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Comment Feed:


09 May 2006

Warning! An adversary of mine from the Blue has vowed to come here to wreak vengeance upon me. I fully admit that I helped cause the problem and I even apologized and called myself out in MeCha for it. I'm not debating it, just warning you that he's coming.
There are a few other assholes here who have done that sort of thing on this site. What can you really do but shrug it off?
posted by AlexReynolds 09 May | 17:33
Why either of you (bardic, jonmc) would feel the need to bring that shit over here is beyond me.
posted by gigawhat? 09 May | 17:34
seriously, I like this place drama-free. Also, what other assholes have done the same? I don't remember that happening.
posted by puke & cry 09 May | 17:43
I have long had a plan for when these worlds collide:

*puts fingers in ears* lalalalalalalalala! I can't hear you! lalalalalalala!

See? It's only nice, fluffy bunnies here. Whew.
posted by elizard 09 May | 17:44
I don't want it here. He seems to, by what he said in that comment, this is merely a heads up.
posted by jonmc 09 May | 17:45
I'll get a couple animated gifs ready when the post shows up.
posted by puke & cry 09 May | 17:47
P&C, check your email.
posted by AlexReynolds 09 May | 17:48
Do I know you, jonmc?
posted by danf 09 May | 17:51
Previous examples: Dmitri, Molly Malone's. Nothing from MeFi yet that I can recall.

We usually don't get wrapped up in that kind of stuff here. That's what MetaTalk is for. PREPARE THE BUNNY GIFS!
posted by matildaben 09 May | 18:03
In every life we have some struggles,
and when you worry, you makes it doubles,
so don't worry.
be happy.

*would paint a big smily happy face here, but worried about possibility of litigation from Walmart*
posted by seanyboy 09 May | 18:10
I do not care.
Man, one of these days our treehouse is going to definitely be better than someone else's treehouse and then we can have the bestest summer ever!

(expects Bestest Summer Song Ever from JonMC now)


posted by Lipstick Thespian 09 May | 18:16
Or you could just not have bothered to post this jon. Whatever, you're just calling more attention to yourself. the metatalk thread wasn't enough?
posted by gaspode 09 May | 18:18
I'm with weretable and those tagalong chairs that seem to follow him all over.
posted by kyleg 09 May | 18:18
'pode, I just didn't want this guy coming here without warning, that's all.
posted by jonmc 09 May | 18:20
Most people here either 1) read metafilter including MeTa or 2) don't read metafilter (at all, or not the MeTa portion) and don't care to hear about it all.

This makes bardic's threat empty and jonmc's warning unnecessary.
posted by mullacc 09 May | 18:34
This isn't a warning. It's attention seeking. There, I said it.

Also, I'm with weretable and gaspode.
posted by mudpuppie 09 May | 18:38
I'd say what makes Bardic's threat empty is that it's a website and no one would actually be "coming over here." You did your best jon, you apologized. Bardic's a pretty good cat, from what I can tell, fwiw. We all have things that put us over the edge.

Go enjoy your dinner.
posted by Divine_Wino 09 May | 18:38
Plus, contrary to bardic's belief, we don't worship jonmc. So if he tried to come over here and tell us jonmc is an asshole, we'd shrug and say, "We know. But for some reason, we like him anyway."
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 09 May | 18:39
OK - Now I'm very ANGRY with all of you.

I expected to go to bed at a good time, but now I find myself still awake at 12:30am, and I can't stop mulling over the whole Deaf / name calling / bringing it to Mecha / etc /etc thing.

Do you realise how irresponsible it is to be bringing me these things so late at night,

And I'm tired.

So, I'm gonna mosey around the internet for a short amount of time, and when i get back I hope to be tired enough to go to sleep. If I'm not, there will be words.
posted by seanyboy 09 May | 18:43
it's not pup. I just didn't want to be blamed if he did come over here and start something. Anyway, pips is making that steak dinner I posted about. I'm gonna go hang with her awhile.
posted by jonmc 09 May | 18:45
WAIT, we don't worship jonmc?! Well, what the hell am I gonna do with a 1/2 dozen virgins i just ordered?!
posted by jelly 09 May | 18:46
Virgins! Damn. I ordered surgeons.
I'm sure you said surgeons.

Anyone want anything medical doing to them?
posted by seanyboy 09 May | 18:50
I need a tail and one extra (superflous) knee, if that's not too much trouble.

Also I'm not certain what a gizzard is, but if it's not strictly medically neccessary, I want it out NOW!
posted by Divine_Wino 09 May | 18:54
Surgeons! Damn. I ordered sturgeons.
I'm sure you said sturgeons.

Anyone want anything delicious doing to them?
posted by iconomy 09 May | 18:55
I ordered Theodore Spurgeon myself. He hasn't arrived yet. I'm getting impatient.

(also, it isn't attention whoring so much as an inability to walk away from futile arguments since I feel like to do so lets the other person think they 'beat' me somehow and that eats at me, even in something as silly as an online forum. I have to work on that)
posted by jonmc 09 May | 19:03
I thought he was talking about different versions.

Got me excited. My bad.
posted by danf 09 May | 19:03
Well, what the hell am I gonna do with a 1/2 dozen virgins i just ordered?!

jelly, if you don't know, I'm not about to tell you.
posted by elizard 09 May | 19:06
Pumpkin, I know what to do! I just play for the other team.
posted by jelly 09 May | 19:08
Hey! How did you know my mum called me 'pumpkin'? unless you didn't. Dammit, I've said too much. Destroy the planet!

Well, in that case, there's money to be made! Or a new religion to start. With jelly in the centre.

Mmmmmm...jelly centres....
posted by elizard 09 May | 19:10
Please don't talk to a woman who just finished two theology papers about Spurgeon.
posted by bunnyfire 09 May | 19:36
You still want a meetup, elizard? Knowing that I'm going to call you Pumkin forever now?

muah ha ha ha!
posted by SassHat 09 May | 19:38
At your peril, my dear SassHat. I may come up with something much, much worse for you. Especially after I've plied you with vast oceans of alcohol. *rubs hands together evilly*

Oh, there'll be a meetup, alright. Bring it on, sister! Now it's a dare, you have to come!
posted by elizard 09 May | 20:01
posted by jelly 09 May | 20:03
With pillows!
posted by elizard 09 May | 20:05
Oh, pips's dinner was delicious. we sprinkled the steak with gorgonzola for an extra touch, and the Wino's beverage choices worked out swimmingly.
posted by jonmc 09 May | 20:12
Aw, you're okay, jonmc. I like 'em cranky. :)
posted by JanetLand 09 May | 20:12
Glad you both enjoyed it. Nothing like a good dinner with a loved companion to give everything perspective.
posted by elizard 09 May | 20:13
I ordered Theodore Spurgeon myself. He hasn't arrived yet. I'm getting impatient.

You think you got problems? Zombie Nancy Spungeon just showed up on my doorstep with Sid's knife in her stomach, and let me tell you, that shit don't smell right. I gotta go board up the windows now.
posted by scody 09 May | 20:15
Back to back, belly to belly,
Well I don't give a damn 'cause I done that already!
Back to back, belly to belly
At the Zombie Jamboree!
posted by JanetLand 09 May | 20:18
Oh holy hell I love me some gorgonzola on steak.
posted by gaspode 09 May | 20:35
this thread has more drama than a season of full house omg!!11

≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by cmonkey 09 May | 20:39
Gorgonzola on meat beats Mary-Kate and Ashy on [fill in the blank] any day.
posted by jelly 09 May | 20:47
Man, that Candace Cameron is just the cutest little thing!

*pukes quitely in the corner*
posted by mudpuppie 09 May | 20:48
We're about to break out the Remy & coffee. MMmmmm.
posted by jonmc 09 May | 20:51
Once I watched Sid and Nancy really drunk (and stuff) and the scene where she asks him to suck her toes made me puke. So now I have this horrible image of Zombie Chloe Webb getting her rotting toes sucked by Zombie Gary Oldman and I'm NOT LIKING IT AT ALL!

*glares at scody*
posted by jrossi4r 09 May | 21:07
I have this theory which I can only pray is true that Bob Saget make perverse sexual comments/jokes to her all the time. "Hey Candace, do you know what fisting is? Oh, let me describe it in detail!"
Weretable, that's killin' me.
posted by jrossi4r 09 May | 21:28
i fucked bardic's dead mom. jonmc is not my hero.
posted by quonsar 09 May | 21:28
So now I have this horrible image of Zombie Chloe Webb getting her rotting toes sucked by Zombie Gary Oldman and I'm NOT LIKING IT AT ALL!

The music really makes it.
posted by arse_hat 09 May | 21:29
(also, it isn't attention whoring so much as an inability to walk away from futile arguments since I feel like to do so lets the other person think they 'beat' me somehow and that eats at me, even in something as silly as an online forum. I have to work on that)
I think it may be both, actually. I certainly recognise the second part, being cursed with the same affliction myself.
posted by dg 09 May | 21:40
I'm way handsomer than John Stamos. NTM, I havent seen that Murphys shirt in years. He must've stole it to impress his wife.
posted by jonmc 09 May | 23:10
John Stamos is SO HOT. Sorry, jonmc, you lose.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 09 May | 23:12
Ha! I have pips, he has that stickfigure wife of his. I WIN!
posted by jonmc 09 May | 23:16
All kidding aside, it's just incredibly frustrating and maddening, dealing with people who have no idea who I am and why I do what I do (not that I have any idea a lot of the time, but that's beside the point.

When I first started posting on MeFi (which aside from a few newsgroup posts was my first non-passive online involvement and my first attempts at self-expression in over a decade), I was just back from Florida which I hated, and working at a job that made me miserable. I had staked all my hopes on coming home, and home wasn't the same anymore in a lot of ways. Most of my old haunts had changed beyond recognition or disappeared, as had a lot of my friends and all the touchstones that used to ground me. Things were strained at home and with the family and I stumbled upon a place where I could have some kind of outlet. Now it's just curdled into a big pissing contest in front of a panel of self-appointed judges who's opinions I know I shouldn't care about but their disapproval still bugs me. I need to find something else to do. That place poisons you after awhile. Maybe the whole internet does.
posted by jonmc 09 May | 23:29
I think a large part of the problem is that you insist on everyone knowing who you are and why you do what you do, instead of being prepared to let your opinions stand on their own. Try not being so determined to "win" every discussion - in general, I think the majority of people more or less agree with most of what you say, except that you dress it up in your persona to the extent that what you say becomes less of a morsel of conversation and more of a challenge to agree with you or be labelled a pretentious snob. When that happens, people will feel the need to challenge you and that starts the whole cycle again. Rinse, repeat.

If you have something to say, just say it and move on - don't get so involved in every single word you utter. Otherwise, you need to go back to writing on your own site, where you can set the scene and the mood more. You have talked about this a few times, taz has done a design for you, plenty of people have encouraged you and would read what you had to say, so what's stopping you?

disclaimer: the above was written "stream-of-consciousness" style without editing, so take it for what it's worth.
posted by dg 09 May | 23:45
dg, I appreciate what you're saying, but I gave up doing my own blog for similar reasons. People (even many people who putatively agreed with what I was saying) said things that disgusted me so much that it just didn't seem worth the aggravation anymore. And it's gone beyond simple disdain for what I'm saying to flat-out attacks on me personally. I've actually wond up losing friends over online stuff (ironically they were people I first connected with online, too). And with the medical problems, relationship difficulties and job/economic worries I've had to contend with over the past year or so, I sometimes ask myself why I invite more trouble into my life with all this, since it dosen't do much beyond bring more grief.
posted by jonmc 09 May | 23:53
That place poisons you after awhile.

It sure does. Seriously.
posted by AlexReynolds 09 May | 23:59
Metafilter, IMO, is just not a healthy place to be. Sure, in some way, we do "connect" there but, is it a substantial connection with real value to build each other up or, is it something else?

After a short participation, I just had to turn away from it. I thought I was connection and looked forward to sharing my inner thoughts but, it just isn't worth wasting my light in a place where persons revel in the dark.
posted by jelly 10 May | 00:08
Jonmc, today you have posted 51 comments on MetaFilter, 1 post and 43 comments on MetaTalk and 1 post and 26 comments on MetaChat, for a total of two posts and 120 comments, with almost an hour left before the day is over. You are either a prodigy or a freak of nature, but either way I am impressed.
From here. You have to really wonder if you are perhaps investing too much of yourself into "all this". At least, I would if it were me.

I certainly don't recall anyone making comments on your site that would have made you shut it down (and I used to read it pretty much every day), but I appreciate that those comments may have been deleted or have been made in private. I can only restate what I said above - I really think that the reason you get so much angst from people who disagree with you is that you make all your comments about you instead of (or, at least, as well as) about the subject. With your own site, this would be fine - that is how they are supposed to be. With a community site, not so much.

I have read all about your medical issues, relationship issues and job worries and I have to say that, as bad as it all may seem to you coming pretty much all together, what you have gone through is just stuff that the majority of people go through. In the past couple of years, I have had the equivalent of all the problems you have had, except that the income from my (vanished without warning) job had five other people and a mortgage totally relying on it to support them and my relationship issues had the same five other people directly mixed up in them. We all have shit to deal with all the time, it's not just you.

Really, as glib as it sounds, you need to take a step back when you get on the Internet.

I'm going to stop now or I will start being an arsehole. I hope you figure out what you need to do, because you're a good guy and you don't deserve to be feeling like this.
posted by dg 10 May | 00:16
Bardic is a member here so he or she is welcome to show up any time, but dragging a fight over from MeFi wouldn't be cool... which is basically what you did, Jon. He or she didn't come here to continue the fight, but it seems like you did. If you were really worried about the site, an email to mods would be make more sense.

As a general note for everyone: Metachat is a friendly and supportive place, but using it to try to shore up one's defenses (or offenses) for battles fought on MeFi is ungood. Like birth or death, these are things you have to do on your own.
posted by taz 10 May | 03:18
Fair enough, taz. Won't happen again. And I'm on indefinite hiatus from the blue. I'll still hang out here, but I don't need the grief and agida that place spawns.
posted by jonmc 10 May | 08:36
a big pissing contest in front of a panel of self-appointed judges who's opinions I know I shouldn't care about but their disapproval still bugs me

that's the whole point, it must not bug you. they're pixels on a screen, pixels originated by people you don't know and you'll never meet. they're beyond strangers -- for all practical purposes they just don't exist. the faster you figure that out, the better your Internet experience will be

we sprinkled the steak with gorgonzola

that's so not Kosher, giovanni
posted by matteo 10 May | 09:00
It's odd how often not Kosher equals delicious in this blighted world of ours.
posted by Divine_Wino 10 May | 09:10
Most people here either 1) read metafilter including MeTa or 2) don't read metafilter (at all, or not the MeTa portion) and don't care to hear about it all.

Word! Non-MeFites Represent!

*thumps chest*
posted by TrishaLynn 10 May | 09:46
Yo, what'd I miss. Somebody threaten to come out to Queens and touch my brother? No-no.

Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beverages worked out with the meal last night.

Speaking of beverages, lemme buy you a drink, boyo. And damn, I wish matteo lived closer; we'd all have a good time out on the town.
posted by Hugh Janus 10 May | 09:49
Seems like the discussion here is finished (though it keeps going in, uh, other places), but I'd like to say that I agree with, um, taz, mudpuppie, weretable, kyleg, mullacc, and probably many other people, both ones I'm forgetting and ones who are choosing to remain silent on this particular issue.
posted by box 10 May | 10:12
Damn, all that blue and grey took a long time to read. Time I'll never get back. I think I just learned a lesson.
posted by Hugh Janus 10 May | 12:21
What I had for dinner || Doc Brown beat box