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22 May 2006

What's your poltergeist been up to lately? [More:]

Mine had quite the laugh at my expense last Friday. I was coming off the elevator in the basement of the school where I teach, on my way home, when I fell flat on my face on the cement floor, in front of five security officers and two janitors. Everyone was very concerned, which only made things worse. My backpack was heavy, and I was having trouble getting up (like some backasswards turtle). I can so laugh about it now, but at the time, my right arm and knee hurt like motherfuckers, and I hoppled down the hall, whining, in a teary voice, "The floor is wet... the fucking floor is wet... you can't let the fucking floor be wet..."

My lousy poltergeist had spilled a bucket of water, you see. He's also rather fond of making my underwear slide down my ass while I'm walking with bags of groceries in both hands.

So what naughtiness has your poltergeist been up to lately?
Just blowing cold air directly at me from his hideout in the wall, like usual.
posted by jonmc 22 May | 10:16
Mine slams the door when I walk through the funeral home. Really. Shit my pants every time.
posted by ColdChef 22 May | 12:38
Mine bit me on the eyelid while I was sleeping last week.
posted by Hugh Janus 22 May | 12:44
Years ago, when we had just moved into our first house, I had baked some gingerbread men to hang on the Christmas tree. They sat on the counter and I just decorated them as I had time. After about a week, my husband comes to me all kinds of freaked out and asks, "Do you keep moving the cookies?"

"No. Why?"

"Every morning I wake up and there is one lone gingerbread man wedged behind along the back of the stove there. I throw it out, and the next day it happens again."

"Oh crap," I said. "I guess we have a mouse."

"A mouse?!? Oh thank GOD. A mouse. I thought it was a poltergeist!"
posted by jrossi4r 22 May | 13:52
NOT telekinetically getting the recycling out, that's for damned sure.
posted by trondant 22 May | 22:13
Happy makeover birthday, essexjan. || Frank Collin.