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Application of regression analysis showed that the total lifetime number of sexual partners in both surveyed years was related to age, living outside marriage/cohabitation, living in a large town, falling in love many times, early timing of the sexual debut, frequent sexual intercourse, present masturbation, the use of alcohol before the last sexual intercourse and regarding religion as only slightly important. A large number of sex partners is thus associated with aging, independence, a lively and versatile sex life and a secular lifestyle.
Accent -- I can do about a hundred different ones, and do so often. I've forgotten what my "natural" speech sounds like.
BoozeBeverage of choice -- Water goes with anything. (Booze is for escaping reality; I embrace reality... xXxstr8xedgexcorexXx)
Chore I hate -- Cleaning
Dog or cat -- Pet? Allergic. Which am I most like? A cat.
Essential electronics -- All of them.
Favorite cologne -- None, or my own manly pheromones (they seem to work alright)
Gold or silver? -- Nah. I hate jewelry.
Hometown -- KC, MO
Insomnia? -- Of course.
Job title -- N/A
Kids -- N/A
Living arrangement -- Rent, 1BR, NO ROOMMATES.
Most admired trait -- In me, or others?
Number of sexual partners -- Who ever's up for whatever. Never done more than two, though.
Overnight hospital stays -- N/A
Phobias -- N/A
Quote -- "N/A" - anonymous
Religion -- Nope.
Siblings -- Yep.
Time I wake up -- 7AM (trying for six, some day it'll be 5 again)
Unusual talent -- All of mine are unusual.
Vegetable I refuse to eat -- Tomatoes are fruits.
Worst habit -- MetaChat when I should be napping.
X-rays -- shoot from my eyes.
Yummy foods I make -- Bees make honey. I go to the store.
Zodiac sign -- Monkey