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Comment Feed:


22 May 2006

Big Gay GOP Fear Factor Fever ---embedded audio--to the tune of Peggy Lee's Fever.
I feel the sentiment here, but I can't help but think this just plays into the hands of right-wing nuts in some way....
posted by AlexReynolds 22 May | 22:20
how so?
posted by amberglow 22 May | 23:14
I don't know, amberglow... Perhaps it just reinforces my view that people on the internet have really childish views, sometimes. Photoshopping faces into a pride parade is good for a couple laughs, but is just lame past a point, frankly — and preaching to the choir and ridiculing the mainstream (as much as it sucks that people like Frist are considered mainstream) doesn't help convince a significant number of everyday, middle-of-the-road straight people to vote for progress on gay rights. Honestly. I don't know what the answer is, but I'm not sure this is it. And in some way I can't help but feel that stuff like this helps the GOP succeed in dividing people on their social views.
posted by AlexReynolds 22 May | 23:24
I'll even follow that up by saying I've heard nothing since 2004 about how the Democratic Party will help protect the civil rights of gay people. In fact, I'll go further and say that the DNC has shown in the 2004 presidential election that it is happy to sell out our civil rights for mainstream votes. If the Huffington Post is about trying to get me to vote Democratic, I'll need more than cutesy Peggy Lee camp revivals to convince me and my loved one to waste our votes on their campaign product. I didn't become a citizen to get sold down the river.
posted by AlexReynolds 22 May | 23:59
well, they are running away from us, but this is not about getting people to vote Democratic, but about showing people the GOP's blatant use of hatred of us to get votes and their misdirection of public attention while all the real problems are ignored.

Pam's House Blend has had excellent stuff on Dean and the DC Dems and their strategy about us
posted by amberglow 23 May | 00:18
Great - I'm gonna be singing that on my way to work.
posted by seanyboy 23 May | 03:16
this is not about getting people to vote Democratic

I always understood the Huffington Post as an outlet for DNC talking points. I could be wrong but that's the impression I get when I visit.
posted by AlexReynolds 23 May | 08:19
I see it more as an all-over-the-place, but generally Hollywood-liberal-ish site (almost entirely wealthy people talking about whatever they want whenever they want), not necessarily a place where talking points are disseminated--they don't really break any news or catapult much into the blogosphere, but some of the people they get onboard as one-offs do (see the Rohe/McCain thing). And this is from the reader-contributed part of the site, no?
posted by amberglow 23 May | 08:57
My neck really shouldn't be bending that far back... || Paging jonmc