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Comment Feed:


04 May 2006

Maybe we should spend our retirement? [More:]Lately I've been supremely bummed about the gubmint and humanity. We've pummeled 2 countries, about to start on a third. The rich keep getting richer. The majority of the public are idiots who believe everything the media says. Our bully brigade stopped our southern neighbor from being party palace - and I was curious to see what their gubmint would do with the extra $ they used to dump into from policing and enforcing. Maybe something useful like infrastructure improvement or something.

It all just makes me want to go live off the grid in Alaska or something.

Plus, I made the wrong letter for our show sign! I was supposed to make an 'r', not an 'E'.
I'm not gathering retirement funds because I know the way things are going I'm gonna have to work 'til I drop.
posted by Hugh Janus 04 May | 08:22
Retirement? Hell my parents are both 60 and still working multiple jobs. Retirement is gonna be like polio and rotary phones, one of those where are they now items. Fortunately, I will die in a freak can opener accident before I reach that age.
posted by jonmc 04 May | 08:40
I hope you all are saving for retirement because if not you will be old people eating cat food.

With my vast financial empire, I plan to be an old person eating three for a dollar grocery store burritos.
posted by rainbaby 04 May | 08:48
I still have a rotary phone.
posted by JanetLand 04 May | 08:49
Do you have a can opener?
posted by jonmc 04 May | 08:49
Manual or electric, jon?
posted by mike9322 04 May | 08:51
I will die with a hammer in my hands, yes I will.
I will die with a hammer in my hands.
posted by Hugh Janus 04 May | 08:57
I'm talking about cheap, off-brand, dry cat food. Straight out of the box.
posted by rainbaby 04 May | 09:05
Shopping cart full of cats, midnight shift at Waffle House, cozy dumpster, heavy duty heroin addiction. Those are my retirement plans.
posted by mygothlaundry 04 May | 09:59
posted by knave 04 May | 10:01
Rice and beans for dinner. . .then beans and rice. . .then rice and beans. . .then beans and rice. . .then rice and beans. . .then beans and rice. . .Rice and beans for dinner. . .then beans and rice. . .then rice and beans. . .then beans and rice. . .then rice and beans. . .then beans and rice. . .Rice and beans for dinner. . .then beans and rice. . .then rice and beans. . .then beans and rice. . .then rice and beans. . .then beans and rice. . .Rice and beans for dinner. . .then beans and rice. . .then rice and beans. . .then beans and rice. . .then rice and beans. . .then beans and rice. . .Rice and beans for dinner. . .then beans and rice. . .then rice and beans. . .then beans and rice. . .then rice and beans. . .then beans and rice. . .Rice and beans for dinner. . .then beans and rice. . .then rice and beans. . .then beans and rice. . .then rice and beans. . .then beans and rice. . .Rice and beans for dinner. . .then beans and rice. . .then rice and beans. . .then beans and rice. . .then rice and beans. . .then beans and rice. . .Rice and beans for dinner. . .then beans and rice. . .then rice and beans. . .then beans and rice. . .then rice and beans. . .then beans and rice. . .Rice and beans for dinner. . .then beans and rice. . .then rice and beans. . .then beans and rice. . .then rice and beans. . .then beans and rice. . .
posted by danf 04 May | 10:07
MGL...I've often said that if I make it to 80, I'm going to devote myself to junkiedom. Because at that point, who the hell cares? More fun than knitting.

Everytime the mister and I crunch the numbers to reaffirm that we've been good little ants who can retire comfortably, I remind him that we will likely be killed by a chunk of space ice the day before we plan to withdraw those funds.
posted by jrossi4r 04 May | 10:08
Shopping cart full of cats, midnight shift at Waffle House, cozy dumpster, heavy duty heroin addiction. Those are my retirement plans.

Hey then when you die, the cats will take care of the "aftercare" arrangements. . tidy. . .your earthly remains will then be distributed in gardens and sandboxes around your neighborhood . . .thereby achieving a (strange) measure of immortality.
posted by danf 04 May | 10:10
Jus' thu sayme as allus... baynes an' pertayters.
posted by Hugh Janus 04 May | 10:17
Otis, that's killing me.
posted by jrossi4r 04 May | 10:55
Fortunately, I will die in a freak can opener accident before I reach that age.

Industrial-sized deep fryer for me.
posted by Capn 04 May | 11:27
mmm, crispy.
posted by jonmc 04 May | 11:32
Same here, Hugh on the work till death syndrome.

I guess I'll just focus on beer and chocolate instead of wishing I could actually do anything about all of the above.

I'm buyin' y'all a round when I get back up to the city.
posted by chewatadistance 04 May | 13:22
Otis, that is awesome. I want it in my birthday thread because I swear, that's just exactly how I look these days.
posted by mygothlaundry 04 May | 14:17
Otis, that is awesome. I want it in my birthday thread because I swear, that's just exactly how I look these days.
posted by mygothlaundry 04 May | 14:20
For some reason || Bizarre bunnybird behavior.