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Comment Feed:


13 April 2006

This is my birthday thread... which everyone is invited to buy me drinks and wish me a happy 40th birthday!
40? That's not old. You should change your handle to BitterPunk.

Happy birthday!
posted by sveskemus 13 April | 05:52
Happy birthday! I just crossed that bridge myself.
posted by tr33hggr 13 April | 06:39
Happy Birthday!
posted by bunnyfire 13 April | 07:23
whatcher poison, punky?
posted by ethylene 13 April | 07:27
Happy Birthday.
You may now commence your mid-life crisis.
posted by seanyboy 13 April | 07:47
Happy Birthday Old man....Life begins etc.
posted by oh pollo! 13 April | 07:48
Happy birthday! 40 is young! Scientific advances will have us living well into our hundreds and overpopulating the earth well into the 21st century! Rejoice!
posted by mike9322 13 April | 07:49
At the same time as you were born...
≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by seanyboy 13 April | 07:50
≡ Click to see image ≡

(I can tease you 'cause I'm older than you are)
posted by taz 13 April | 08:09
Happy Birthday, bittermiddleagedpunk! : >

posted by amberglow 13 April | 08:11
Happy Birthday you old Punk Rocker.

(Old punks never die they just say "What?" a lot more.)
posted by omiewise 13 April | 08:12
Happay Birthdy!
posted by Hugh Janus 13 April | 08:12
≡ Click to see image ≡
I haven't done one of these for a while.
posted by seanyboy 13 April | 08:13
Damn - I should have swapped the crown for candles...
posted by seanyboy 13 April | 08:15
Happy Birthday and welcome to the ranks of the aged and wise. Or so they say. I'm still waiting for my wisdom to show up but yours, like mine, is no doubt seriously almost certainly coming in the mail any day now.
posted by mygothlaundry 13 April | 08:18
*buys the BOP a bottle of Orange Cisco*

Happy four-oh, man.
posted by jonmc 13 April | 08:18
40 is the new 30 (so they told me a few months ago).


(You bitter young punk you)

*Pours a pot of XXXX pint of bitter for BOP*
Cheers, mate!
posted by GeckoDundee 13 April | 08:23
and as a gift, here's a song that a Bitter Old Punk should enjoy:

Forgotten Rebels - FMD
posted by jonmc 13 April | 08:23
Almost forgot, Happy Birthday!
posted by GeckoDundee 13 April | 08:26
I'll happily wish you a Happy 40th!
But, dude, you're a bartender ... you should be giving us free hooch.
posted by danostuporstar 13 April | 08:28
Happy Birthday!
posted by sisterhavana 13 April | 08:28
Many happy returns!
posted by amro 13 April | 08:53
Happy birthday, wot?
posted by go dog go 13 April | 08:55
Happy birthday, BOP!
posted by gaspode 13 April | 09:04
Whoo! Welcome to the 40 club!
posted by matildaben 13 April | 09:16
Happy Birfday, Ptooo...
posted by Divine_Wino 13 April | 09:26
Happy Birthday, BitterOle man!
posted by carmina 13 April | 10:10
Happy Birthday, ya fat bastard. I'm afraid my shouty music selection at work is not as vast as one might like, but here's a song for you.

I would've sent "London Calling" but, well, you know.
posted by elizard 13 April | 10:27
Try the YSI link again, elizard?
posted by danostuporstar 13 April | 10:37
Have a 40 on your 40th! It helps. Cheers -
posted by chewatadistance 13 April | 10:42
Goddammit. Okay, once more. And to make up for it, something to kick up your Docs to.

Thanks for pointing it out, dano
posted by elizard 13 April | 10:43
Birthday wuffles!
posted by Specklet 13 April | 11:37
Happy Birthday!!
posted by arse_hat 13 April | 14:05
w00t! Happy Birthday!
posted by pieisexactlythree 13 April | 15:48
Hoppy Burfday, Punk!
posted by deborah 13 April | 16:53
Happy birthday, you youngster. (My little sister turns 40 next week.)
posted by jlkr 13 April | 20:57
hbaiptptyebreolladtpeudnk (as much enmeshed as I could make it)
posted by brujita 14 April | 00:04
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