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Comment Feed:


23 May 2006

I quit my job today. [More:]It was a very frustrating job, one of those tedious student jobs where you work on lots of data and will never see the end of it or get any good feedback, and I realised last week that I don't need the money after all and I would be much happier if I didn't have to ever care about it again. So, I quit. 40 more hours on my contract and I will never have to think about it again.

Also, I talked to the aforementioned ex and he is horrifyingly depressed and refuses to see me because he's in the midst of shutting down all his friendships and I will just remind him of how he's ruined his life, and I am quite worried about him.

Depression killed my uncle and is stealing the only boy I've ever loved. Fuck, I hate it.

Okay, I just needed to vent to some bunnies.
Good for you! (on the job quitting. on the rest, that's rough. hope your friend gets some help)
posted by jonmc 23 May | 13:32
Congrats on quitting the job! And sorry about the boif. :-(
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 23 May | 13:38
Hang in there. Keep trying with the ex-, but also remember that you can't live his life for him.
posted by omiewise 23 May | 14:14
heatherann, may I suggest calling a suicide hotline and asking them for advice? I did that once many years ago for an old roommate. They're in the phone book, and they're very helpful.
posted by halonine 23 May | 14:16
Major bummer on the ex heatherann, but I am glad to hear that you are able to dump the soul-killing job. Those are the worst kind of jobs, yet often the most common.
posted by richat 23 May | 15:21
Quitting rules.

(Best of luck with the ex, heatherann. Halonine's suggestion is a good one. Sounds like he's not in a place where you can confront him head-on, so getting outside advice might help.)

(On the other hand, sometimes it's good for people to "clean house" emotionally. I've done it a few times and, while it's always obvious that it doesn't make sense to the outside world, sometimes it's the best way of getting grounded. Might not be anything to worry about -- may just be something he needs to do right now. FWIW.)
posted by mudpuppie 23 May | 16:17
Well, he's in counselling and on anti-depressants, and it sounds like his doctor is just upping his dosage of a drug that doesn't work for him (it's been six months, for pete's sake! switch already!), and he doesn't seem to be connecting with his therapist very well. So, I suggested that he switch, switch doctors if he won't do anything other than upping the dosage of something that isn't making him sane, and switch therapists if she's not what he needs. I'm not sure what else a suicide hotline would suggest. If his friends were more forward people, if his family ever talked, things would be different. I was lucky enough to have a really strong support system when I was going through similar stuff, I wish he had the same.

He sounds so scared.
posted by heatherann 23 May | 16:31
I didn't know what to say to you about this, heatherann, but what mudpuppie says sounds about what I was thinking but couldn't put into the right words.
posted by essexjan 23 May | 16:35

I suppose your ex's family is in denial that he is depressed, so they are not in touch with him. Do his friends understand his medical situation and check up on him often? Hopefully someone is in daily contact with him and may catch him before anything happens. Sadly even that is not a guarantee. It sounds like he needs to be watched every minute. Also most people don't know what to look for.

I wonder if his statements in light of his history is enough to have him in the hospital for a little while. You may know more about the situation than even the health care professionals, perhaps because he trusts you. Maybe you have enough information to make a call and have him put on psychiatric hold. A hotline could tell you for sure.

I don't know the exact reasons why you broke up. If he was abusive to you and any contact with him will make you a victim again you would have to put yourself first in this. Consider your personal boundaries and conscience, and ask the people who supported you before (or the people in your support system now) for help and advice.

Absent any abusive manipulation, the fact that he's scared and withdrawing from his friends indicates that he can't make decisions for himself right now. Withdrawing when you have depression intensifies the depression. And that can make you suicidal. I really hope that your local authorities will allow him to be held on this basis.

Here is some information on depression, and on suicide.

You're correct in taking this seriously. But again, if he is an abusive or manipulative person, that changes things.
posted by halonine 23 May | 21:45
Congrats on quitting the bad job. I have no help for your ex and his troubles. I hope he gets better.
posted by fenriq 24 May | 00:15
Yay on escaping the job from hell. Best wishes for the ex, and what omiewise said. And yeah, if it doesn't kick in in 3 weeks or less, it's not the right drug.
posted by chewatadistance 24 May | 08:31
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