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Comment Feed:


17 May 2006

Is anyone else sick of the random user names and confetti? Really, I hated it the minute I saw it.
Random user names?
posted by ikkyu2 17 May | 21:50
Well, I am totally into celebrating MeCha's birthday (W00TZ! 1 year!), but yeah, the usernames are very frustrating. I've hardly been on today because of it! The confetti I don't mind. That could stay.
posted by viachicago 17 May | 21:52
I wouldn't mind the confetti if it worked right, but it keeps sticking over here, very annoying.
posted by puke & cry 17 May | 21:53
Is anyone else sick of the random user names and confetti? Really, I hated it the minute I saw it.
posted by: I am pissed and slightly baffled at: 21:47

Eponysterical. Doesn't bother me. It'll be over soon.
posted by matildaben 17 May | 21:58
I find it deliciously whimsical!
posted by jrossi4r 17 May | 21:59
I'm with the comment right above this one. It's fun. I mean, who really cares who said what anyway?
posted by nomis 17 May | 22:03
I like the confetti. But the usernames are a challenge. I just got back from a week away and wanted to read old posts and see what's up with people...but I can't tell who's who!

That's not to look a gift horse in the mouth, though. I appreciate the sense of fun and humor. And the names themselves are very funny.
posted by Miko 17 May | 22:03
Jesus. Show some respect, people. This probably didn't take taz and dodgy three or four minutes. Likely, they worked at it quite a while -- coming up with the names, coding the thing.

It'll be over in a few hours. It's not like it's permanent or anything.

If it's so off-putting to you, come back tomorrow.

But mostly, be a grownup and thank them for doing something fun for the site, even if it doesn't float your boat. Sheesh.

And I'm glad I don't know who made the original post here, because that might have tamed my rant. I have no problem with you knowing who I am, though.

Love, mudpuppie.
posted by mudpuppie 17 May | 22:14
Ok I'm confused, are you FOR or AGIN?
posted by nomis 17 May | 22:16
Yes, thanks. In case my thanks weren't clear. I do appreciate it!
posted by Miko 17 May | 22:17
Maybe we should take a referendum to decide whether to celebrate anything ever again. Because, you know, celebrating really can be quite distracting and play havoc with ones busy schedule.
posted by nomis 17 May | 22:19
Wait, am I debating PRO or CON?
posted by nomis 17 May | 22:19
My first user name was something regarding having a huge anus. You just can't buy that kind of comedy.
posted by jelly 17 May | 22:26
The OP is me. I guess you'll find out who that is tomorrow or whenever the names come back. I still hate it.
posted by puke & cry 17 May | 22:38
You can hate it, OP. You're certainly entitled to hate it. You can hate it all you want, and hate it some more, and rehash the hating on your deathbed, and tell your kids how fucking sucky it was.

But you know what? This is a website. The admins made a little funny gesture for the website's birthday. They did it in hopes of entertaing the people who love the site. Oops, someone wasn't amused. Oh noes!!!

Publicly bashing dodgy and taz for doing something *you* hate and a lot of other people enjoy? (Which, again, they did for our enjoyment, not for our annoyance....) That's just fucking selfish and childish and really really shitty. Who the fuck cares what you think, anyway? You want to gather people to rally against the decision they made because you don't like it? Fuck that.

I'm going to back out of this thread now, because this really, really pisses me off, and I have this horrible feeling that you might be one of my friends.


But first:

My first user name was something regarding having a huge anus. You just can't buy that kind of comedy.
posted by I am the glory that is Specklet's breasts 17 May | 22:26

Man, is today ever your lucky day!
posted by mudpuppie 17 May | 22:48
Cry me a fucking river. In you're words, it's just a website.
posted by puke & cry 17 May | 22:53
Damn straight mpup, and my user is jelly so a great day and no hyponisteria necessary!
posted by jelly 17 May | 22:53
Cry me a fucking river. In you're words, it's just a website.

Nope, not shedding any tears for you. The point is, it's just a fucking website, yes, but it's a fucking website whose admins don't get paid to do what they do. They do it for the joy of the people who visit it.

And they deserve better than to have to hear that some crybaby is "sick" of some little event they pulled off, and "hated it the moment [he/she] saw it."

Fortunately, as much as they don't deserve your public disapproval, they also don't need you to publicly condone every little move they make.

Let's thank the bunny gods for that.

And when I said I was backing out of this thread? I fucking lied.

posted by mudpuppie 17 May | 23:01
Love, mudpuppie.
posted by I am the glory that is Specklet's breasts 17 May | 22:14
posted by porpoise 17 May | 23:04
Now that there made my day.
posted by mudpuppie 17 May | 23:12
Waiter, the food here is terrible and the portions are sooooo small.
posted by Divine_Wino 17 May | 23:27
I got yur portion, right here
posted by jelly 17 May | 23:29
I got yur portion, right here
posted by omg! I'm naked! 17 May | 23:29

It's for things like the above which make the names soooooo worthwhile.
posted by ooga_booga 17 May | 23:33
I got yur portion, right here


posted by Divine_Wino 17 May | 23:42
Hahahhahahah puke and cry c'mere and give us a kiss ya wee greeting puling soggy girls blouse, I loves ya!
posted by Divine_Wino 17 May | 23:52
Aw, I know how you feel pukey. I bought my favorite frozen chickpea soup from the store a couple of days ago (okay, it's a lazy day thing, when I don't feel like cooking - and it's goooood), but when I served it, it didn't taste the same, and I didn't know if it was bad, or just different. Like did something horrible happen and was some foreign and possibly disgusting thing accidently introduced into the vats? Or did they just change the recipe? I DON'T KNOW! So I threw it out.
posted by taz 18 May | 00:38
The whole thing was really off-putting to me. I'm a whiny bitch though.
posted by puke & cry 18 May | 00:55
Yes, but you're still here. And that's why I love you. Well, that and the fact that I'm on hard drugs.
posted by taz 18 May | 01:03
I totally dug it. I'm a sucker for confetti and complete randomness. Having everyone swap nicks for an entire day was like a big LT free-for-all.

For once, I din't have to change my nicks myself! So, thank you Taz and Dodgy for your irreverencies. Absurdity has it's own beauty.

posted by Lipstick Thespian 18 May | 01:03
I have no hard feelings toward anyone, and I knew who the original poster was halfway into the thread.

All I'm saying is, give Taz and Dodgy a break for all the hard and uncompensated work they do here. If you have constructive criticisms, by all means, make them. But do it politely and with respect. The initial post here did not strike me as respectful or polite, and that got my back up, because I think our bunny overlords deserve much more than that.

I am Joan FUCKING Jett
posted by mudpuppie 18 May | 01:07
Well, you don't have to respect me, but it's important that you fear me. After all, I have the power to change your name to "kisses & giggles". FOREVER.
posted by taz 18 May | 01:19
"Well, you don't have to respect me, but it's important that you fear me."

Will you settle for lusts after?

posted by arse_hat 18 May | 01:27
I really didn't think I was being that big of an asshole, it had just been grating on me the entire day. I really wanted to say something the first time I looked at it.

Also, did you really know it was me? Do I have some kind of subconscious pattern to my posts or what?
posted by puke & cry 18 May | 01:32
After thinking about it a little bit, I think I know why I hated this so much. It upsets me when something radically changes inside my little daily-life-bubble. And this site is a main part of that bubble. I might be a little too sensitive.
posted by puke & cry 18 May | 01:49
I'll happily settle for that arse_hat. So much.

I'm glad mecha is a part of your bubble, pukey; this means I get to tease you and laugh at you. Like right now.

See, you're like a son to me... and I would totally torture my own children.
posted by taz 18 May | 01:55
Puke, yeah, I knew it was you. I went through my top-tier list of people who might have made this post (consulting user pages), and none of them actually did.

Went through my second-tier -- being people who are sometimes a bit brusque without meaning to be and/or people who just sort of speak their minds without really worrying about how it might come across.

You were confirmed in the second tier.

Like I said, I hold no grudge. But the tone rubbed me the wrong way. Taz obviously is okay with it, so I'll shut up.

(But I still vote for constructive criticism.)
posted by mudpuppie 18 May | 02:20
i have a big soft spot for the baby pukey. He's my widdle gwouchy boobooface.
posted by taz 18 May | 02:29
What is this tripe???

(Kidding. Kidding!)
posted by mudpuppie 18 May | 02:32
Heh. I wonder if doohickie ever got that name on any of his comments? That would have been funny.
posted by taz 18 May | 02:35
Oh, and by the way?

≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by mudpuppie 18 May | 02:52
breath spray! breath spray!

*passes out*
posted by taz 18 May | 02:56
I think this whole adventure was pretty neat, and I hope dodgy and taz realize how great it was.
posted by cmonkey 18 May | 03:29
We giggled evilly in the planning, I tells ya.
posted by taz 18 May | 03:48
I betcha did!
posted by dabitch 18 May | 05:34
I loved it!
posted by danostuporstar 18 May | 05:38
Can I change my user name to Rupak De Chowdhuri?
posted by Otis 18 May | 08:13
I liked it and that's all that counts. So there.
posted by deborah 18 May | 13:34
"Well, you don't have to respect me, but it's important that you fear me."
Sorry, I thought you said "it's important that you feel me".
*takes hand away*
posted by dg 19 May | 01:13
Law & Order || Has it really been a year?