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Comment Feed:


08 May 2006

This Thread is pulling an all-nighter [More:]Well, I'm sure you folks on the east coast are having lunch or whatever right now, but for me here in California it is 3:00 in the AM and my eyeballs feel about ready to fall out. I'm working on a research paper on giant squids at the moment, which interesting as the topic is, I'd rather just get it done and over with. Problem is, even though this is a very short paper a Thwomp has landed in my brain and won't budge. Worse yet is that the internet provides all sorts of evil distractions, so I've been sitting here practically all day and I have much less to show for it than I should. And I hope my prof doesn't mind me writing about Cthulu as much as I wound up doing.

I have half a mind to call it a night and finish up tomorrow, as I have until 3:30PM to turn it in. But my roommate has already fallen asleep and is snoring loud enough to wake the dead. Normally I try to go to bed at least a few hours before her so that I'm asleep before she is. (it usually takes me at least 45min-1hr to fall asleep. Roommate is usually out in ten.) But I fell into a bad habit of going to sleep later than normal, and these past couple of nights I've wound up going to sleep on the couch in the living room. I tried listening to music, but I have to turn the volume up so much to drown out the snores that it defeats the point. Rrrrrgh.

In conclusion:
-Yeah, I know I shouldn't have waited until the last minute to start writing this. Have I learned my lesson? Probably not. I'll start on my Women's History paper this week though. Honest.
-It doesn't help that one of my other final project has been delayed due to whatever drawing skills I have/had croaking, as seen when I tried to make some pitiful character designs for a short comic for my Fables and Tales class. Apparently whenever I try to draw a person on a larger scale they turn into bizzaro square headed freaks. *headdesks*
-Would it be unreasonable to head downstairs and buy an ice cream bar from the vending machine?
I just think that padding a giant squid paper with Cthulu is wonderful; if I were your prof, I'd give you an "A" purely for that.
posted by taz 08 May | 06:23
All-nighters make all kinds of things reasonable. I wrote several while hopped up on 24-hour Sudafed (no...I didn't have a cold) and whipped cream straight from the can.

It is probably too late now, but go for the ice cream.
posted by Fuzzbean 08 May | 08:03
Apparently whenever I try to draw a person on a larger scale they turn into bizzaro square headed freaks.
It is style, run with it.
posted by geekyguy 08 May | 08:24
You can dooo iiiit!

I've done lots of all-nighters but the idea doesn't sit very well with me. Fatigue poisons and the semi-hallucinatory reality of sleep dep makes many things seem reasonable when, well, not so much.
posted by porpoise 08 May | 10:03
"ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

The geometry is so wrong!
posted by King of Prontopia 08 May | 13:13
I thought MonkeyFilter had the first rights to all squid-related posts...
posted by wendell 08 May | 19:23
I just got home... || I have got to get me one of these!