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01 May 2006

Baader-Meinhof A weird link for Metachat to be sure, but this is one of the most fascinating articles I've read in many, many weeks. Any movie makers out there want to have a crack at this?
Great link, cheers. It's tangentially related to Baader-Meinhof gang activities, but you may be interested in the documentary dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y, which looks into the spectacle of the relationship of terrorist and state, negotiated by an ever-present media. A beautiful, witty work.
posted by AlexReynolds 01 May | 15:09
Very intersting. I wish it weren't written by a thirteen-year-old girl though. Still, thanks.
posted by dame 01 May | 15:23
Interesting article! I remember reading about them when I started listening to the band SPK. The band got their name from the Sozialististisches Patienten Kollektiv (Socialist Patients Collective).
To quote... "SPK was the name the group took from a group of mental patients in West Germany who, inspired by the Baader-Meinhof group set up their own terrorist cell with a "SLOGUN" Kill Kill Kill For Inner Peace and Mental Health. Unfortunately this group blew themselves up whilst trying to make and hide bombs in their Mental Hospital."
posted by Zack_Replica 01 May | 15:27
I used to have a girlfriend that looked a lot like Andreas Baader, man did it suck trying to go through customs with her.
posted by StickyCarpet 01 May | 17:35
The 70s were a weird time.
posted by stilicho 01 May | 17:56
Baader-Meinhof have inspired lots of art, including an installation with creepy projections of photos of the final standoff, and at least one electronic music album.
posted by ikkyu2 01 May | 19:27
Heh. I have an ex who's totally fascinated with Baader-Meinhoff -- he's been working on a script about it for years.
posted by scody 01 May | 20:13
Germany in Autumn is a weird semi-documentary about Baader-Meinhof, done by a whole passel of German directors and writers including Rainer Werner Fassbinder and Heinrich Boll. It deals with the Red Army Faction's murder of an industrialist and the jailhouse suicides of three Baader-Meinhof terrorists, including Baader himself.
posted by goatdog 01 May | 23:51
What I remember best about the 70's is working and middle class assholes becoming terrorists to liberate others for vague reasons. The RAF, Brigate Rosse, Symbionese Liberation Army, and FLQ. Marc Carbonneau was let back into Canada when he should have been shot in the head.

Turds all.
posted by arse_hat 02 May | 00:07
Costa-Gavras' State of Siege and Gillo Pontecorvo’s Battle of Algiers are worth a look.

This was "first wave" terrorism, compared with the "new terrorism" we are now experiencing.

Bruce Hoffman's book Inside Terrorism is unquestionably the best and most recent survey of the field.
posted by warbaby 02 May | 22:04
Please help me solve the mystery || Script kiddies keep getting dumber.