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Comment Feed:


15 May 2006

Yesterday I made a pot roast. [More:]I was amazed at my culinary skills. Turns out though, I don't really like pot roast. Still, I'm proud of my new skill.
you roasted some pot? Cool.
posted by jonmc 15 May | 09:06
You can probably turn that pot roast into some barbecue. MMmm.
posted by sciurus 15 May | 09:12
I don't do much beef anymore but the rare times I do, I like a bit if red in it. . .

Seems like you COULD make some yummy sandwiches. . .we'll all show up maybe 11 pst?
posted by danf 15 May | 09:18
Who rotted the toast?
posted by Smart Dalek 15 May | 09:23
Did your pot roast recipe involve Ritz crackers?
posted by Hugh Janus 15 May | 09:23
Pot roast is good because you can cook it in a bag. I like food I can cook in a bag.
posted by jrossi4r 15 May | 09:49
Wouldn't that all depend upon the size of the bag, jrossi?
posted by jonmc 15 May | 09:53
I was thinking that no matter how big the bag is, you can't make toast in it. But then I figured, what if the bag was as big as a tent? Imagine--you, the toaster and the bread, all in the bag. You maybe more than the other two.
posted by box 15 May | 09:58
Well, I need to be half in the bag to actually enjoy cooking.
posted by jrossi4r 15 May | 10:15
Lola, I like pot roast! I'll take your leftovers, ok?
posted by SassHat 15 May | 15:30
It does taste better the next day. On Wonder Bread with Miracle Whip. Everything's better with Miracle Whip. It's the miracle food.
posted by Pips 15 May | 15:31
My relationship with mr. g was nearly terminated close to its outset when I went to his house the first time and discovered wonder bread in his kitchen. Disgusting stuff.

but yay for your pot roast, Lola. I live close enough for leftovers, yes?
posted by gaspode 15 May | 15:45
Wonder Bread has provided America's youth with twelve essential vitamins and minerals for decades, improving our health, looks, and birthrate, thus bolstering our defenses against the Communist enemy.

Keep a close eye on your neighbor:

If he doesn't eat Wonder Bread,
He might be a dirty Red!
posted by Hugh Janus 15 May | 15:58
but it tastes yucky...

and it doesn't go bad. That's freaky.
posted by gaspode 15 May | 16:14
That's why they call them the Wonder YEARS.
That bread lasts forever.
posted by wendell 15 May | 19:02
If you don't || Woke up and smelled the coffee