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Comment Feed:


22 May 2006

Hey guys, what's up? So I got my posting privledges at MeFi revoked....
But I left Matt a parting gift in my profile. NSFW
I should probably mention that link is NWS.
posted by keswick 22 May | 17:13
Oooookay.... I'd gone a very long time without seeing goatse. Son of a bitch.
posted by viachicago 22 May | 17:15
Yeah, I added the NSFW for you - doesn't do much good in the thread. It's goatse, in case anyone else's finger is lingering over the mouse. What did you do at Metafilter? Link to it! I love a juicy banning.
posted by iconomy 22 May | 17:16
I called a polyamorous chick a slut in the sancrosanct AxeMe. I'm assuming the Haugheys are polyamorous?
posted by keswick 22 May | 17:17
I love a fruity banning.
posted by urbanwhaleshark 22 May | 17:18
Well, since opinions are like assholes, goatse is appropriate.
posted by eekacat 22 May | 17:22
That's our keswick!
posted by Atom Eyes 22 May | 17:25
Great - banned folks from Mefi spreading goatse in Metachat.

Thanks, man!
posted by Lipstick Thespian 22 May | 17:26
Which AskMe thread was this?
posted by agropyron 22 May | 17:34
Is it a permanent ban or just a time-out, keswick? Either way, I think it was just a matter of time.
posted by mullacc 22 May | 17:36
I'm assuming the Haugheys are polyamorous?

no, they just have an inflated view of the importance of metafilter, and especially askme, in general. but like, who asked me?
posted by quonsar 22 May | 17:38
He didn't say and I didn't ask. I don't expect the goatse in my profile is helping my case.
posted by keswick 22 May | 17:39
Welcome to the club. Here's your smoking jacket and brandy snifter.
posted by AlexReynolds 22 May | 17:47
I just thought it was funny that I'm also locked out of editing my profile, but I was able to rename some pictures on my photobucket account and make that meaningless,
posted by keswick 22 May | 18:01
May I suggest an alternative to goatse? A gif with some acerbic text, perhaps?
posted by agropyron 22 May | 18:06
May I suggest an alternative to goatse? A gif with some acerbic text, perhaps?

Fortunately, I have two images linked in my profile, so there's no need to make tough decisions. I did add some acerbic text.

So remember kids, link to lots of 1 pixel transparent gifs in case you ever get banned and make sure not to specify the size in the image tag!
posted by keswick 22 May | 18:18
I shouldn't ask, but why did you call her a slut?
posted by TrishaLynn 22 May | 18:18
can we get a frakking link? To the bannifying comment??'?''?
posted by signal 22 May | 18:20
I called a polyamorous chick a slut in the sancrosanct AxeMe

posted by Wedge 22 May | 18:22
The bannifable comment was deleted, along with any trainwreck it may have caused.

[quote]I shouldn't ask, but why did you call her a slut?[/quote]

Because a) I was trolling and b) I think polyamorous people are really annoying.
posted by keswick 22 May | 18:23
update: i pulled the images; not haughey
posted by keswick 22 May | 18:38
Ach, good for you, keswick. That place is basically a haven for prissy conformist schoolmarms who think they're nonconformist rebels. You're well rid of it.
posted by jonmc 22 May | 18:39
I'm guessing it's this one?
posted by puke & cry 22 May | 18:46
Welcome to the club. Here's your smoking jacket and brandy snifter.

That's my line. and it was for being called into MeTa. :)

well, your in the the spirit of AlexReynolds, jonmc, quonsar and keswick. Despite our differences, we all hate smugness and self-satisfaction with a passion. Fight the good fight, boys.
posted by jonmc 22 May | 18:47
Ach, good for you, keswick. That place is basically a haven for prissy conformist schoolmarms who think they're nonconformist rebels. You're well rid of it

This is the second time I've seen you say something along these lines and both times it has really bummed me out. I like to read MetaChat and chat on #bunnies, but only because it's one of the social extensions of Metafilter. If this place totally divorced itself from MeFi, it'd be pointless in my opinoin.
posted by mullacc 22 May | 18:50
I feel a little twinge of mortality.
posted by StickyCarpet 22 May | 18:50
mullacc, for what it's worth I'm just offering some wisdom to keswick and do not count you among the people I describe.
posted by jonmc 22 May | 18:52
I didn't think you were including me. I'm just lamenting the growing divide between here and there. Surely the problem resides "there" moreso than here, but I hope MetaChat doesn't forget its roots.
posted by mullacc 22 May | 19:00
Hooray! The system works!
posted by eamondaly 22 May | 19:06
Because a) I was trolling

Ah. *makes mental note*

and b) I think polyamorous people are really annoying.

Bad personal experience, or is it the typical "OMG, my lifestyle is so alternative, don't oppress me!" reaction you hate?
posted by TrishaLynn 22 May | 19:28
Despite our differences, we all hate smugness and self-satisfaction with a passion.

How awesomely hypocritical.
posted by knave 22 May | 19:28
jonmc: Do you think keswick's slut comment should have been allowed, then? Or are you nursing a grudge over the Insane Clown Posse thread?
posted by agropyron 22 May | 19:31
and b) I think polyamorous people are really annoying.

Bad personal experience, or is it the typical "OMG, my lifestyle is so alternative, don't oppress me!" reaction you hate?

Or are you jealous? ;)
posted by agropyron 22 May | 19:32
"Despite our differences, we all hate smugness and self-satisfaction with a passion. Fight the good fight, boys."

You are aware of how massively smug and self-satisfied that comment is? Aren't you? That was irony, right?

posted by kmellis 22 May | 19:36
Speak of the devil.
posted by AlexReynolds 22 May | 19:38
Bad personal experience, or is it the typical "OMG, my lifestyle is so alternative, don't oppress me!" reaction you hate?

Definitely the latter. People can fuck as many people as they want; I sincerely don't give a rip. It's their attitudes I find annoying. "ZOMG! My boss is only letting me bring one wife to our office Christmas party! And how dare they call it a Christmas party!"
posted by keswick 22 May | 19:39
Good. Askme is actually useful, I am glad Matt polices it. And quit patting yourself on the ass, jon.
Yeah, it would be nice for AskMe to be as noise-free as possible. Although to be fair, I did have a good laugh at keswick's answer.
posted by nomis 22 May | 19:49
Good riddance! MetaFilter is better off without all you young hooligans.

*dons bonnet and adjusts bustle*
posted by ColdChef 22 May | 20:31
Ooh, where do you get your bustles, ColdChef? Because my bustle-maker absconded with an itinerant flamenco dancer, and it's so hard to find good bustles these days.
posted by elizard 22 May | 20:51
At that shop in the teabiscuit district, of course! It's called "Hissy-Fits!" And it's between the Doily Emporium and Watch Fobs, Knickers, and Spats.
posted by ColdChef 22 May | 21:00
Is that across from the pitchfork and torch stand? You know, I haven't been there since Mrs. Tattersall the doily maker did that window display of her new design, featuring an elephant doing something unseemly. It gave me the vapours, I tell you. I couldn't go out for days!
posted by elizard 22 May | 21:10
I hear Mr. Postlethwaite the pitchfork purveyor has been doing quite well for himself, though.
posted by elizard 22 May | 21:17
so this "trolling", it is a bannable offense now?
posted by Wedge 22 May | 21:24
jonmc: Do you think keswick's slut comment should have been allowed, then? Or are you nursing a grudge over the Insane Clown Posse thread?

Yes, I think it should be allowed. Not because I neccessarily belive that it's true, but if the site's supposed to be about discussion then all viewpoints, even the mnost ludicrous, should be allowed to stand or fall on their own merits.

And I could give a fat rat's ass about the ICP thread, even though it's a nice example of what I'm talking about. It's gotten to the point that only certain points of view are tolerated there even in something as trivial as a thread about ICP. And if you step out of line, the site will turn on you with a vengeance.

You are aware of how massively smug and self-satisfied that comment is? Aren't you? That was irony, right?

Weak, man. You basically just said a sophisticated version of "I know you are, but what am I?" rather than adress the substance of what I said. You're smart enopugh and ballsy enough to do better.

And quit patting yourself on the ass, jon.
Bad personal experience, or is it the typical "OMG, my lifestyle is so alternative, don't oppress me!" reaction you hate?

Give the young lady a prize! It's actually more the hypocrisy of "I'm brave enough to lead an alternative lifestyle yet I go to pieces if someone challenges me to defend it," that gets my goat.

And quit patting yourself on the ass, jon.

Are you still upset that I don't dig your 80's music threads? Dude, it's subjective taste, deal with it. Whenever I've posted anywhere online about any of my enthusiasms, someone will pop up and say it sucks. That's part of the drill, and I accept that. And that has to be applied all around not just to what the majority of the group stands behind otherwise freedom of speech is meaningless.
posted by jonmc 22 May | 21:29
You say "slut" like it's a bad thing.
posted by loquacious 22 May | 21:36
You say "slut" like it's a bad thing.

Ha! Some friends of mine have formed a Marxist Cheerleader troupe. My favourite cheer of theirs is "Sluts of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your shaaaaame." You should see their uniforms.
posted by elizard 22 May | 21:41
Ha! Some friends of mine have formed a Marxist Cheerleader troupe.

You lost me with 'Marxist.' Red China and Soviet Russia weren't exactly the Playboy Mansion and sadly all the left has been able to offer is dusty old Karl Marx and the track record of applied Marxism has been resolutely awful and stands about zero chance of catching on anywhere outside of University parties or coffehouses, so we better come up with something else. And I'll be the first to admit that I don't have the foggiest idea what that might be.
posted by jonmc 22 May | 21:47
(just to pre-empt, my beefs with the left don't make me a conservative. I'm tired of that knee-jerk response. that's what drove me off the blue)
posted by jonmc 22 May | 21:49
I don't care what music you do/don't like.
How do you know they're Karl Marxists? They could just be big fans of the comedic brothers. (Although, technically, I think those are referred to as Zeppotistas.)
posted by jrossi4r 22 May | 21:54
Half the fun of metafilter is watching people skirt the edges of bannination.

Every totalitarian nation needs an underground resistance. ;-)

*sits back smugly*
posted by bunnyfire 22 May | 21:55
Come on. I've seen you get peeved. I know the feeling. It's part of the game, man.
posted by jonmc 22 May | 21:55
I hear you, jon--I don't think they're about to create a heaven on earth any time soon. I've also appreciated your comments on politics as fashion statement in other threads. These are intelligent, witty women, who've read his work and have studied political theory out of interest for years. They're also not the type to take on a belief system for the irony. They just have a sense of humour about it. I don't necessarily agree with them (although the Communist Manifesto makes some excellent points), but appreciate their verve, wit, and all-around smarty-pants sexiness.

On preview: technically, I think those are referred to as Zeppotistas Nice. Very nice. :D
posted by elizard 22 May | 21:56
I don't get "peeved" because you do not like the music.
Jonmc, don't get sucked in here. They're just not worth it and you're better than that.
posted by AlexReynolds 22 May | 22:03
calmer than you, dude.
posted by mullacc 22 May | 22:07
Most of these comments suck.
posted by richat 22 May | 22:09
calmer than you, dude.

These kinds of pointless, faux-ironic comments are why Metafilter needs to be kept outside of Metachat.
posted by AlexReynolds 22 May | 22:22
Point taken.

*leaves thread, but not in a huffy way, more in a 'why did I let myself get involved in a bluish thread in bunny land, even if not participating in the more unpleasant aspects, for crying out loud?' kind of way, but kind of sorry I couldn't talk sexy marxist cheerleaders more.*
posted by elizard 22 May | 22:25
Red China and Soviet Russia weren't exactly the Playboy Mansion and sadly all the left has been able to offer is dusty old Karl Marx and the track record of applied Marxism has been resolutely awful and stands about zero chance of catching on anywhere outside of University parties or coffehouses

Hi Jon, how are you brother? Can I point out to you again that Marxist economic theory is not any of these things particularly? Blaming Marx for Stalinism is like blaming Robert Johnson for Blues Traveler. Things like unions, weekends, unemployment insurance, labor laws, they all come from the ideas that Marx and many others wrote about. Every revolution becomes a counter-revolution, but I don't really feel like hanging up the spurs just yet.

Me personally I'm more of an anarchist, but it's handy to have a little Marx in the toolkit next to the flask and the pistola. La Revolucion es un acto de amor.
posted by Divine_Wino 22 May | 22:26
These kinds of pointless, faux-ironic comments are why Metafilter needs to be kept outside of Metachat.

I think your entire MetaChat/Metafilter comment history is pointless. It stretches the limit of my imagination to come up with any plausible rationale for your style of participation on these forums. I think the world would be an infinitely better place if all your comments were replaced with random "faux-ironic" quotes from the Big Lebowski similar to my "calmer than you, dude."
posted by mullacc 22 May | 22:31
I don't get "peeved" because you do not like the music.

weretable, I like you dude, but...come on. We all get a little irked when somebody dosen't like something we like, especially if it's something we like a lot. If somebody disses something that moves you, it's like they're saying that you are somehow a lesser person for being moved by it. I've taken shit for my tastes from plenty of sources, online and off, and you know what? I've come to accept it as simple conversation and verbal sparring, that's all. It's nothing personal.

Hi Jon, how are you brother? Can I point out to you again that Marxist economic theory is not any of these things particularly?

I know, but it's always turned out rather disastrously regardless of intentions and that's why I get a little irked at people who still flog the Marxist dead horse this late in the game, when post-Berlin Wall/Stalin/Mao et al, it's pretty obvious why people might be disinclined to give it a whirl.

Me personally I'm more of an anarchist,

I'm more a...I don't fucking know, politically. But I do know this, people get attached to ideology the same way some people get attached to religion and that way madness lies. We're all ultimately corpses-in-training, unprocessed worm food, and when you remember that it kinda seems ridiculous to throw your weight behind anybody's ism.

On preview: dude, you know that I'm never (unless I'm making my sarcasm abundantly obvious) ironic.
posted by jonmc 22 May | 22:34
mullacc pissed on your fucking rug?
posted by trondant 22 May | 22:36
That rug really tied the room together dude.
posted by richat 22 May | 22:43
my main beef with communism/scoialism is this: no matter what ideology I live under, the workday will still be tedious and dehumanizing wheteher I'm working to enrich some billionaire or some politburo that promises to make a Great leap forward and that's all most of us will ever be offered regardless of what ideology we live under and that I can do without.
posted by jonmc 22 May | 22:43
I mean, say what you like about the tenets of Marxism, dude, at least it's an ethos.
posted by mullacc 22 May | 22:45
I think your entire MetaChat/Metafilter comment history is pointless.

"I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise!" Wow, mullacc, I can quote random movies and be just as mundane and ridiculous as you!
posted by AlexReynolds 22 May | 22:45
You are railing against Stalinism and the cruelest forms of Statist Maoism, not Marxism, that's all I'm saying che. I don't think the sweet promise of the grave is a good reason not to kick against the pricks, but you know, I can be fairly perverse on occasion. If I ever, ever have a penny in my pocket again let's go get incredibly drunk and seize the means of production. No gods and no masters babes.

Hey, who wants to invent a sex joke where the punch line is:

"First the workers must seize the means of production."
posted by Divine_Wino 22 May | 22:45
Thanks for the chuckles in an otherwise humourless thread mullac. Cheers.
posted by richat 22 May | 22:47
This thread makes me sad. Isn't this sort of bickering the reason MetaChat was created? So we didn't have to put up with it? A happy fun-time place?
posted by me3dia 22 May | 22:47
/hugs me3dia
posted by viachicago 22 May | 22:48
Forget it, AlexReynolds, you're out of your element!
posted by mullacc 22 May | 22:50
mullacc: *applause*

I don't think the sweet promise of the grave is a good reason not to kick against the pricks,

Dude, history seems to indicate that the kickers eventually become the pricks, and I don't want any part of that, thankyouverymuch.

also as Eugene Levy put it, communism will not draw attractive women age 18 to 25, so there you go.

also, rock and roll could not have developed in a Marxist society. and you know this.
posted by jonmc 22 May | 22:51
for future reference: marxism ≠ totalitarianism

on preview: it puts the jism in jingoism
posted by Wedge 22 May | 22:51
I am trying to keep us from getting into a thing in this thread (no matter what AR thinks) so I will keep this as short as possible.

the music thing is not about you not liking x band, which i really do not care about. nobody likes a band that someone else does not absolutely despise.

what has annoyed me in the past is you going into music threads just to go on and on about how bad they are or how they ruined rock or whatever. (this has mostly been on mefi and either you have gotten much better about this or I have mentally blocked it when it happens, I assume the former)

but that had nothing to do with my bum patting comment. i found your rant against smug comments amusing because imo you are that way yourself on mefi at times.

now i am going to go eat something, for i am hungry.

*golf clap*
posted by AlexReynolds 22 May | 22:52
posted by thirteenkiller 22 May | 22:53
also, rock and roll could not have developed in a Marxist society. and you know this.

I dunne jon, all uncle Karl was saying was that it was all about pussy and money, he ain't trying to be slick, he ain't trying to be funny.

We're having a taxonomy problem here is what I think.
posted by Divine_Wino 22 May | 22:56
for future reference: marxism ≠ totalitarianism

theoretically, no, but that's the way it always seems to work out thus far. Capitalism dosen't necessarily equal robber barons and starving workers either, but that's the way it's worked out oftentimes, too, and the way it works out in reality is what really matters.

what has annoyed me in the past is you going into music threads just to go on and on about how bad they are or how they ruined rock or whatever.

and what annoys me is that often times the groups I rail against are so venerated that any criticism is viewed as if i have attacked something holy. and I'm trying to kill my own idols as much as anyones.

I dunne jon, all uncle Karl was saying was that it was all about pussy and money, he ain't trying to be slick, he ain't trying to be funny.

Are you calling Handsome Dick Manitoba a commie? ( I ran into him Saturday night. He told great stories about bus drivers and shitting, and Pips calling him a mensch made his night. But he made an ill-advised decision with that dumb lawsuit against that electronica guy, but hey, my heroes are just humans)
posted by jonmc 22 May | 23:01
*peeks inside thread*

is this what's gonna happen to MeCha now jon isn't posting in the blue?

(not only directed at jon, but at the pointless little squabbles others seem to like to have with him)

*goes back to work*
posted by gaspode 22 May | 23:03
'pode, the only reason I even brought up the blue here was to make keswick feel better and I will happily keep petty political shit out of our playground if others agree to do the same. Our differences aside, we all generally like and respect eachother here and that's worth preserving. And I will never crawl back to the blue.
posted by jonmc 22 May | 23:06
also, I just showed Pips Dr. Strangelove for her first time tomight, so I have very little patience for ideology at the moment.
posted by jonmc 22 May | 23:12
Thanks for making me feel welcome, everyone, particularly Jon. And don't worry, I won't be actively shitting up MetaChat like I did at that other site. Now where da bunniez at?
posted by keswick 22 May | 23:16
I *heart* Dr. Strangelove.

*stops worrying, loves bomb*
posted by gaspode 22 May | 23:19
*agrees with gaspode, as usual*

Hey, who wants to invent a sex joke where the punch line is:

"First the workers must seize the means of production."

How do you make a Communist Manifest the Big O?
posted by jrossi4r 22 May | 23:28
I do not avoid Marxists, Macanudo, but I do deny them my essence.

jrossi4er is now offically a hero of the soviet union, in my book. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
posted by Divine_Wino 22 May | 23:29
I am lazy or I would post ceiling cat attacking gaspode or something to finish up the thread.
I need help. Oh well, at least I didn't spend any time on it.

≡ Click to see image ≡
ZOMG!!!111!!!!!! that is the awesomest, weretable!!

*smooches weretable, AND the chairs*
posted by gaspode 23 May | 00:13
*begins picking large pieces of metal off the tracks*
posted by kyleg 23 May | 00:16
(not only directed at jon, but at the pointless little squabbles others seem to like to have with him)

In case that was directed my way, I have no squabbles with jonmc, pointless or otherwise. I do have squabbles with keswick (in the context of this thread) and AlexReynolds (in the context of his pathetic existence), and that's why I ignored them.

But comments such as these, by anyone, should not go by unremarked:

That place is basically a haven for prissy conformist schoolmarms who think they're nonconformist rebels. You're well rid of it. [...] Despite our differences, we all hate smugness and self-satisfaction with a passion. Fight the good fight, boys.

Quonsar is a fighter against smugness and self-satisfaction and I'm pretty sure he would not be caught dead writing that. It's oxymoronic. Self-satisfaction and smugness drip from every word.

I didn't type out something more ballsy or sly, jonmc, because my aim wasn't to either attack or to humiliate you. It was more to draw your attention, in a relatively gentle way, to the absurdity of your comment.
posted by kmellis 23 May | 00:23
so this "trolling", it is a bannable offense now?

Always has been in AskMe.
posted by Mitheral 23 May | 01:29
Keswick, welcome here. Please keep your dance card with you at all times, and change partners when the music pauses. This is mandatory.

Mullacc, you are exactly right - metachat is not about hating on MetaFilter. MeFi is where we came from. It's why we're here. Our raison d'etre is to be a fun place where people can chat away without sidetracking or derailing blue, grey or green threads. It's not about being a place for disaffected MeFites. Some people don't hang out there a lot, some have been banned, and some have left. That's all fine, and welcome to the sandbox - but we are not here as an anti-MeFi place; we're just here to have fun without sillying up Metafilter.

And you guys who want to fight? (Jon, keith, Alex, I'm looking at you.) I'm 100% serious when I say go start a community site, give it a blood red background, decorate it with a gorey eyeball, call it MetaFight, and go to town punching and scratching. It will be awesome.
posted by taz 23 May | 01:41
And yes, in case anyone was wondering, a gorey eyball is what you get when you are poked in the eye by a gorey umbrella.

≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by taz 23 May | 01:48
not only directed at jon, but at the pointless little squabbles others seem to like to have with him

I always miss the fun.

jon, you smell and yo mama dresses you funny!
posted by arse_hat 23 May | 01:59
Taz, you forgot the first rule of MetaFight.
posted by GeckoDundee 23 May | 02:12
My mama's dead. You Bastard.
posted by seanyboy 23 May | 03:12
In case that was directed my way, I have no squabbles with jonmc, pointless or otherwise. I do have squabbles with keswick (in the context of this thread) and AlexReynolds (in the context of his pathetic existence), and that's why I ignored them.

And once again, another display of smug self-satisfaction. No irony lost, here.
posted by AlexReynolds 23 May | 07:41
Don't make me use my nut-cannon, people.
posted by sciurus 23 May | 08:32
/ducks in case the nut cannon comes out.
posted by richat 23 May | 08:52
posted by danostuporstar 23 May | 08:57
hee: nut cannon.
posted by gaspode 23 May | 09:18
...if the site's supposed to be about discussion then all viewpoints, even the mnost ludicrous, should be allowed to stand or fall on their own merits.

Yeah, except keswick wasn't expressing a viewpoint. Keswick was trolling.

Sincerity is the new irony. Dig it.
posted by eamondaly 23 May | 09:50
And AskMe isn't about disscussion, it's about answering the question. If you want disscussion with your answers post the question here or over at MoFi.
posted by Mitheral 23 May | 14:36
It's Monday, so that means it's time for... || I just got the coolest book