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18 May 2006

This thread is for giving advice. [More:]So please give some!
If you pick at it, it will never heal.
posted by Capn 18 May | 11:13
Never move in with a psychotic omelet chef.

(there you have it, the complete wisdom of jonmc. you're on your own now).
posted by jonmc 18 May | 11:13
Don't date people you're not attracted to just because you're lonely.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 18 May | 11:14
When you travel, always take a bandanna.
posted by Miko 18 May | 11:15
Always carry a kleenex. (that's my grandma's advice)
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 18 May | 11:16
The foolish person seeks happiness in the distance. The wise person grows happiness under their feet.
posted by richat 18 May | 11:20
The dead person is buried in the ground under the happy person's feet.

(Did you enjoy your chow mein?)
posted by jonmc 18 May | 11:22
Be the ball.
I read that in a book of quotes recently and thought it wise jonmc. So there.
posted by richat 18 May | 11:25
When you laugh, the world laughs with you but when you weep, you weep alone.
posted by YouCanCallMeAl 18 May | 11:25
When you snarl, you get better service.
posted by jonmc 18 May | 11:26
General advice for debugging a computer program

1) EVERYONE is lying. The customer is lying about what they did to cause the problem and about what they saw. The customer contact is lying about what the customer said. And the program's logs and output, while maybe not outright lying, are shitfy characters at best and not to be trusted. Source code comments, including your own, are to be assigned the weight and trustworthyness of a psychotic paranoid sociopath with Munchausen syndrome.

2) If you can't reproduce the problem, you can't fix the problem. First make sure you can consistently reproduce the problem with the release build. THEN, before you start messing with it, make sure you can still reproduce the problem with the build you make. THEN do your fixing. Then if you fix problem goes away, make sure it's STILL there in the release build, and you didn't just change something in the setup or environment.

3) If you don't know what the problem is, you can't fix the problem. You probably have a general idea what area the problem is. So you futz around with something and the problem goes away. Did you fix it or just hide it? You don't know.

4) Use SCIENCE! Or specifically, bits of the scientific method. You're going to have an idea what the problem is, instead of trying to prove that, come up with tests to disprove it. 90% of the time, your initial hypothesis is going to be "this isn't my problem, it's [Joey Otherprogrammer's code | third party library | the customers 5 rock a day crack habit]", so first disprove that.

5) Don't panic.
posted by Capn 18 May | 11:26
And when you whimper uncontrollably, they lock you away.
When you spew pea-soup from the mouth, they summon a man in a robe to sprinkle water on you.
posted by jonmc 18 May | 11:30
Never ever date a man who carries his change in one of these. Without exception every man I've ever met who uses one is a tightwad.
posted by essexjan 18 May | 11:30
If you're going to fall, fall forward, and keep your mouth shut.

(This was my Grandmother's advice to avoid brain damage and dental work. She was my only living grandparent, and died when I was quite young. This is the only piece of advice I remember.)
posted by rainbaby 18 May | 11:32
Shit or get off the pot.
posted by amro 18 May | 11:37
Love unreservedly.

Don't work so hard.
posted by gaspode 18 May | 11:37
Never look backwards or you'll fall down the stairs.
posted by amro 18 May | 11:38
The getting is more fun than the having.
posted by danf 18 May | 11:40
Honesty is not the same thing as cruelty.
posted by betty 18 May | 11:43
Never confuse kindness with weakness.
posted by amro 18 May | 11:45
How to ride an escalator:

1) Get on the escalator.

2) If this is a double-wide escalator, stand right, walk left(*). Seriously. Even if you're traveling with someone, you can still talk when you're on different steps, you don't need to block the way.

3) Get off the escalator. THIS SEEMS TO BE THE HARD PART FOR SOME PEOPLE. Once you dismount, do not stop and look around like a slack-jawed yokel or look behind you to see if your friend is coming. THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS DICTATES THAT THEY MOST ASSUREDLY ARE! If you do not move away from the escalator at least as fast as the escalator runs, you are going to cause woe and grief to everyone behind you!

(*)Your local custom may differ, what ever it is, do it
posted by Capn 18 May | 11:48
Refrain from giving advice. Give examples instead. If you can make an example of yourself, positive or negative, do it. Look for the examples in other people's advice, but be aware that they aren't necessarily giving you an example of what they're talking about. Sometimes they're just demonstrating why you should refrain from giving advice.

Don't always take your own advice (or anyone else's, for that matter).

Actions speak louder than words. Inaction sometimes speaks louder than action.
posted by Hugh Janus 18 May | 11:59
Also, you got to wash your ass.
posted by jonmc 18 May | 12:04
- Embrace Duality.
- Make your own Christmas Cards.
- Listen To Baz
- Everyone believes they are a good person. This includes you.
- Smile when you answer the phone. Even fake smiles sound like real smiles to the person on the other end.
- Question everything.
- Trust is not earned, it is lost.

To make perfect white rice. Easily.
Add two cups cold water to each cup of rice.
Add Pinch of salt.
Boil and then simmer until all water is gone. (Us a fork to test this)
Do NOT stir. Even if you want to.
posted by seanyboy 18 May | 12:10
Why no stir? I usually give it a little stir or two.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 18 May | 12:16
Always sniff the milk before drinking from the carton.

Drink from the carton often.

(plastic jugs are not the same; they get that crust of dried milk)
posted by Pips 18 May | 12:19
Only God will help the poorly dressed.

This is a Spanish proverb, but I think counts both as admonition and advice, which is why I like it so well.
posted by omiewise 18 May | 12:19
(plastic jugs are not the same; they get that crust of dried milk)

I like the plastic jugs. I always hook my thumb in the handle and pretend I'm drinking moonshine.
posted by jonmc 18 May | 12:22
If you want moonshine, get me to get Charlene to ask Dwayne to ask Wunntoo if he can get some. Who is Wunntoo? Bo-bo's boy. I don't know if his name or nickname is:

Want To
One Two
One Tooth

But that's how you might get some moonshine around here.
posted by rainbaby 18 May | 12:28
Why no stir? I usually give it a little stir or two.

Because the simmering water percolates up through the rice, creating little passageways that cook it evenly. If you stir, you wreck 'em and the rice doesn't cook evenly.

Know what's a funny word? Evenly.
posted by Specklet 18 May | 12:31
Advice from my father from when I was very little:

I don't ever want to see you on the back of some asshole's motorcycle! You get your own damned motorcycle!
posted by small_ruminant 18 May | 12:31
Oh, and my advice is:

Be clear. Be crystal clear.
posted by Specklet 18 May | 12:32
*flags rainbaby's comment as fantastic [!]"
posted by taz 18 May | 12:33
and from my mother when I was little, though she denies it now:

Don't do drugs! But if you do, do heroin- it's the least damaging to your body.
posted by small_ruminant 18 May | 12:35
Not really advice but...

Trying gets nothing done.

You can want in one hand and shit in the other. See which one fills up first.

There's no such thing as reality. Only our perception of it.

You can't unring a bell.

You can't go home again.

Intercourse is for cowards.
posted by dobbs 18 May | 12:36
Not advice, but an aphorism from Deadwood:

People plan, God laughs.

posted by Miko 18 May | 12:40
Intercourse is for cowards?
posted by small_ruminant 18 May | 12:40
To make perfect white rice.

I first read this as "to make perfect white race".
posted by Hellbient 18 May | 12:41
pants are your friends, but everyone needs a break even from friends now and then.
posted by Hellbient 18 May | 12:44
posted by Hellbient 18 May | 12:46
You can never have too much empathy.
posted by deborah 18 May | 12:46
It's better to fade away than burn out.
posted by Hellbient 18 May | 12:47
hellbient, those are words to live by.
posted by small_ruminant 18 May | 12:52
(the pants one I meant.)
posted by small_ruminant 18 May | 12:53

Now, Meeks, what can I do for you?
posted by Lipstick Thespian 18 May | 12:58
Upon reflection, I think we need a separate thread for bad advice given to us by our parents.
posted by small_ruminant 18 May | 12:59
I started one.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 18 May | 13:11
thanks :)
posted by small_ruminant 18 May | 13:39
1) When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. - Unknown

2) You can get a lot farther with a smile and a gun than you can with just a smile. - Al Capone (supposedly)

3) You can have a motorcycle over my dead body! - Mom*

*She died in 1971. I got a motorcycle in 1983. I crashed it, badly, in 2000. She was right.
posted by tommasz 18 May | 13:44
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you. - Oscar Wilde

and also....

'Truth' never set anyone free. It is only doubt which will bring emancipation. - Anton LaVey

George Hayduke's Ten Commandments of Revenge --- Never: trust or confide in anyone/use your own phone/touch a document/threaten your victim. Always: be a garbage collector/bide your time/use mail drops in other citites/learn all about your victim/use merchants who don't know you/use cash.
posted by Zack_Replica 18 May | 13:55
Courage is endurance for just one moment more.

A person may have good eyes but still not see.

Take three deep breaths.

Or, breathe through your feet. (Pretend that you have to pull air from your feet up through your body to get into your lungs. That's from my high school English teacher.)

tommasz: :(
posted by halonine 18 May | 14:06
Thanks Taz! It's true, every word, too, except for the names Charlene and Dwayne. They are younger, and have younger names. I work with "Charlene."

Also, don't try moonshine.

Everybody has their lists of controlled substances they would try and not try, and I would never, ever, even if it was presented to me in a silver chalice, ever try moonshine.

But yes, through the channels described above, I possibly could.
posted by rainbaby 18 May | 14:46
I have tried moonshine. and pretty much every other major controlled substance except heroin, exstacy, and paint thinner.
posted by jonmc 18 May | 14:50
We kept our moonshine under a poster of Reservoir Dogs.
posted by Pips 18 May | 15:06
I keep reading the title as forgiving advice, which would be different, but still useful.
posted by small_ruminant 18 May | 15:08
How'd ya get moonshine, jon? Just curious. It's a curiosity even to me, who is what, three degrees of separation from it. Never even seen it.
posted by rainbaby 18 May | 15:09
Don't be afraid.
posted by dabitch 18 May | 15:11
Save the frosting for last.
posted by Pips 18 May | 15:33
You gotta sorta lean into it a little.
posted by Divine_Wino 18 May | 18:03
I've had moonshine. A guy near my cousin's in West Virginia makes it. It's just grain alcohol, it's exactly like Everclear.
posted by Miko 18 May | 20:10
... escalator, stand right, walk left(*). ...(*)Your local custom may differ, what ever it is, do it
This also applies to busy footpaths, particularly when people are rushing to catch their train home on Friday afternoons.

It seems to be that the convention is the same as the roads wherever your are - in Australia, you should stand to the left of the excalator and walk on the left side of busy footpaths.

On a related note, I don't care how fast or slow you walk on a busy footpath but, if you are going to walk slowly, walk in a fucking straight line or I will fucking well walk right over the top of you.
posted by dg 18 May | 20:27
posted by Eideteker 18 May | 22:03
Erm, the thread says there are 64 comments (and I know I commented earlier)... yet, I only see 20 comments and none of them is mine. wtf?
posted by dobbs 19 May | 00:02
And... after posting, the other comments are back. I say, WTF?!
posted by dobbs 19 May | 00:02
Things I am bad at: Secret Identities || My Flickr Tags. . . .