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There are certainly some creepy leches in comics. There's a fellow who has a high profile project to his credit. When he's sober he's a little odd. When he's drunk he turns into someone so grabby and obnoxious that I won't be around him when there's any alcohol around. Most of the women I know feel the same way about him, and men I know have ejected him from parties because of his bad behavior. Of course, I won't post his name here, but any lady who would like a warning is free to approach me at a con and I'll tell you who to stay away from.
I've also seen comic book groupies throwing themselves at comic book stars, with wanted groping the result. If people want to do that, it's their own business, but if it creates an atmosphere that I think is unsafe, I leave. That's the way it is when you're a girl or a woman -- sometimes you have to retreat to the higher ground.
It's not like it's a huge difference in how far away the theaters are, and the one I go to is a bit nicer anyway, so all in all it's not any real imposition on my life, but it's just that I'm making constant calculations like that without even really realizing it -- and that's kinda sad.
I guess I actually think that inculcating fear in women is simply another form of oppression.