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15 May 2006

Let's start a rumour. I heard that if you make a paste of Tang, baking soda and water, and cover your windows with it, it will block cellphone signals.
That's not a rumor. and you're an American, aren't you, Capn? Ditch the extra 'u.'
posted by jonmc 15 May | 13:10
What are you talking aboot? Why would I spell it withoot the 'u'?
posted by Capn 15 May | 13:15
it's rumer like the willis' sisters
posted by ethylene 15 May | 13:17
I heard that if you eat the tape from a cassette tape you'll get high.

And my sister's friend told her that if you wash your hair with pineapple juice for a month you'll get a really great natural perm.
posted by agropyron 15 May | 13:21
I got fooled by the popped collar fad, t'ain't getting fooled again, no sir.
posted by AlexReynolds 15 May | 13:21
'Gullible' isn't in the dictionary.
posted by mike9322 15 May | 13:22
I got fooled by the popped collar fad,

Indeed. He took it too far, and had his collarbone surgically popped. Imagine going to a party with that, bucko...
posted by jonmc 15 May | 13:23
Google is a front for the NSA.
posted by danostuporstar 15 May | 13:31
No, NSA is a front for Google.
posted by jonmc 15 May | 13:33
Well, we know the president started drinking again about a year ago; I hear he's renounced the Born-Again Christ and is holding Black Mass in the Oval Office even as we speak.
posted by Hugh Janus 15 May | 13:41
Peak oil came and went in July of 1953. The final barrel of real oil was pumped out in 1971. Since then, all gas engines have been running on 100% ethanol, colored and scented to seem just like gasoline. So-called farm subsidies, where farmers supposedly get paid "to grow nothing" are actually payments for raw materials. The auto industry has threatened to go public with the change over unless certain expenses are covered by the government, which is why we will have nationalized healthcare in the US by 2009.
posted by PinkStainlessTail 15 May | 13:49
PST, I would like to listen to your AM radio show, when is it on?
posted by Capn 15 May | 13:51
Hee! I have to admit when I typed that out, in my head I could hear Alex Jones saying every word.
posted by PinkStainlessTail 15 May | 14:04
Tang, baking soda and water!! Jeez, be careful with that shit - it's explosive if you mix it in an aluminium container!
posted by theora55 15 May | 14:11
It's the dihydrogen monoxide in tang that blocks attenuates the cellphone waves.
posted by porpoise 15 May | 15:03
Sarah Jessica Parker is really a robot trained to charm unsuspecting foreign diplomats to death!

(she's been malfunctioning since those gap commericials, so now they just let her do what she wants, like the Jaws robot shark that swam out to sea, never to be seen again)
posted by SassHat 15 May | 15:14
For normal candy, Gobstoppers have the greatest percentage of ground up insects by weight. By volume, the candy with the most cochineal extract is the strawberry poweder found with Lick'em Pops.
posted by robocop is bleeding 15 May | 15:18
If you rub avocado under your armpits the hair will stop growing.

Works for legs and pubes, too.
posted by Pips 15 May | 15:25
After finding themselves with some left over aluminum foil my friend was able to foist it on several people over the course of the evening by convincing them that wrapping it around their cell phones would greatly improve their signal. They were able to get rid of all of their foil this way, and even got five bucks from one guy who was very happy to have finally found the solution to his signal woes.

I don't think I can top that.
posted by kosher_jenny 15 May | 15:29
Avocado on the genitals, eh...?
posted by cmonkey 15 May | 15:43
cmonkey has pitnads.
posted by danostuporstar 15 May | 15:48
I am related to famous people. Just check out my last name. There are many rumours about my clan, not all of them are true. In particular, I would like to disabuse you of the many slanderous statements about us all being Richards of a different order.
posted by safetyfork 15 May | 16:38
I am a huge Johnson fan!
posted by Capn 15 May | 16:41
For ThePinkSuperhero || OMG Tigers!!