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Comment Feed:


15 May 2006

Self link Join in on the fun while there's still time, or ruberneck if there isn't.
Wow, what a bunch of dicks. Business as usual, huh.
posted by AlexReynolds 15 May | 23:31
Thanks for reminding me to stay away from Mefi, because it's been taken over by assholes.
posted by SassHat 15 May | 23:46
Meh. A few fat comments vs the hilarity of a totally blatant self-link by the member of a really bad Nazi band... and ceiling cat! I favorited the thread.
Aw, it's closed now.
This sort of thing reminds me why I love MeFi. Come for the links, stay for the snark.
posted by signal 16 May | 00:18
I was originally, "psh," "whatever," "meh."

After reading some of the more scathing comments I had to see how bad their music was.

If they weren't that bad, I might defend them/rail against the meanies, but - they fucking s.u.c.k.

Kids these days...
posted by porpoise 16 May | 00:50
Oh that was pretty funny stuff. I mean, some comments were a bit mean (that one cowbell player, she's not really fat) but Ceiling Cat brought the whole thing to a new level of o-for-awesomeness.
posted by nomis 16 May | 00:53
I liked fandango_matt's synthesis of the day's.. er, topics.
posted by porpoise 16 May | 01:00
ok, wtf - I finished reading the rest of the thread; this fucker has a grainy b&w photo of him gnawing some girl's foot and after getting mefi-ed, it's sitting at a 7.2 on hotornot?!

I'm a 3.-something according to teh fucking intarneldf~!@FH@I2&#$^EFLz9^$(98(47



posted by porpoise 16 May | 01:16
It's so much funner here when that stuff stays over there.
posted by mudpuppie 16 May | 01:27
What I'm saying is that there are quite a few of us here who dislike that aspect of Metafilter. Some of us have stopped reading it for that very reason.

There are also quite a few people who really like that side of Metafilter, and they're more than entitled. They're also quite likely to have seen the Metatalk post and likely had more than ample opportunity to "join in on the fun."

So what's to be gained by posting this here, except to thrust the nastiness in the faces of people who constantly try to turn away from it?

I just don't really get it, is all.
posted by mudpuppie 16 May | 01:32
Delmoi, can you please take your Metafilter garbage somewhere else next time?
posted by AlexReynolds 16 May | 01:43
*counsels AlexReynolds on how to say things nicely and constructively*
posted by mudpuppie 16 May | 01:46
I would like metafilter to stay on metafilter, too.
posted by cmonkey 16 May | 03:06
I normally hate the bashing that self-linking threads get but this (apart from the 'fat' comments) was excellent.

*cuts hole in ceiling to stuff cat in*
*retires with cat-related injury*
posted by essexjan 16 May | 03:52
Wow. That guy did pretty much deserve the pain... But the other band member didn't; sasshat said good.

Basically, here are my ideas about MeFi stuff on Mecha: Don't use it to talk about someone behind their back; don't bring feuds here; don't complain about MeFi policy stuff here - that belongs on MetaTalk... And any kind of organizing "sprees" on MeFi are way bad (Like, "let's all go to MeFi and do xyz").

If your post gets deleted there, go ahead and post it here if you want, but don't start a thread about why it shouldn't have been deleted there, because that's what MetaTalk is for. Don't use mecha to drum up support for your "side" of some dispute on MeFi.

Conversation about best or worst or funniest posts, or any kind of general chatty stuff is fine (like dabitch asking about our deleted posts the other day); pointing out a great post or comment is fine. Pursuing an AskMe question that's been deleted as too chatty is fine. Basically stuff that's interesting (like a lot of the questions that miguel used ask), but too chatty for MeTa is fine - unless it's picking on a particular user.

So, it's not totally clearcut, and for that I apologize, but the thumbnail guide is: don't organize on Mecha for any MeFi action; don't attack Mefi users or pursue Mefi feuds; if you have a problem with MeFi policy, use MetaTalk; and, just generally, MeFi blood sports aren't very popular here.

This one maybe straddles the fence a bit - but bloody pile-ons, however well-deserved, are pretty ugly... and as mudpuppie pointed out, the conversation is being continued on MeTa, so it's not like we need another outlet to express ourselves on this.
posted by taz 16 May | 03:53
If you'll give me a URL, I'll vote for you so you'll feel better, porpoise.

thread: usual mefi bleh. few good, most bad, ceiling cat roks. my 2¢)
posted by Zack_Replica 16 May | 06:09
As a n00b, I find this very interesting. At first, I was tempted to do exactly what Delmoi did; call out "Hey look! There's something interesting happening on MeFi!".

At least two reasons for doing this occur to me. Not everyone here reads MeFi much currently (as is well documented) and the thread was obviously going to be deleted. Also, it was a prime opportunity for Capn's FrontPagePanda. As it turns out, I'm glad I didn't say anything.

But yeah, the vibe of the (MeFi) post and discussion was not very MeCha. This place isn't "self-policing", nor is it run like, say, MoFi (a kind of benign dictatorship with a bit of light hearted mob rule thrown in). It's a place where we don't need any kind of police.

I wonder how things will develop here. MoFi was a place for "wannabees" to hang out while they waited for MeFi registration to re-open. But now it's a cool place on the net of its own.

We have a delicate flower here, and I love it.*

But anyway. Ceiling cat rocks, and I'm up for a hotornot bombing for anyone here.

Oh, and the idea of "What Would Migs Do?" as our motto is spot on. (I for one should have that above my monitor).

*Sorry if all that sounds precocious for one so new, but I trust you'll take it in the spirit it is meant.
posted by GeckoDundee 16 May | 08:13
I wish Matt had not found the thread for a few more hours. heh.
All fucking selflinkers must fucking hang.
posted by adamgreenfield at 8:36 PM PST on May 15 [+fave] [!]

Adam, whom I really respect, is either being sarcastic or is suffering the MeFi cynicism/ factor. We should invite Adam over here to the MeChattuh oasis for a vacation.
posted by shane 16 May | 10:20
I've met Adam a time or two, and he's a good guy, but he's taking the whole MeFi thing about 20 kilograms too seriously, which is a shame since it ultimatley is of very little consequence.
posted by jonmc 16 May | 10:25
Taz, that's a great writeup for our wiki, if you feel like posting it on the FAQ or something.
posted by matildaben 16 May | 10:40
Well, I would have missed it entirely if I hadn't seen it here, and that would have been a pity, since I thought it was funny as hell. Also, kudos to Sasshat for catching and stopping the fat jokes, which she did clearly, coolly and well.
posted by mygothlaundry 16 May | 11:09
It was a modified line from Full Metal Jacket, so I take it adamgreenfield wasn't being completely serious. Mefites can be a hostile bunch, though, so who knows?
posted by Atom Eyes 18 May | 10:53
Taking flight || Dude,