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22 May 2006

Tomorrow morning I'm getting oral... [More:] [made ya look]

At 10:30 CST I will be in la-la land (general anethesia) and the surgeons will commence ta' yankin' five teeth out my head. For those of you who like to tally; thats 2 wisdom teeth, 2 root canals gone awry and 1 more tooth just because they can. That will leave me with two teeth - enough to chew through a Jolly Rancher wrapper and get at it's succulent goodness.

To be frank, I'm petrified. Can this have a happy ending?
I've had teeth yanked, but I ponied up for the implants. Pricey, but worth it.

fear away, if you must, but it's pointless to fret over (replace the non-wisdom one for your own sense of completeness)
posted by sourwookie 22 May | 01:36
Can this have a happy ending?

no. but, you'll get drugs... so that's cool. do you have dental insurance?
posted by Wedge 22 May | 02:19
Don't be petrified! You'll sleep through the whole thing, and it'll be fine. Plus they give you a pleasant array of drugs afterwards. I'm rooting for you! Hah! Get it? Root? ;)
posted by viachicago 22 May | 02:22
Don't worry. Modern dentists are very good at yankin out teefs, yankin em back in, putting nervous patients at ease, and making sackfuls of money. (I don't know why I mention that last one, but it's just as true as the others).

Here are a few AxMes to assuage your nerves.

They really shouldn't be yankin em out unless they absolutely have to, so I trust you've looked into this. As sourwookie points out, yankin em back in can be expensive.

Good luck tomorrow, but you really won't need it. General anaesthetic is always a little bit risky, but you're probably more at risk on the journey over there. She'll be right, mate.
posted by GeckoDundee 22 May | 02:23
Man I remember when I had my wisdom teeth out the surgery was actually enjoyable... they had me hopped up on whatever kind of goofballs, I was on cloud nine. Of course the pain afterwards wasn't all that fun but the surgery itself was bliss.

posted by Rhomboid 22 May | 03:09
Yeah, I knew that was going to be the more inside. I had to look ANYWAY.
posted by grouse 22 May | 03:43
Will you really only have two teeth? Even so, you'll be alright. You can get dentures.
posted by halonine 22 May | 04:49
I haven't had all that much pulled (just all my wisdoms at once), but it really wasn't too bad. Hang in there, it's worth it for the liquid energy drinks you'll be having.
posted by safetyfork 22 May | 05:55
you're going to have a lemony Pledge smile!
posted by quonsar 22 May | 06:17
Weird. This is the second acquaintance this week that mentioned root canals gone bad/removal. No experience myself other than having 4 impacted wisdom teefs excavated. Fun drugs!
posted by chewatadistance 22 May | 06:18
Well this was nice to wake up to!

T-minus one hour before my chopppers become more suitable for milkshakes.

I have full insurance coverage (thankfully) and yes, I'll have more than two teeth left (more thankfully). I'm going to request they blacken one of the front ones to add to my C&W cred. tee-hee..

Thanks again, ya'll. You have alleviated my trepidation.
posted by KevinSKomsvold 22 May | 09:26
best of luck, Kevin!
posted by scody 22 May | 10:39
Happy ending? That's at the massage parlor next door. If it were me, I'd get the happy ending *before* the surgery in order to be more relaxed.

When I awoke from having my wisdom teeth removed, the nurse showed me the footprint on the arm of the dental chair - apparently they really had to yank like hell. To make up for it, they wrote me a 'scrip for strong meds that took calls to 3 pharmacies to find. Wheee!

Good luck!
posted by Triode 22 May | 11:43
I've only ever had Novocaine to get teefers yanked and haven't had any problems. There was some pain afterward but nothing a few Tylenol-3s couldn't handle.

Hang in there, Kevin, all will be well!
posted by deborah 22 May | 11:47
Well I just got back and my head is lighter.

My insurance wouldn't cover general anethesia; only local. Not even a lil' gas, the fucks. It would have been $960 more just for that! So I went with the local and Triode; you were on the money. The first 4 teeth popped right out but my last wisdom tooth required the Special Machinery. They actually had to send a guy to another room to retrieve it which scared me a little. It finally came out and I'm only $235 lighter which is good. Plus I got a Vicodin™ script which is filled and in the launch position.

Woo Hoo!
posted by KevinSKomsvold 22 May | 14:10
Oh and if anyone is ever in the Chicago area and needs (god, I'm killing me!) I'd highly recommend David Hansen over at the Lincoln Park Oral Surgery Center (2449 N. Lincoln). Dude was a ninja once he went to work on my beautiful smile.
posted by KevinSKomsvold 22 May | 14:13
Glad to hear you got through it OK, Kevin. I had the wizzies yanked a few months ago and was surprised how easy the whole thing was.
posted by jrossi4r 22 May | 14:29
Good News! Nice to hear the dental ninja was a righteous one.
posted by safetyfork 22 May | 15:50
PS. Enjoy the Ensure! (I drank a ton of that stuff when I got my wisdoms pulled, and it's the name of the drink I was referring to earlier, but couldn't remember at the time).
posted by safetyfork 22 May | 15:52
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