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Comment Feed:


03 May 2006

What to do with all this free time in Toronto this summer? [More:]I just finished my undergrad, and have enough money to last me until the end of August. So, I'm taking the summer off.

I know there are Stitch n' Bitch sessions all over the damn place. I know about Tuesday night poetry readings at Victory Café. I know about Trampoline Hall, and Room 101 Games. I know that the Toronto Women's Bookstore takes volunteers all the time. I know to watch newmindspace's website for subway parties and Capture the Flag. I live near Kensington Market and know that there are festivals practically every day in the summer.

What am I missing? I want to meet new friends and try new things. I like things that are crafty and smart and silly. I'm a bit shy, but getting braver. Are there volunteer positions or groups/meet-up things that you've loved and I might not have considered before? Other suggestions?
Hang out with me, because I have no friends!

Seriously, for the first time in my live I have no friends. Moving is hard.

But back to Toronto...I just finished a gig volunteering for one of the 8 billion local film festivals, and that was really fun. I want to do more, but I'm also needing to get a real job. I'd recommend it, especially if you love movies (there are also tons of festivals tailored to specific subjects).

Thanks for the other links, I'm going to need them on my adventures!
posted by SassHat 03 May | 12:15
Okay! Seriously, send me an email, you can come over for tea or something. Or come out to the poetry reading at the Victory Café next week. George Bowering (Canada's poet laureate!) is reading, and I'll be there early to play chinese checkers with a friend.

I totally should look into volunteering for the film fests, I had totally forgotten about that. And ushering for live theatre! I wonder if Shakespeare in the Park needs people, they're fun.
posted by heatherann 03 May | 12:31
I'm definitely down for tea. But this gives me a thought for something else for you to do this summer....I'm thinking Toronto Meetup!
posted by SassHat 03 May | 16:08
And, I dedicate this song to you! || Radio MeCha today? Pleeeease? Like now?