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Comment Feed:


23 May 2006

I am having a bad and scary day. It's going to be okay, right? Right??? I wouldn't ask for reassurance if I didn't need it.
Absolutely, puppo. You are loved like crazy throughout Bunnyland! You can e-mail me if you like. Everything's gonna be alright.
posted by viachicago 23 May | 16:12
*HUGS* Everything is going to be okay. Me and my diseased eye (it's really infected!) are cheering for you.
posted by TrishaLynn 23 May | 16:15
Who's scarin' my pup? Let me at 'em. I'll splat 'em.
posted by jrossi4r 23 May | 16:20

Hope things get better, dear.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 23 May | 16:21
of course, pups.
if it'll make you feel better, you can kick me in the shins...
posted by Hellbient 23 May | 16:22
Everything will work out, dear MP. Unless you're dealing with giant sharks. I'm afraid there's no stopping giant sharks.

The bunnies, they love you.
posted by wimpdork 23 May | 16:23
We have tar 'n' feathers and torches and pickforks and nobody, and I mean NOBODY better mess with our mudpuppie!
posted by deborah 23 May | 16:26
Indeed, it's going to be okay.
posted by box 23 May | 16:27
Thanks y'all. Put the tar, feathers, pitchforks, and sharks away, because I deserve it. My poverty has pissed my landlord off (again), and she's really (and deservedly) pissed at me. I thought the money was there, but because of a stupid oversight on my part, it wasn't.


I can cover the rent, but I hate having people mad at me -- she's really, really mad -- and having to call her back is totally anxiety-inducing. Plus, I know I can't stay here much longer -- I just can't afford it. I don't even mind losing the house -- any set of rooms is the same as another.

But my garden, man. MY GARDEN!!!!

If nothing else, maybe this is the scary kick in the ass I need to start moving on with my life after a year (or 6) of stagnation. But it's scary, it makes my heart pound, and I'm just not good at dealing with this stuff right now.

The silver lining, I guess, is that at another point in my life I would have sufferend in silence and would have driven myself crazy over it. I'm so glad y'all are here for me to admit my stupid fuckups, and that you'll give me a pat on the head even though it's all my own damn fault. Thanks, peoples. Really.
posted by mudpuppie 23 May | 16:32
You need a hug.
posted by essexjan 23 May | 16:34
Every single wonderful person in the universe has screwed up at least once, and probably multiple times. It's almost impossible to be a wonderful person without having had such an experience to temper the ego and add compassion.

Hang in there, mudpuppie. It'll be OK, no matter how it works out.
posted by occhiblu 23 May | 17:03
Pat, pat. It'll get better.
posted by matildaben 23 May | 17:05
This, too, shall pass.
posted by me3dia 23 May | 17:08

email me any time. I've had some rough times like this, so maybe I can tell you some things that, if not usefull, may make you feel a little less apprehensive.
posted by pieisexactlythree 23 May | 17:14
*hugs the pup*

and damn, I couldn't write anything better than occiblu. So I won't. We're here for you, lady.
posted by gaspode 23 May | 17:46
You can come live with me and work in my garden! You can bring the hens and together we will build them the taj mahal of chicken coopdom which will amaze and invigorate the world! It will all be okay!

Also, what everyone else said. You are loved.
posted by mygothlaundry 23 May | 17:52
As the doctor told the worried mother of the 3-year old who had swallowed a marble, "This, too, shall pass". Or what me3dia said.
posted by ooga_booga 23 May | 17:52
Sweet pup!

Stuff happens.

Maybe it is time to gal up and move to life's next step. I don't know, you might. I do know I'm here for you, though.
posted by Miko 23 May | 17:59
Sigh... a garden. Reminds me of a place that I loved and lost, but I at least had evil housemates and an evil landlord trying to out-evil each other to blame for that. Keep a stiff upper everything and just start transplanting evrything into containers...

I do have some leftover landlord-repellant spray I can send you... also works on land sharks.
posted by wendell 23 May | 18:07
Check your email, mp. *hug*
posted by tangerine 23 May | 18:07
Loads of people have been where you are-you will get through it. I can commiserate with you, and I hate any sort of confrontation-rather hide my head than face the rough stuff. There's lots of shoulders here to lean on, and loads of folks who care. You take care of you, and the rest will sort itself out.
posted by redvixen 23 May | 18:50
Puppie, I suck at consoling people, but I'm giving it a go for you, so that says something.

It'll all be ok! And plus, if you move in with mgl you can see everyone at the Asheville meetup.

Man, that's probably one of the worst consolations ever. Sorry.
posted by agropyron 23 May | 18:57

I've been evicted and I've been broke (still am, really) so I know the stress that can be. And right now, tending to landscaping and gardening is a real comfort, so it's extra tough to think about losing something that can help you handle the stress.

But maybe this is an opportunity that's going to change things for the better!
posted by stilicho 23 May | 19:00
Pup o' Noodles! Boy can I relate! But you will get through this, and you can see it as a sign to move on, or not, but I think everyone here is in agrrement that you would be happier elsewhere.

E-mail me if you need anything.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 23 May | 19:15
Having been in a similar situation in the past, I know how much this sucks. Well, it'll pass, and until then happy thoughts are being sent your way by one and all. Take care.
posted by croctommy 23 May | 19:33
{{{{mudpuppie}}} I've been there. It sucks. But it will get better.
posted by LeeJay 23 May | 20:08
You people rock.

Just talked to my landlord and, while she's not thrilled, I've made an arrangement with her. The phone call had me really, really nervous (like, the physically-ill kind of nervous), but y'all's support gave me the courage to do it, regardless of whatever outcome I was imagining.

Thank you so much. I can't tell you how much it means, and I can't tell you how much suffering you saved me.

Big hug.
posted by mudpuppie 23 May | 20:57
Oh, sweetheart, I'm so sorry you're going through this. Glad you were able to work something out that quells the butterflies, though. It's not much help, I know, but you're welcome in my garden (and home) any time you want. Many whuffles to you, amiga.
posted by elizard 23 May | 21:10
Stressed is ok, freaked isn't. Besides, you have more friends than you probably think.
posted by trondant 23 May | 22:26
Hope it works out well but, no matter what, you will be OK. Always remember that.
posted by dg 23 May | 22:34
≡ Click to see image ≡

Don't worry, mp, somebunny loves you!
posted by Doohickie 23 May | 23:22
This too shall pass. . I have been in that situation a number of times. .it sucks. . .but life is long (hopefully) and everyone goes through that. . .

I hope that things look up for you. . . .

posted by danf 23 May | 23:38
Aw, baby! I'm sooooo sorry it's been ucky! Also, I agree with Lipstick.

(I'm hugging you so hard, right now! Yes, really, really hard. You'll be glad when I stop. There, I've stopped! Now, doesn't that feel better? Breathe!)
posted by taz 23 May | 23:47
My kitten and I offer lots of late night hugs.

Unless you're allergic to cats. In which case, I offer hugs and my kitten will just stand in a faraway corner and look adorable.
posted by grapefruitmoon 24 May | 01:19
Hang in there pup.

Um, I think I may have missed a chapter somewhere. For some reason I thought you were moving to Texas to work with chickens. Am I nuts?
posted by chewatadistance 24 May | 08:28
Make up acronyms for usernames (besides yours). || OMG! Otters!