 May | 12:50
He has to be able to keep me stimulated on several levels and think I'm the hottest thing walking.
posted by Orange Swan 24 May | 13:13
Oh, back to dimwitri then?
gaspode: Amen. And compatible senses of humor. And must be able to put up with my diva-ness.
posted by TrishaLynn 24 May | 13:30
I'm totally with Orange Swan on this one. Hot to me is so much more than looks. Good looks go only so far with me; if someone can't hold my interest for more than a couple of hours, even if he looks like Johnny Depp, there's nothing there.
posted by smich 24 May | 13:33
Weretable, my gag reflex is not one of the things I want stimulated.
posted by Orange Swan 24 May | 13:40
It seems more useful to figure out what the dealbreakers are, and then watch out for them.

If you're into someone and there are no dealbreakers, you're good to go. So the second part of the question becomes, "What kind of people do you really like to be with?", which is an easier question to answer than "What makes a perfect SO?"
posted by agropyron 24 May | 14:00
Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. I doubt dimwitri is large enough to gag you. /gross joke
He gags me even when he's miles away. Maybe he is after all a man among men.
posted by Orange Swan 24 May | 14:20
Ooo, agropyron is so wise. So so wise.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 24 May | 14:52
Yah, but. . . you're not going to be but so into them unless they smell right. So then you get tied up in "I really like them and the bed is good and they aren't breaking any of the deals" - but it still isn't going to work. The nose knows.
posted by rainbaby 24 May | 14:55
If you're into someone and there are no dealbreakers, you're good to go. So the second part of the question becomes, "What kind of people do you really like to be with?", which is an easier question to answer than "What makes a perfect SO?"

This strikes me as a brilliant Occam's razor of relationships. I affirm this idea wholeheartedly.

And as to rainbaby's point -- I can't imagine things being good in bed with someone who doesn't smell good. I really can't. The two seem to go together. So if 'not fun in bed/doesn't smell good' is a dealbreaker (as it would be for me), then having the smell thing aligned right is a free pass out of that dealbreaker problem.
posted by Miko 24 May | 15:41
For awhile I was doing, in my mind, a 3 year test. If you know someone for a couple of weeks, months, or whatever, and you are either sleeping with them or headed that way, it is a fun exercise to project one's self into the future a few years and let the imagination run freely, with what is presently known about the person, and what is presently known about one's self.

Having the hots for someone. .well why would you get together with someone in the first place, without that? It will come and go in the course of years. . die off, rekindle, etc., but good sexual communication and openness would be a huge plus.

But the older I get, the more I realize that I don't really know about any of this and the more mysterious it all becomes.

And, apparently, upon preview, the more incoherent my posts become.
posted by danf 24 May | 18:20
The toughest question is how to distinguish between a potential Significant Other (in the sense of a long-term committed relationship) and a relationship that should really be thought of as more short-term or less committed. And how to be comfortable about that decision (both as an individual and as a couple) once it has been made.
posted by matildaben 24 May | 18:26
A Perfect SO? hahaha.

Here's a quick stab based on local fauna:

A woman with:

- the steady grace of Mudpuppie
- the fashion sense of Specklet
- the fearless fun of Wimpdork
- the stature of Elizard
- the in-your-face-itude of TrishaLynn
- the sweetness of Miko
- the ferocity of Viachicago
- the sly wit of Essexjan
- the goofiness of Small Ruminant
- the eyes of Frisbee Girl
- the wild creativity of Mrs. Pants
- the welcoming of Matildaben
- the friendliness of Tangerine

okay...basically, I want a hulking, gigantic Godzilla mashup of every woman I've ever met on Metachat. Only then will I know what perfection truly is, because I see how Perfection is shown to me by the amazing qualities of all you hotties.

I have spoken.

(this message was generated by the Mushomatic v2.0)
posted by Lipstick Thespian 24 May | 18:52
There are no signs. You just know.
posted by dg 24 May | 22:01
Someone with whom getting a flat on the cross Bronx expressway turns out to be fun.
posted by StickyCarpet 24 May | 22:13
Someone who is not dating me!
posted by sisterhavana 24 May | 23:07
What agropyron and StickyCarpet said. The mister is far from perfect, but he's perfect for me. We support each other's weaknesses and can rely on each other's strengths. And in spite of the age difference and different upbringing we're so compatible it's scary.

*glares at LT*
posted by deborah 24 May | 23:15
Oh, and lest I forget, the put-me-in-my-place-ness of Deborah! (plus her laugh - she has a great laugh!)
posted by Lipstick Thespian 25 May | 12:44
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