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Comment Feed:


06 May 2006

Everybody loves Threadless, and Preshrunk too. If you don't, then go ahead and catch up with the rest of the class; we'll wait for you. They love you back, because with Threadless's $10 sale and this coupon code, you can get an amazingly kickass t-shirt for just seven bucks plus shipping! Not even your dog loves you that much.
I don't like threadless and I don't want to catch up.
posted by jonmc 06 May | 00:58
That's ok jon, you're obviously way too cool for it.
posted by kyleg 06 May | 01:03
I came into this thread to call kyleg a corporate shill, but I see I'm not needed.
posted by Eideteker 06 May | 01:40
I love my corporate zombie shirt.
posted by mullacc 06 May | 01:45
Damn! Who was it that mentioned here that they wanted the Communist Party tee, but thought it was out of print?
posted by taz 06 May | 02:01
I'm guessing that my dog probably loves me than a bunch of bland hipsters with a taste for the faux ironic and shitty yet expensive shaggy haircuts, IMHO HTH.
posted by cmonkey 06 May | 02:09
Sorry, I got pissy. You have an advertising budget for dancing geckos and beer bottles that play sports, and that's fine; I know it's gotta get put to use somehow. But my dog just wants to lie there and be all cool with things. It's not much to ask that he just be allowed to lie there.
posted by cmonkey 06 May | 02:28
God damn people, have a sense of humor. If you don't want to save some cash, don't rain on my cheap stuff parade.

taz, it wasn't me but I totally want that shirt. It's been reprinted a few times now, so I'm glad to be able to actually get it this time.

Eide, if I was a true shill I'd use my affiliate link for everything, but I don't even have one. And I'd hardly call a bunch of kids selling shirts online "corporate."

cmonkey, when was the last time your dog gave you money? And isn't "hipster" the new Godwin?
posted by kyleg 06 May | 02:29
The fucker has never given me money. Christ, he doesn't even pay rent.
posted by cmonkey 06 May | 02:37
No hard feelings c. I'm sure your dog abides.
posted by kyleg 06 May | 02:37
If you got your dog a Threadless Teeshirt, Cmonk, he'd love you more.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 06 May | 03:36
I've got a Threadless account, but I don't like most of the (hundreds of) shirts I've seen--too many bad puns, for one thing--and so I've never actually bought anything. So am I too cool, or not cool enough? It's so hard to tell these days.

(Also, here's some more about Threadless' corporate parent, if anyone's interested.)
posted by box 06 May | 07:26
I couldn't resist Karl Marx's Devil Horns, make of that what you will.
posted by safetyfork 06 May | 09:31
Why is everybody mad about the shirts?
posted by mullacc 06 May | 09:45
Well, I don't care if it's silly and hipster - I was hipster before hipster was cool, heh. I love the Communist Party T-shirt, and, since I'm sitting here with my birthday money in my hand and I just bought a Vampire Zombie Bunny Army shirt (yay! I am excited! It's all I told my kids to get me for my birthday, rotten kids, they didn't do it so I got it for myself,) I got the partying commies as well.
posted by mygothlaundry 06 May | 12:16
I decided to order a bunnies shirt but they were sold out. Heh.
I love the Communist Party T-shirt

Gotta respectfully disagree here. Would you wear a Nazi Party t-shirt, however ironic it might be? The body count of the Stalins, Maos, and Pol Pots was just as bad. And I've heard the whole 'that's not real communism' thing, but I doubt that would matter to someone who's lived under one ofthose regimes.
posted by jonmc 06 May | 12:25
sorry for the vociferousness of that response, but this is a pet peeve of mine.
posted by jonmc 06 May | 12:34
I just bought this one. Thanks, ky leg!
posted by SassHat 06 May | 12:51
Well now I want one of those Communist shirts.
I got me a bunnies shirt and I paid full price. Oh well. And I have six Threadless t-shirts because I like them. Does that make me a hipster? And you don't even have a dog. Don't post while drunk and surly, man.
posted by matildaben 06 May | 13:48
Jon just made me remember the old guy that jumped all over me shortly after 9-11. Why? Because I had on an Anthrax t-shirt when I was working in my yard. I explained it was a band and he shook his finger at me and said that was just an excuse. Uh... okay.
sasshat that is hilarious!
posted by chewatadistance 06 May | 13:58
It will likely shock nobody that I have two of the Dark Side of the Garden shirts.
I apologize for my last comment. That was uncool. I should take my own advice about thinking twice before hitting the post button.
posted by matildaben 06 May | 14:16
I was cranky because "If you don't, then go ahead and catch up with the rest of the class; we'll wait for you" is incredibly condescending. Still, sorry, kyleg, didn't mean to fuck up your thread.
posted by cmonkey 06 May | 14:38
It's not saving me money if you cause me to spend money (less money, but still money) I don't have on cool shirts I can't afford.

I am looking into opening my own t-shirt/bumper sticker site.

Also, t-shirts are sort of a default, "safe" gift, so as a consequence, I have enough Ts to last me unto the Eschaton. But if I get new ones, they're going to be my own designs.
posted by Eideteker 06 May | 16:10
Threadless is rather obnoxious in the way shirts go out of print so quickly.

On the other hand, it makes people want to buy shirts they like quickly, so who knows if it's a good idea or not.
posted by delmoi 06 May | 19:50
I love my threadless t-shirts. (This is on order now)

And if that makes me a faux-hipster, then order me a martini and show me some finger-quotes.

jonmc: I feel the same way about the humorous usage of Genghis Kahn. :)
I think the iconography of communism will always get in the way of the murders by Lenin/Pol Pot/Stalin. Whereas Hitler and the swastika represent the worst excesses of human nature, communism and the leaders of communism mostly express the tragedy of idealism.

I don't know - I'm guessing here, but there's definitely something less offensive to me about Stalin than there is about Hitler.
posted by seanyboy 07 May | 12:32
The thing is, jon, that the Communist Party shirt couldn't really be said to be glorifying Mao or Lenin. Normally, I agree--the proliferation of Mao t-shirts irritates me, and goodness knows Stalin was a seriously evil bastard--but when you've got an image of them drunk, in party hats, I would say that's taking the piss, not glossing over history.

I bought one for a Marxist friend of mine. I know she'll love it.
posted by elizard 07 May | 19:54
ARNOCORPS! || Oh my!