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Comment Feed:


18 May 2006

Condoleeza Rice's top 10 musical favorites. "Believe it or not, I loved acid rock in college - and I still do."
I don't know exactly why, but I've got a bit of a crush on Condeleeza Rice.
Please don't hate me.
posted by seanyboy 18 May | 12:13
Her rock choices (while all excellent songs) are incredibly....unindividual, I guess, most people have some quirky favorite that's only thier's. Nothing like that here. That illustrates...something about what's wrong with her I guess.
posted by jonmc 18 May | 12:15
Awesome list.

And, yea, seanyboy, she is kinda sexy; no shame.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 18 May | 12:16
"Quite simply the greatest symphony of all time," is how Rice describes Beethoven's Seventh.

This one baffled me a little bit. It's a great symphony and all, but come on.
posted by agropyron 18 May | 12:17
Awesome list.

We have to work on your musical education, child. (like I said the songs she picked are all fine songs, individually, but reveal a distressing blandness when taken as a whole if that makes any sense)
posted by jonmc 18 May | 12:18
actually, what it reveals is that Condoleeza may enjoy listening to music sometimes, but she's not really a music fan. And I'm not neccessarily saying there's anything wrong with that.
posted by jonmc 18 May | 12:20
If she could've said "Anything by U2", then she could've said "Anything by Brahms" and opened up a space on her list for "My Humps". :)

(At least it explains why they let Bono visit the White House. Now, when's Elton gonna drop by?)

Speaking of "Rocket Man", did she put that on her list before or after hearing William Shatner's version? PERSPIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW.
posted by wendell 18 May | 12:24
Maybe her list was carefully calculated by the PsyOps department?
posted by agropyron 18 May | 12:25
You have your taste and I have mine, jonmc, and I certainly don't need your help- but I was referring to the awesomeness that someone took time to make/publish the list. I always love hearing stuff like that about politicians.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 18 May | 12:32
that was meant as a gentle goof, pinky. But what I said about Condi's choices, I stand by.
posted by jonmc 18 May | 12:35
I'm more surprised by the mention of a boyfriend than anything else.
posted by deborah 18 May | 12:40
Wot, no?
posted by essexjan 18 May | 12:44
I always imagined Condi Rice dating Captain Hook from the Peter Pan cartoon movie.
posted by Hugh Janus 18 May | 12:46
I want to date the gap in her front teeth.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 18 May | 12:50
I'm more surprised by the mention of a boyfriend than anything else.

That was a neatly camouflaged aside wasn't it? That's as likely a result of PR advice as anything on the (I agree with Jon) mild list.
posted by peacay 18 May | 12:50
I bet Condi has some secret boyfriend we know nothing of.

No, probably not.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 18 May | 12:51
I want to date the gap in her front teeth.

You and Dr. Dre.
posted by jonmc 18 May | 12:51
There's a couple of pictures of the boyfriend that've leaked out. He looks utterly besotted. Or something.
posted by essexjan 18 May | 13:04
or simply a sot. If Dubya and Condi dated, Dubya would be the bottom. Just saying.
posted by jonmc 18 May | 13:05
If Dubya and Condi dated, Dubya would be the bottom

Completely. She has the look of a dominatrix about her.
posted by essexjan 18 May | 13:16
"Killing an Arab" isn't on the list. [rimshot]

≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by stilicho 18 May | 13:29
I'll take the first two words of that title, please!
posted by Hugh Janus 18 May | 13:54
And take a look at that fine Condoleeza Ass!

≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by Hugh Janus 18 May | 14:14
jonmc: actually, what it reveals is that Condoleeza may enjoy listening to music sometimes, but she's not really a music fan. And I'm not neccessarily saying there's anything wrong with that.

I'm honestly curious, jon -- how does it give you that impression? Is it because there's not enough edgy rock on it? Why does someone preferring Beethoven's 7th to make them not a music fan?

I find it difficult to fathom how someone who is not a fan would take time every fortnight, out of what is _already_ an insanely busy schedule, to make music with friends.
posted by coriolisdave 18 May | 17:59
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