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15 May 2006

OMFG BUSH (sr.) KILLED JFK A photograph exists of the Texas School Book Depository while the Dallas Police is sealing off the building. Among the bystanders is a civilian that could be a twin brother of George H.W. Bush. (via)
My money's on Don Knotts. He could've hid his motorcycle behind the grassy knoll.
posted by Smart Dalek 15 May | 13:50
Wait, George H.W. Bush had a twin brother? I knew about the extra brain that was removed at birth and ended up running those bubblegum pop psyops out of Langley ... is that who they're talking about? Or, like, an actual twin?
posted by danostuporstar 15 May | 13:53
Damn! Bill Clinton was there, too! This is getting weirder and weirder.

≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by taz 15 May | 14:03
No, taz - that's Forrest Tucker.
posted by Smart Dalek 15 May | 14:13
What's really amazing if you think about is not that GHWB had a hand in the killing of JFK, it's that in every single picture of Bush the Elder he is merely a smudgy pixellated white dude, no matter the year of the photograph, the resolution of the image or the distance from Bush himself. Which leads to MY theory: No one named George Bush actually exists, all permutations of him are actually tiny little waking nightmares that our fevered REM deprived brains are actually projecting into the global consensus to explain the distinct lack of awesomeness in the last 25 years. THINK ABOUT IT MAN!
posted by Divine_Wino 15 May | 15:38
On a tangent, my hometown (about 30 miles away from Dallas) had some really weird connections to the assassination.

Although it's grown now, when I was growing up the police department basically consisted of the police chief and a detective (along with a couple of speeding-car chasers). Back when he was a Dallas patrolman, the detective was the partner of JD Tippit -- the cop shot by Lee Harvey Oswald. And the police chief, back when he was a Dallas cop, was in charge of guarding the door through which Jack Ruby entered the parking garage just before he shot Oswald.

One of the many witnesses who died before he could testify in front of the Warren commission died in a suspicious one-car accident just outside of town. The only doctor in town (who was still the only doctor in town when I was in high school and who was a quacker), arrived at the scene and stated that there was no foul play. (This is the same doc who was later paid by the three cement plants in town to aver that the high rate of chronic diseases among plant workers was not related to the hazardous waste burned by the plants for fuel. In other words, he wasn't so hard to bribe.)

And finally, the town newspaper was fire bombed during the Warren commission hearings because the publisher was digging a little too deep into the conspiracies surrounding the assassination.

No one knew any of this (or, at least, it wasn't common knowledge) until an investigative reporter wrote a book about a murder that happened in the late 80s.
posted by mudpuppie 15 May | 15:50
Holy wow mudpuppie.
posted by dabitch 15 May | 16:04
Oddly, I just encountered this on Wikipedia. If you ask me the photograph, when you lighten the gamma, doesn't really look like Bush in the chin area, he's just a skinny guy with that sort of hair that was really, really common back then. But he does kinda have Bush's "slouch".

The article it's in seems to be largely sourced from this website, which is full of sourced details -- and obvious bullshit. I hate those sorts of sources.
posted by stilicho 15 May | 21:15
Oh, another issue. GHWB is 6'2". He is taller than a guy sort of in front of him by a head, but that alone doesn't prove much.

The height of that molded concrete on the Book Depository should be easy to measure, though. I'm wondering if I could estimate it based on the bog-standard Postal Service box on the other side of the steps, but I can't find a source for the dimensions (they stamped those out by the millions).
posted by stilicho 15 May | 21:56
OMG Tigers!! || Lost in space.